White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany refused to denounce the Confederate flag during a press briefing after President Donald Trump bemoaned NASCAR's recent decision to ban it from all races and events. CNN's David Axelrod analyzes Trump's strategy of stoking racial divide in the nation to gain re-election.
#Trump #CNN #News
Shockingly racism, and nothing else, doesn’t win elections.
@evol1 Right, we must all vote…vote Trump right the hell out of the White House!
@evol1 Seeing how he keeps holding rallies that are getting people sick, I don’t think Mr. Bone spurs will have many followers if he keeps ignoring every warning health officials keep telling him.
@98LowDown or you could maga by going skydiving without a parachute
@XLSpiral 4 days ago he re tweeted “white power”. There you go. You’re welcome !
Covid-19 is very real. Trump and his administration very fake.
@Zach Addington the opposite is true sheeple
For something that is fake he sure is doing a lot of damage! Like saying a force five cyclone is a “fake hurricane. “
Before such baseless statements, check the facts. And that won’t come from CNN, fox or other mainstream regurgitated “news”
@Nikki Travis Yep, you love the deaths. You are a person that counts the cases. Honestly, My very pretty wife is a nurse of 20 years. She has triaged 1000’s of people. I’m sorry for your loss but in my state Covid isn’t the monster the media is making it out to be. So I can honestly tell you to STFU.
@Print Escape Llc hon finish your poptart and take your mountain dew outside. Your mom’s next customer is coming and she needs to tidy up the trailer
How could anyone still support Republican after what they did to America in the Trump’s regime era?
It’s just Trump man. He’s not fit to be a president. He conned his way to become president. He’s just a self obsessed narcissistic that hungers for power and attention from people and becoming president is the ultimate trophy for him to get that kind of attention.
Every time I see 40+ replies in 30 minutes, it’s from the right attacking the left to try and control the narrative with false information and half truths.
Here are the tactics they use, it’s disgusting. https://np.reddit.com/r/television/comments/hkuuwb/comedians_bryan_callen_brendan_schaub_test/fwvvok6/
@Loneplains Drifter The Dems are the ones trying to initiate a race war? That is fresh given that you support a president who retweets a video of someone screaming “white power.” Let me guess its the Dems fault he did that? As far as reasonable people coming to one side or the other. How come for the first time in history there are Conservative groups putting out ads against a sitting Republican president? If you want to see some reasonable people check out this page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC03-Q9vq-JyiStTnqasADVg
The people putting videos up on it are not just reasonable but are true patriots who put country ahead of party!
The GOP strategy for 2016 truly was prioritizing short term gains over long term trust
Trump came to the White House for the corruption, but stayed for the racism.
Putin has been the very worst US President ever.
@arya logo it was meant for dumb people. Thanks you. For your response
Hahahahha President Pukin Putin!
@Andrew Migneault hahaha get real
@John Alsop Are you an idiot?? There is NO EVIDENCE of Russia’s help to Trump. Senate didn’t find any evidence of conspiracy between Trump campaign and Russia! What are talking about??
You live in your own distorted world?
@Andrew Migneault ha ha. Your wit deserves a half response. So here it is. Ha
Trump hates liberals and minorities. You can’t “love the country” when you hate more than half of Americans.
@Greg Smith Donald Trump and his ilk and his minions are a perversion of the term “conservative”. I know conservatives, Ronald Reagan, the Bushes, , Howard Baker, Barry Goldwater, and a courageous Attorney General, Elliot Richardson. They all had their flaws, they all made mistakes, often the apologized for them. They had enough self awareness to know that they could often have done things better. They loved their country and yes, were politicians, but they often took an unpopular risk for the good of the country. In a couple of cases it cost them their jobs.
That narcissist that occupies the White House has no sense of self, no empathy for anything or anyone. The great religious believer who said, when asked, that he had absolutely nothing to ask forgiveness for. He also said at one point that he had nothing in his life, ever, that he was sorry for. THAT is a very dangerous person.
@Solstice of Snow you really should educate yourself on socialism. It’s probably not what fox made you believe it is. Socialist countries are the best educated and happiest countries on the planet. Don’t believe me? Just Google “Happiest countries”. The top 10 are socialist. Yep.
You guys also hate the whites Christians Americans as well , you hate their skin , you hate their history, you hate their religion, and you hate their lands , we saw that from your media you want to kill their bride, erase their history and their identity
@Solstice of Snow Than it sucks for you because not only are most Americans are far more liberal than the soviet union ever was, for instance homosexuality was illegal and around 25k were imprisoned on those grounds. Not only is america extremely Liberal the younger generations like millenials and Z are probably the most liberal generations in history. Honestly the only reason conservatives have ANY relevancy is because of the electoral college and thats it.
Mr. Bone spurs hates anyone who doesn’t worship him and feed his ego. I wouldn’t be surprised if he starts a civil war with his followers being his own personal militia, and then abandoning them so he can blame his followers and enablers for his failures.
I love the reporter who suggested The Whitehouse fly the Confederate flag !
Chicago is now the largest outdoor shooting range in America
I’m waiting for Trump to walk in to the press room wearing his Klan robe and pointed hat…
david Ha ya, I caught that too.
@evol1 He is the grand wizard in chief and rallies are thinly veiled Klan gatherings.
David Ellis it’s people like you that give the entire Democratic Party a bad name.
Trump had 3 yrs to prepare a truly formidible re-election campaign and this is the best he could do.
whats Biden doing stillhiding in his basement
@erin piccolo more plans than you
Everblue Freediving well he’s not going senile and hiding in his basement….hope that black female VP is a good one. Problem is they are having a hard time finding a decent candidate…..
Trump is down to 2 groups: the severely uneducated and the racists. Personally I think the 2 groups overlap.
@John Alsop you are the racist one saying that pple are so sick of the race card being used…’republicans freed the slaves…you are so dumbed down but cant blame you if all you watch is cnn n mainstream…wake up
The Press Secretary lies for Trump just like the rest of them also the people and media that makes excuses for him.
The time when one could call trump a joke is long past…
He hasn’t even tried to handle the covid 19 crisis in a tolerably responsible and sensible manner.
The so called president of the USA has now blood on his hands, due to his negligence, irresponsibility, immaturity, incompetence, ignorance, greed, narcissism, vileness, lack of empathy, lack of interest, immorality and stupidity. And also thanks to his lies, lies, lies, lies and more lies.
A mass murderer isn’t exactly much to laugh about.
And on top of that he’s trying to incite a civil war.
Trump was never a joke. He has always been dangerous.
Get um alex jones lol
And to think she said she wouldn’t lie..fist day on the job.. She good with the spins.. But not today chick..
Anyone who believe that is a moron
Trump is re victimizing Bubba Wallace for his deplorable base. #StopTrump
@GAY LIVES MATTER !!! You’re obviously an idiot. At least you don’t reproduce. Ever heard the story about Sodom and Gomorrah freak? How did you get your wires so crossed? Was it a relative that abused you?
Bubba was not a Damon victim of anything.
Bubba played victim like your boi smoulla
NASCAR lied about a garage door pull that is identified in the entire south. Bubba and other drivers pushed the very same lie. Everyones guilty. Including YOU!
You are not sane pete..
You’re right! They’re trying to distract us from the Russia Bounty issue! DONT’T let them succeed!
Trump has only one tactic: dog whistling.
@HemiHead664 hahahahaga remember when black lives matter threw an actual bomb in CNN headquarters 3 weeks ago?
All your other examples are as real as jussie Smollett being lynched.
@Garry Barry I just ignore NO CONTENT trolls like him.
Before such baseless statements, check the facts. And that won’t come from CNN, fox or other mainstream regurgitated “news”
@Relentless Kevin well considering what he tweeted about Joe Scarborough, and all he did was criticize him.
I find it really funny how trump can spend 72 years only working to make himself and his family rich, now he has a bunch of people thinking now at 73 years old he wants to help other people.
I think Trump knows he’s out of our lives in Nov and wants to go out with a bang. I would bet he thinks better to be disliked and talked about than liked and not talked about.
You got that on point ! This guy knows for a fact he’s done and wants to go out hard which he’s not . He’s very weak if he had taking his job seriously maybe he could had earn people’s respect and another term but basically this guy is horrible for humanity he only cares about him , only him.
“Any press is good press” seems to be something he lives by. Hopefully he will have a hard time seeing that press from his jail cell after hes voted out and indicted.
This Barbie creature McEnany should be placed in a store window where she can’t talk.
It’s just blablabla, blablablabla, blablabla coming out of this blond woman. Why is this woman even beeing there if she is saying nothing?
@Steve G okay, shaniqua
Because she is virtually nothing. Just a Mattel Barbie. Only Barbie didn’t talk.
Can she not wear da damn pendant wen she s lying fr boss
@Steve G Wow! What a well thought out and intelligent response… take you all evening to come with that?
For someone who claimed she would never lie from this podium she certainly seems to be able to lie like no other.
Why do zu believe she would never lie..U got fooled..after all look @ who she is working for.. The GREATEST LIAR I’ve ever seen in my 65 years on this earth…That man lies like its food & the fools accept his bs…
Well, she was lying when she said she wouldn’t lie. Just like the man in the big house. Believe the opposite of what ever they say
“Why don’t they fly it here?” awesome question
1) The American Flag
2) The Confederate Flag
Pick one. They are incompatible.
@Kevin Montrond Really? Then how do you explain the Harvard Professor and 2 Chinese nationalists that were arrested by the FBI in January carrying files of covid-19 stupid?
@Pete one Oh, yeah! Obama and Biden had a secret lab in China and created the Coronavirus to kill Americans and everyone else in the world that was funded by the American government? This is the Trump spell of stupidity of all his followers. Sad!
@Pete one or you could start taking your paranoid schizophrenia meds again
@Pete one I explain it by saying you watched a fake news video and didn’t read the actual facts. His arrest had zero to do with the coronavirus.
The Confederate flag already lost the war! It has no reason to be flown anywhere in the world much less the United States. Even on private property. The Confederate flag represents is a heritage of hate.
He’s trying to con his way out of a Pandemic but he’s failing miserably!
Some things can’t be conned.. Can’t be insulted.. Can’t be intimidated..
He’s swinging wildly. Lol
How. By giving you money. Oh you dont work. Loser