Top secret spy planes reveal details about China’s spy balloon

As tensions between the US and China escalate following the US downing and recovery of a suspected spy balloon, CNN's Will Ripley takes a look at the claims made by the respective countries and details surrounding the balloon and China's vast military surveillance program.
#CNN #News


    1. @Moderator of Youtube
      Sounds like the West. Always reaching their hands in other people’s pockets, tren crying foul when their hand gets slapped away.

    2. It is more like we the U.S. is the one playing victim like a cry baby, as if we want to win sympathy points from the rest of the world. This should embarrass every American. If you don’t think the outside world already knows, or you don’t know that we are the biggest in spying, and all of them are at the receiving end of our spying, you should find out what CIA stands for. Or ask our friend and ally Angela Merkel.

    1. ​@デヴィン Most non-Asian Americans cannot distinguish Japanese kana from Chinese logograms. Just ignore their ignorance 🤣🤣

  1. “highly irresponsible and violate basic diplomatic protocols” ???!!! 😂 🤣 😂 totally not at all like sending a blatant spy balloon over your country 🤦‍♂

    1. 任何卫星都能做到的事,完全不需要气球🎈美国媒体没事做了吧?下次美国的气象气球飞过中国领空,呼吁我们的政府用核弹打下来!!

    2. Five antennas and a huge solar panel. Do you really believe this is how a surveillance balloon is defined? A payload? Do they tell you a data payload and a malicious payload? Do they really wish for peace between nations?

    1. Seriously, it’s too late in the game for false bravado. Maybe back when the USA was still sovreign at least, but not now.

    2. Sure. We’ll keep sending 2 thousand dollar balloons over for 10s of millions of dollars of fuel and missle cost on the US. Sound good to me.

    1. An object from a country flying over another country without its consent ( lower than a certain altitude ) is very much a violation to the international law, since you government are supposed to be controlling your toys you are responsible for what happened. So yes, at the very least China will have to pay ( refund ) all the money that have been spent for the whole operation and subsequent inspections. Whether or not the object purpose was to actively spy on the usa is something we will probably never know for sure, and whatever the USA claims to find it will be the International Justice Court to deliberate, they don’t take the part of the usa or china, they will evaluate the whole situation with all the proof of the case.

    2. Well Joe follows the Elite’s orders…..just like the Southern border….keep allowing millions of illegals in….third world country eventually….that is the goal.

    3. So we did, what was the consequence? 5 million dollars worth of missiles and 3 million dollars worth of mobilisation cost for 2000 dollar balloon. Maybe we should send more over.

  2. What about a recap of “China balloons” spotted or shot down over South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Japan sovereign airspace in 2015–2018?

  3. In laymen’s terms, this seems to be the conversation between the US and China:
    US: Why do you have a spy balloon over our country?
    China: It’s not a spy balloon, it’s just a weather balloon!
    US: We have weather balloons, we know what they look like, the payload on this balloon is not a weather balloon payload, that is spy equipment
    China: You don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s a weather balloon
    US: It’s a spy balloon
    US: 💥 There, we shot it down
    China: We all know who does all the spying on this planet!
    US: Not even gonna deny that, we sure as hell do, but at least we admit it when caught.
    China: I’m gonna tell on you, you’re gonna be in big trouble!
    US: Do your worst!

    1. You people that voted for Biden should be proud of yourself. Now we’re slipping into World War III. I knew this would happen if this communist trader got in control, weak weak man.

    2. @Tyler Libby No cause U.S has been flying U2 missions over other countries since 1950s. China has every right to spy on U.S military assets and communications.

    3. People who believe what America says are the most stupid people in the world. Moreover, what is said by America is we believe or believe? Smart people do not need a belief but concrete evidence.

    4. The same conversation happened between the USA and USSR in the 70s when the USA sent spy balloons over the USSR.

  4. When China’s spy balloon was spying on our Missile silos Chinese coming in the border went up 800%. Coincidence?

  5. “This particular balloon may have been dispatched without the knowledge of Xi, also without the knowledge of senior PLA and communist party leaders.”
    Yeah right. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    1. @michael Ro You are so sadly misinformed. Who told you half the country or the people who did not for Joe are automatically “Fascists”? I hope you realize the country has always had more than one political party, some more popular than others, true. But, it the best system for Checks and Balances in government.
      All I can think, Joe doesn’t have good policies, so, all that’s left is Demonize the other side. My Dad is buried at Arlington Cemetery. He was No Fascist or Bigot, nor is any member of his Family and Friends. You automatically assume the worst, without Knowing anything

    2. @michael Ro Wow, I haven’t hear of a Democrat being this Rallied Up since Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation Took Away Your SLAVES

    3. @Nancy King This Republican party used to be the party of Lincoln and now it is a party of trump, yes Putin’s apprentice.
      If you are looking for the new residence of racist kkk ,white supremacists nazi sympathizers etc. It is this Republican party.

    1. Oh, I’d love to see that! The more China whines about our response, the more I want to Washing milk this for all it’s worth!

    2. Lmao China ain’t paying you a dime. Infact you owe China a trilion dollars in debt. Fork it out dude otherwise China will repo your country bahahaha

    3. @radiorob7543  China: “Bill denied! here’s a bill for the labour cost of receiving and denying your bill”. What you gonna do??

    1. 💐Peace Be With You💐
      We invite you to the Religion of Islam, as
      you may find peace.
      💎ISLAAM💎 is the latest revelation from The Almighty Allah (God) for all the humankinds worldwide.
      If you die as a non-Muslim, according to Holy Qur’an there’d be an eternal punishment in the hell fire for other religions will be invalid and it’ll have consequences, since 1400 years, The Rules Apply.
      Suggestion: Do some research about all the Religions, and then choose the Religion That Makes most Sense.
      Welcome To ISLAAM 💚💐

  6. China : It sets a horrible precedent that you shoot down our feeble attempts to spy on you when you get to do it without us having a chance to retaliate.
    US : Don’t hate the player hate the game.

    1. Does this idiot seriously think China has no way of spying on you without flying a balloon over your borders. In case you been living under a rock since ww1, the chess is being played by both parties and the pieces are called Satellites.

  7. An object from a country flying over another country without its consent ( lower than a certain altitude ) is very much a violation to the international law, since you government are supposed to be controlling your toys you are responsible for what happened. So yes, at the very least China will have to pay ( refund ) all the money that have been spent for the whole operation and subsequent inspections. Whether or not the object purpose was to actively spy on the usa is something we will probably never know for sure, and whatever the USA claims to find it will be the International Justice Court to deliberate, they don’t take the part of the usa or china, they will evaluate the whole situation with all the proof of the case.

  8. Some people who seem to be “unreasonable” may have a personality disorder.

    “Unreasonable” people include those who make demeaning comments disguised as “jokes” or who manipulate others.

    When dealing with an unreasonable person, it’s important to give up the hope that they will become the person one wishes they would be.

  9. The mere fact that countries – be it Canada, the US or any other nation managed to let these airships violate their air space dumbfounds me.

  10. Expectation: Maverick one shots 5th gen Su-57 using 3rd gen F14.
    Reality: F22 fires multiple shots at air balloon and miss.

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