Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie talks to CNN's Chris Cuomo about the election and how President Donald Trump and some Republicans have refused to concede.
#CNN #News
Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie talks to CNN's Chris Cuomo about the election and how President Donald Trump and some Republicans have refused to concede.
#CNN #News
Christie spent months being cavalier about the pandemic and now he’s taking it seriously only after he got it. Jersey doesn’t miss you one bit.
It’s time to Except your Fraudulent Elect President Biden.
@hua zhang
Steve Schmidt>
How can you miss all 500 lbs of him
Seltzer like Christie needs to learn portion control….
Oh, so now he cares about masks because it personally affected him.
Harald Schmidt, an expert in ethics and health policy at the University of Pennsylvania, told the New York Times essential workers should be prioritized over older adults because “Older populations are whiter.”
@Aaa Dwg no they dont
Chris Christie and William Barr are the villains at the end of the movie who have a sudden change of heart before pulling the trigger.
At least they’re smart enough to jump from a sunken ship. Bar and Christie still can’t be Trusted.
Earthly Christmas celebration

was just a shadow of soon Coming Heavenly/Christ’s kingdom on Earth ( Rev 11v15; Rev 21; Matt 6v10; 2 Peter 3v13; Isaiah 66; )……I pray that No more earthly Xmas celebration from 2020….I pray that righteousness, Truth & Peace dwelling Christ’s kingdom Come to earth from 2020
….“Glory to my Father in Heaven in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom Heaven is pleased.” (Luke 2v14)
………Then No more fear of Plague/COVID; No more fear of Voter Fraud; No more fear of Violence; No more fear of Evil-bind people & evil-bind forces [[earth Quake, storm,]]; No more human sufferings; etc., on Earth; …..Lord, King of kings’ with us/Emmanuel ( Matt 1v22; Isaiah 7v14; ) 

It’s time to Except your Fraudulent Elect President Biden.
@stray fiftynine at least you can admit he won
@Vera Michelle Yes he got more votes.
I wonder if Christie will be shocked when Trump tosses him under the bus.
For those who experienced and lost loved ones with this virus. Here’s a song for you. (One sweet day) video by Daryl Ong.
Trump hardly knew Chris. Trump and Chris never spoke. Never met the man.
President Trump’s “most important speech”
It’s time to Except your Fraudulent Elect President Biden.
The bus probably won’t survive lol
Didn’t he take his family to the beach when they had closed the beaches down? Same guy?
Being ‘friends’ with Trump = I am Trump. You are what you surround yourself with.
@victor adidas
YouTube deleted my comment.
While Beau Biden was being consumed by worms, Hunter Biden was plowing the Earth with his wife.
Nice Catholic president you elected who would raise a man to sleep with his brother’s wife (The wife of a dead war hero no less)
@Zaynab bint Al-Harith proof?
Dementia Joe must be a basement then.
It is said: “Reality has a particular way of hitting you in the nose if you are not paying attention”.
@Courtney Scott karma and reality.
@Kepler Mission Exactly!!!
Foh yes
oh wow
Believe me he NOSE I mean KNOWS.
“I wore a mask, then let my guard down for four days”. Now THATS BULLSHIT!
He wanted to be a friend of Donald Trump. That why he did not wear Masks.
Zoh wow
oh yes
Call me a cynic but with Christie’s “bridge” history and his stated future political ambitions, I suspect he’s just another Republican rat getting off the sinking Trump Titanic …..
Christie has been fighting Trump since Christie got Covid.
@Donna Brockbank
*Christie has been fighting Trump since Christie got Covid.*
Sure, it took him getting COVID to take this pandemic seriously, but Christie did squat before that and supported Trump in all his factless BS and claims. So no, Christie is not a good person. He is an opportunist and that”s why he supported Trump and still does. Just because he is talking against some of the things Trump is doing now, does not automatically excuse him for not standing up to Trump in the past!
@valveman12 no it doesn’t. He is a Republican and admittedly Trump’s friend. He was wrong but he does diserve to be recognized for standing up to Trump but like Mitt Romney, Trump can’t do anything to punish him.
@Donna Brockbank

*He was wrong but he does diserve to be recognized for standing up to Trump*
Really? What about the past 4 years when he promoted Trump’s insane BS?
*_Where was Christie_* when Trump ignored the intelligence reports that stated Russia is paying bounties on American Troops?
*_Where was Christie,_* and why didn’t he speak out against this? Several other Republicans and Democrats spoke up and were disgusted with Trump and his ad-MNION-stration!
*_Where was Christie_* as Trump was calling those who served and gave the ultimate sacrifice, *_LOSERS, and SUCKERS?_*
*_Where was Christie_* calling out Trump for doing nothing about this pandemic to go Golfing?
Just because he finally recognizes the seriousness of this pandemic, does not excuse his past actions…
*_Crusty Christie_* has clearly demonstrated he is an opportunist who, like Trump, puts his own interests ahead of the American People that he swore an oath to defend through the Constitution!
Chris Christie is not a “good guy” a good guy would have stood up for what was right this whole time and not get burned twice.
Stood up for what. Your lies and delusions. Cheaters.
Zoh wow
oh yes
Yup Christie is corrupt AF. “Facts matter” is a joke. He’s realized that Donny is a loose cannon and doesn’t want to be incriminated.
“He’s a friend of mine”
That’s all we need to know mr Christie
Foh wow
oh yes
Friends tell others friends that they are straight up liars and tell them to stop the Bullshit Chris…you don’t stand by a liar whether they are friends or not
Noh wow
oh yes
If only we all had the courage to shake our heads disapprovingly when our friends do everything in their power to attempt to subvert American democracy and install themselves as supreme leader.
Don’t do anything more than that though; you wouldn’t want to jeopardize your friendship.
“Ex” Trump ally…….sour grapes now…kicked out by Jared.
“Don’t do what I do.” It takes guts to say that. Partisanship has deeply divided US, stepping out of line these days gets you criticized from both parties. Hopefully he can warn and get across to more Americans.
There’s a thin line between supporting lying friends and enabling.
Chris saying “IT’S BULLSHHT” surprised me lol.
Christie doesn’t get to be a “good guy” for speaking up when it’s “safe” to talk. He fell right in line with the rest of the GOP all 4 years. He doesn’t get a free pass!
Christie was still towing the trump line ONLY 2 months ago when he was coaching Orange Julius for the debates. Or should I say debate (not plural?)
With a friend like you President Trump sure doesn’t need any enemies! You are all talk Mr. Christie! Shame on you
Chris Christie is as corrupt as the rest of them. We need to do away with these fake politicians.
Foh wow
oh yes
it almost feels genuine, but he said he’s friends with djt. so….
Goh wow
oh yes
For a man so rotund, Chris Christie sure can dance… around questions.