US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov for the first time since the war in Ukraine began more than a year ago. #CNN #News
Top Russian and US officials have rare talk. Hear what happened

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov for the first time since the war in Ukraine began more than a year ago. #CNN #News
I’m afraid the only lesson small nations under the Russian threat without solid defensive alliances will draw from this is “If you don’t have nukes, get them, if you already have nukes, never give them up.”
You are right. But change the phrase to “under the United States threat”
That’s what the Iranians say
and if you are not a NATO member – apply ASAP!
Lavrov looks like a creature out of Star Wars
Lavrov its a
Darth Vader without the helmet
One thing is clear: that guy is not an ethnic Russian. Egyptian maybe.
“We are not Retreating. We are Advancing in Reverse.”
I repeat : “We are Advancing in Reverse. We are not Retreating.”
Lavrov trying to use reverse psychology
@Thomas Armsworthy Jr Iran is already involved and China is not going to get involved in this war. They have way to much to lose in commerce.
It’s a special reverse-advancement maneuver, Comrades.
doublespeak perfect example
Lavrov is not a diplomatic Diplomat. He threatens and lies and is a Russian mafioso Oligarch but diplomat, no!
Yes,I am still interested.
@Joe ROGAIN Star Trek
“Those who can make you believe absurdities (Putin/Lavrov/Stalin/Molotov) can make you commit atrocities.”
Yes,I am still interested.
You don’t have to be forced. You are committing atrocities without it.
Joe ROGAIN. Go look in the mirror, and ask the World for their opinion.
War is not the ultimate thing, but rather a waste of time, energy and reaources. it’s foolish for governments to choose war and make people suffer when the basis of the problem is simply their ego.
But is a way to make money , for those that make Weapons , . And those to abide in govermernts
Well said my friend
In the particular case of Ukrayne,is not the will of Zelenskyy who demanded war: the last national referendum a.month and so ago,ukrainian people voted with superiority of 92% they do not wat to give any land to Russia an ontinue the war of resistance.Zelenskyy has not the right of the people for unilaterally go to egotiations and peace.And remember,besides to obey the will of ukrainian,he is also an ukraynian of heart.
It is not a war, no one declared war on anyone,
Huge thanks to our defenders. Today, I arrived in Kyiv by train from abroad, and was able to visit my house for the first time in almost 12 months. I have electricity for most of the day and my neighborhood is largely undestroyed. The buildings damaged during the winter-spring period were completely restored during the summer.
I strongly believe in our victory!
@Kunal Singh People call them Nazi’s because of groups like the Azov battalion, which is why Countries like Canada condemned them and refused to train any groups like the Azov battalion back in like 2015-16. If Ukraine didn’t officially incorporate them into their military and kept them at an arms length it would be a non-issue.
So my taxes and hard work went on ur problems tf
@jy233 Accounted created in 2021. Nice try.
Even the Soviet Union didn’t talk about their nukes when they were stuck in Afghanistan, that Putin has to mention his nukes tells you how pathetic his war has been, he didn’t calculate the totality of the backlash against what he is doing, he thought maybe some sanctions and that’s it, he would easily take over Ukraine and act all big and tough on the back of a horse. He didn’t consider Russia would turn into an international pariah.
Russian Federation is no way near to the mighty Soviet Union
@Abel Martinez Usa never tested nukes in South China Sea… Where did you that from ? Russia today ?
Lol yeah
The Russian Foreign Minister is the type of guy that will continue to argue that the ocean is dry
Blinken: I broke Lavrov in 10 minutes
Lavrov: What kind of imbecile is this
Blinken: I punched him in the nose!
Lavrov: Who are you to f***ing lecture me?!
In the US everyone is
But the US Secretary will go around the world and come back with nothing
It’s hilarious that the media thinks that they know what went on in that meeting.
They issue what is called a press communiqué. Now if you prefer thinking they talked about their respective Lego collection…
The media never said that
Lol yeah
Whom Can We Trust If No One Is Trustworthy?
One of my favorite quips from Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is when Tom is defined as “a glittering hero…the pet of the old, the envy of the young,” and there were “some that believed that he would be President, yet, if he escaped hanging.” With these few words, Twain captured the essence of leadership in our world. Those who get to the top are the fiercest, most determined, and most ruthless. Today, the latter quality has become so intense that we can no longer believe our leaders, and certainly not trust them to have our best interest in mind.
I am not accusing any leader in particular, or even leaders as a whole. It is simply that in an egoistic world, where people vie to topple one another on their way to the top, the one at the top is clearly the one who trampled over and knocked down more people than anyone else. Concisely, to get to the top in an egoistic world you have to be the biggest egoist.
So how do we know whom to trust? We don’t know and we cannot know. All we know is that we are in the dark.
In a culture of unhinged selfishness, any conspiracy theory seems reasonable, while truth is nowhere to be found. When every person who says or writes something is trying to promote some hidden agenda, you have no way of knowing who is right, what really happened, or if anything happened at all.
The only way to get some clarity in the news and goodwill from our leaders is to say “Enough!” to our current system and build something entirely independent. The guiding principle of such a system should be “information only,” no commentary. Commentary means that information has already been skewed. Information means saying only what happened, as much as possible, not why, and not who is to blame and who we should praise.
Concurrently, we must begin a comprehensive process of self-teaching. We have to know not only what is happening, but why we skew and distort everything. In other words, we have to know about human nature and how it inherently presents matters according to its own subjective view, which caters to one’s own interest. To “clear” ourselves from that deformity, we must learn how to rise above our personal interest and develop an equally favorable attitude toward others. This is our only guarantee that our interpretation of things will be even and correct.
Once we achieve such an attitude, we will discover that the bad things we see in our world reflect our own, internal wickedness. Our ill-will toward others creates a world where ill-will governs, and so the world is filled with wickedness and cruelty. Therefore, all we need in order to create positive leadership—and to generally eliminate ill-will from the world—is to generate goodwill within us. When we nurture goodwill toward others, we will fill the world with goodwill. As a result, the world will fill with kindness and compassion. By changing ourselves, we will create a world that is opposite from the world we have created through our desires to govern, patronize, and often destroy other people.
One of few well thought out posts!
Yes,I am still interested.
That would ne mice if there were not rampant greed.
Hope you feel better after that essay!
Every move they make is a lesson to be learned about how they work, and the examples they set are priceless. As an institution that is supposed to be made up of leaders, I appreciate the lessons I’ve learned from them on what is acceptable.
I really hope they can sort this out.
The world needs a peaceful resolution
@David Haynes Where the lie please tell me
True but first the Russian army must be defeated. Only then negotiations about a complete withdrawal from Ukraine can take place. The problem is that Russia will be so political weakened and economically struggle that a split of Russia state is a big risk leader in Kremlin is afraid of. As a former KGB agent in DDR Putin remembers the fall of Berlin wall and Soviet Union as a consequence of Russian army withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Bring, most, this, of war these to comments are deleted
Makes a lot of sense. I know if
were attacked. I be damn if I would leave. Leaving is not an option when it’s your home. I will make my last stand defending my home and my community.
Why you’re busy worrying about Ukraines border your country’s being invaded by over 5 million people a year
May God be with you and the troops.
Yet Americas would take the War to past their shadows until Night falls onto Days graves.
That ending report is an amazing single take from a cinematography point of view
India has done exceedingly well into getting a platform for them to have am open discussion … But if the 2, don’t even wanna talk to each other in the same room then how could we visualize an end to tis painful war at all
Visualise a Ukrainian military victory! Peace will follow.
It’s simply depressing, on so many levels
Saying that you managed to save 9 people from a Russian attack is like the slot machine telling me that I won 5 dollars after spending 50.
@PNH 6000 It’s implying that Ukraine plays some stupid gamble game and they had a real choice . It didn’t. Ukraine didn’t attack Russia .Whatever they did or not, it’s on their own territory and country and Russia has no rights to impose anything on Ukraine under the threats of violence.
@Aesop Victoria Nuland opened her mouth only after the revolt started.It’s still people of Ukraine who decided under which influence they want to be.And if they don’t want to be under Russian corruption anymore, that’s their choice.It’s still Russia who made military moves and annexed territory .So spare me the bullshit .
@Aesop If Chechens didn’t have a right to separate from the Russian Federation, why would ethnic Russians have a right to divide Ukraine ?
Fact : griner wasn’t wrongfully detained , she had an illegal drug in a foreign country
Much respect to these reporters getting so close to the frontlines. Stay safe.