Russia's Defense Ministry says its troops are preparing to withdraw from a large part of the occupied Ukrainian region of Kherson. CNN's Nic Robertson has more.
#NicRobertson #CNN #russiaukrainewar
Top Russian general announces retreat from key city of Kherson

Russia should just quit instead of getting more and more humiliated.
Russian leadership should quit on life
It is not a retreat, it’s a “special military relocation”.
@Luisito Comunista Parents siblings?
@Nick Wannabe What I mean to say is that you speak like you’re on a sugar rush. Tone it done, idk what you’re even saying
@Luisito Comunista You don’t know what you mean and you don’t know what I’m saying.
Try Google 
The bear hunt the tiger
@Nick Wannabe You snorted the good Colombian quality
Western definition of accident :- ‘An unplanned misadventure’. Russian definition of accident :- ‘A planned misadventure’.
Putin has never used the word, ‘retreat’. What Putin says is ‘strategic withdrawal’ or ‘strategic relocation’. Why now is the word ‘retreat’ being used?
yah the Russian official died in a car accident since many tall buildings in Kherson are kaput, they cant throw him out from a window hence the car accident.
The state-run news there had a picture of him in his car not wearing a seatbelt. Then they went on to say people need to wear their seatbelts due to the dangers while they are driving. Like the seatbelt had anything to do with his demise.
@Tony Sargent hahahha yah they used a catapult too hahaha they have to keep up appearances
@Tony Sargent usually out of a room with no windows
@Jay Kolinsky they were being sarcastic about it. They’ve made other jokes before like when the Moskva ship sank, it was a smoking accident lol
The term is “defenestration”.
The bad acting by the Generals, and they suddenly caring about the soldiers should be enough of an alarm. Traps for sure, but damn or troops?
If you love Russia so much then move there or better go fight in Ukraine, I bet you would be among the first who cry how everything is horrible and pain.
Even a child understands that the partial withdrawal of Russian troops from Kherson and the camouflage of the remaining, most likely the DRG, in civilian clothes, with the mined Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station hanging over Kherson, is a mousetrap. Kherson, unfortunately, in this case plays the role of cheese.
They are running out of cannon fodder, they need some for later!!
@Nata T just encircle the city and avoided it for time being. It still count under Ukrainian control.
Until the west tries to understand the real concern of Russia and why they started this conflict, we will never have peace and Ukrainians will continue to be the meat carrying US weapons…. very sad. One always has to think but why does this guy become angry? Because saying this is an unprovoked conflict and that Putin is Hitler or mad is plain naive, stupid or evil as it will continue if not escalate the conflict. Russia was provoked by Nato and all 150 million Russians agree to this. So you can kill Putin but the other 149,999,999 will still believe it even more fervently.
Andrei Turchak, secretary general of Russia’s ruling United Russia party during his visit in Kherson in May: “Russia is here to stay forever. There should be no doubt about it. There will be no return to the past”.
@William Shaw One pull back? Kyiv region, Kharkiv region and now Kherson… can you count to three? And those were just the major ones. Also nobody buys the nzi nonsense except Russian propaganda gobblers. Everybody else knows it’s just a manipulative rhetoric to demonize Ukraine to make common people in Russia who don’t care about geopolitics support the invasion.
Partial withdrawal of Russian troops from Kherson and the camouflage of the remaining, most likely the DRG, in civilian clothes, with the mined Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station hanging over Kherson, is a mousetrap. Kherson, unfortunately, in this case plays the role of cheese.
@Sina Bagheri Sarvestani I haven’t seen bigger load of vomit in a while… “I’m not here to take side but I think only one side is fully to blame without a doubt” wth? Are you even listening to yourself? Russia’s peace plan equals ultimatum and extortion whereby they keep everything they currently occupy. Since when an invaded nation is obliged to cede the occupied territory to an aggressor? “Ukraine’s government has lost the war”??? I would like to know what articles you’ve been reading. And you say NATO shouldn’t expand to areas where it has no business, but Russia can expand anywhere it pleases? Pure genius… NATO doesn’t beg countries to join it, the countries are looking to the alliance for protection from Russian regime’s aggression. Some of them have been invaded by Russia in the past, including my own. I’d say inform yourself better but I think you are just another Putler apologist who just tries to put on pretense of being “neutral”.
Until the west tries to understand the real concern of Russia and why they started this conflict, we will never have peace and Ukrainians will continue to be the meat carrying US weapons…. very sad. One always has to think but why does this guy become angry? Because saying this is an unprovoked conflict and that Putin is Hitler or mad is plain naive, stupid or evil as it will continue if not escalate the conflict. Russia was provoked by Nato and all 150 million Russians agree to this. So you can kill Putin but the other 149,999,999 will still believe it even more fervently.
@ahenstew85 You act like you have a crystal ball or take confession from Putler himself that you know why he decided to invade. If that’s not the case you and everyone else can only assume. That 150 million Russians claim NATO provoke them is like the most irrelevant argument you could come up with. It’s like when Hawley claimed that every voter he talked to said that the 2020 election was stolen. Well if their beloved president says over and over on social media how he was robbed of victory by the evil democrats, his base will jump at it. Similarly, when Russian state TV repeats over and over how much of a threat NATO is, they will believe it and repeat it. Not to mention they have been feeding them this nonsense since NATO’s inception. I know because I was born in cold war era Warsaw pact country and had to listen to the same thing.
We retreat from Kherson, and as mark of respect to our brave Ukrainian adversaries, we present magnificent wooden horse.
@ahenstew85 Wahaa haa haa haa haa

Well put.! That was a f#%king joy to read.. Support for Russia from New Zealand 

@Connor Dorsey Hey.. Dorki dorsey.. “What do you pay for your energy bill,”? “Atleast when it starts to get really cold,”? As in freezing cold.. “You could as your parents to hug
you.” Wahaa haa haa haa 
”As for what,”? Season New Zealand will be in..? Well Dorki dorsey.. I’ll be enjoying the beaches lakes and rivers, for it will be “Summer..” Wahaa haa haa haa 

Support for Russia from New Zealand 

@Maximilian Benzon proving my point
@Connor Dorsey Wahaa haa haa haa
‘You are weak in everyway, ‘Dorki dorsey.’ Wahaa haa haa haa 

Support for Russia from New Zealand 

@Connor DorseyWahaa haa haa haa haa

And you.. “My weak cowardly little anglo saxon Dog..” You’ve been providing me.. “Yes me, your master and chief..” With some very entertaining laughter,’
It’s been a real joy..

Just knowing how f#%ked off you are.. “That people all around the world don’t give a f#@k about you, your country or what you think…” No one gives a flying f@#k ookrainians either..! Wahaa haa haa haa 

Support for Russia from New Zealand 

except attacking civilians and energy infrastructure in Ukrainian cities, Iran’s Kamikaze drones did not offer much on the battlefield to keep Kherson under Russian occupation
I’ve been reading news articles about this war since it began , I’m not here to take sides but I think Ukraine’s president and army chief is fully to blame without a doubt , I support a peaceful settlement where POW’s are retuned home on both sides and both sides sign a cease-fire agreement , Russia has offered a few peace plans , Ukraine has rejected it , both side need to continue peace talks , I think most people in Russia and Ukraine would support a peace plan , Ukraine’s government has lost the war , its time for peace talks and for a cease-fire and a return to the Minsk agreement or whatever agreement is agreed on
I think here in America and also in NATO as a collective , we can’t afford to expand to area’s where we have no business , we should stay in western Europe , I think over all NATO has made great progress in terms of maintaining a strong European and American security and also economic growth
The media have done an outstanding job of subtly transforming the basic Russian physiognomy to villainy in my subconscious mind.
yes, and thats something that people dont seem to realize the media is good at doing, im glad at least someone is paying attention
Don’t be sad Russians. Sometimes you lose and sometimes your opponent wins.
@Because You Assume That’s Proof lmao troll account, did you create it just now to defend your sugar daddy Putin??
@Nick Wannabe uhhhhh south sudan?
Because here in italy (one of the european country most dependent on russia ) its pretty fine, gas cost double but wats that thing about power? and water?
Dude we are not the sahara
Until the west tries to understand the real concern of Russia and why they started this conflict, we will never have peace and Ukrainians will continue to be the meat carrying US weapons…. very sad. One always has to think but why does this guy become angry? Because saying this is an unprovoked conflict and that Putin is Hitler or mad is plain naive, stupid or evil as it will continue if not escalate the conflict. Russia was provoked by Nato and all 150 million Russians agree to this. So you can kill Putin but the other 149,999,999 will still believe it even more fervently.
@ahenstew85 Russian already lost more then half of there soldiers and have to pull from there reserves, so in the future Russia will be no threat to nobody.
@Nick Wannabe glad God is protecting you because he sure isn’t protecting the over 100,000 dead Russian soldiers. Maybe because they’re murdering people for no reason other than a Putin land grab.
This Russian General reminds me of Dr. No, his words do not match his deeds. I can imagine him setting all kinds of traps for Ukrainian armed forces. His evil character does not require much acting skill.
What then if they withdraw across the river then turn the city into rubble like they did to Mariupol?
they’ll stuff it full of human shield sandbags and then show us pictures of the dead with a “look what Putin did” again …is all
It is called “war reparations” The loser has to PAY for the damage it caused so that means new bridges, new apartments all paid by Russia./Such was the fate of Germany with the treaty of Versailles. for WW1 &WW2
I’ve been reading news articles about this war since it began , I’m not here to take sides but I think Ukraine’s president and army chief is fully to blame without a doubt , I support a peaceful settlement where POW’s are retuned home on both sides and both sides sign a cease-fire agreement , Russia has offered a few peace plans , Ukraine has rejected it , both side need to continue peace talks , I think most people in Russia and Ukraine would support a peace plan , Ukraine’s government has lost the war , its time for peace talks and for a cease-fire and a return to the Minsk agreement or whatever agreement is agreed on
I think here in America and also in NATO as a collective , we can’t afford to expand to area’s where we have no business , we should stay in western Europe , I think over all NATO has made great progress in terms of maintaining a strong European and American security and also economic growth
Until the west tries to understand the real concern of Russia and why they started this conflict, we will never have peace and Ukrainians will continue to be the meat carrying US weapons…. very sad. One always has to think but why does this guy become angry? Because saying this is an unprovoked conflict and that Putin is Hitler or mad is plain naive, stupid or evil as it will continue if not escalate the conflict. Russia was provoked by Nato and all 150 million Russians agree to this. So you can kill Putin but the other 149,999,999 will still believe it even more fervently.
Putin Could be moving troops out of nuclear range. He’s crazy enough to do it
My thoughts exactly
So is this the end for Russia’s Invasion?
Putin: Well, I don’t really think the end can be assessed, uh, as of itself as being the end because what does the end feel like? It’s like saying when you try to extrapolate the end of the universe, you say, if the universe is indeed infinite, then how – what does that mean? How far is all the way and then if it stops, what’s stopping it, and what’s behind what’s stopping it? So, what’s the end, you know………is my question to you.
wtf was this?
It’s not a retreat! It’s a special military advance to the rear!
@Sina Bagheri Sarvestani I dont know too much either but I do know that Ukraine turned independent once the USSR collapsed. Just like how Georgian and Armenian and other countries chose to be independent. So technically, Russia doesn’t own them anymore.
Until the west tries to understand the real concern of Russia and why they started this conflict, we will never have peace and Ukrainians will continue to be the meat carrying US weapons…. very sad. One always has to think but why does this guy become angry? Because saying this is an unprovoked conflict and that Putin is Hitler or mad is plain naive, stupid or evil as it will continue if not escalate the conflict. Russia was provoked by Nato and all 150 million Russians agree to this. So you can kill Putin but the other 149,999,999 will still believe it even more fervently.
@Sina Bagheri Sarvestani That referendum was rumored to be staged. There were no impartial witnesses and, though Russia claims that it became part of Russia, Ukraine and most of the world didn’t recognize it as Russia, and instead that it remained part of Ukraine.
Urkaine should invade Russia now!
Ukraine needs to make this retreat as costly as possible to degrade the combat capability of those troops.
Oh yes they know that …. but what if it’ s trap
Russia going from offensive to defensive to retreat! Pretty much says it all! Wow!!!
Finally some sense , we dont need to be fighting wars for no reason.
I cant actually think many good reasons to ever have a war
President Zelensky, the Ukrainian people and Volunteers from around the world may have prevented WW3 with their sacrifices.
@Sina Bagheri Sarvestani