The Front Bench panel discusses the testimony of the CEOs of Canada's top three biggest grocery stores about high food prices.
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Corporate greed across the board
Vote NDP for better
I am now an NDP voter.
That’s rich….no no no no, Liberals and the NDP are the same party
Nobody trusts him. He’s hiding kickbacks under his turban.
Carbon tax not helping
How much profit did Loblaws make in the last few quarters? But yeah lets use the Carbon tax as a scapegoat for corporate greed.
@JoeShit TheRagMan when did I say they are not profiting off the backs of Canadians?
I guess you don’t understand the trickle down effect of the carbon tax.
@D. Papas Trickle-down economics is a term used in critical references to economic policies to say they disproportionately favor the upper end of the economic spectrum, i.e. wealthy investors and large corporations. In recent history, the term has been used broadly by critics of supply-side economics
It’s has nothing to do with the carbon tax.
Wages need to increase, especially minimum wage; provincial governments must enforce rental controls and regulate Airbnbs as well as condo development, and along with the municipal and federal governments invest in affordable QUALITY housing. Millionaires and billionaires have to pay their fair share of taxes across the board. The middle class must keep growing and government can help maintain and increase that growth by investing in Canadians and not hand out tax breaks to the wealthy.
They might figure it out only after flash mobs with riffles start raiding their local SuperStores and Walmarts in desperation. This is where all this is heading if MP and PM don’t get it together.
Remember this is the same guy that was found guilty of price fixing. So let that sink in.
Did he also raise gas prices and house prices? Thank your politicians.
@Crypto holica72 nothing to do with the topic. Try again
Walmart just raised tons of prices on food again!! Liquor stores raised all the 19.99 bottles to 22.99.
Our mortgage has doubled.
And yet none of them are in court being harassed lol
Thank Trudeau
The collapse of private sector unions has coincided with prolific wage-stagnation over the past few decades. Workers need to band together and fight for a livable wage from their employers.
Our grocers and oil industry aren’t the ones causing inflation, it is corporations that opt to offshore labor and subsequently charge exorbitant prices for goods and services produced by exploited labor abroad that worked with a fraction of the cost of Canadian laborers. What a shame!
Unless you’re in the industry and deal with these retailers. You don’t know what you are talking about..