Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) tells CNN's John Berman about the letter he and other Democrats wrote to Fox Chairman Rupert Murdoch about Fox News' handling of election lies. #CNN #News
Top Democrat blasts Fox News’ handling of election lies

So ….they Lied about the Lies from the world’s greatest Liar …now that’s journalistic integrity
Yes, any dissenting voices that stray from the main stream media message should be arrested and jailed… Just like any other dictatorship. Jail your opponents.
Damning state of affairs for the intelligence of Americans.
Adimit it and then apologize to all their viewers for knowingly exploiting them
People can question elections.
Call the Special Council, only his office can return the house back to the dems, with numerous Maga arrest.
Done : )
Good Day , I love your newsletters
Fox plays on public emotions, profits are always the driving motive.
Roe vs Wade decision was YUGE!
TRUMP 2024
I wish Dominion success. Also force Fox to tell their audience that they were LYING to them. otherwise they should call themselves the National Enquirer entertainment Channel, not a news channel
Many countries band CNN news
Dominion will lose.
When a threat is recognised, it is when it already shows the effects unless it is a counter threat which it won’t.
Done : )
Good Day , I love your newsletters
Ask for an apology?? ANYONE holding a government position caught lying should be sent to jail, we, the people are tired of all corrupt politicians.
Good Day , I love your newsletters
Agreed, no matter the “side” you happen to be on!!
They would all be in jail
As Mc Carthey, MTG, Gaetz in power and DeathSantis for president?

Fox “news” must always be in quotes.
Leader Schumer: I don’t recall Murdoch uttering a word of regret; he simply acknowledged he could have stopped the lies, but he didn’t. And, that it wasn’t Blue or Red. It was “green”. Green=Red to Murdoch.
Done : )
Good Day , I love your newsletters
What lie?
The people who perpetuated this lie for the sole purpose of not losing viewers should be banned for life from working in any form of media.
@MT MT no those others channels didn’t spread lies to become a threat to democracy.
@Joe Brown hahahahahahahaha.
We got him this time
Or boycott them and advertisers abandon them already!
Awwwwe isn’t that sweet!?

They sent a letter. That is so cute
Jim Jordan,Rick Perry and all the “other” republicans who it was “left up to” as far as the 2020 debacle are sweating as it falls apart.
good on them!!!
FCC should probably bring back the Fairness Doctrine.
Why was the democrat leadership in the Senate so frantically pursuing problems with Dominion systems in 2019?
Why did they drop it just prior to the 2020 election? Did they receive assurances that the issues would be in their favor?
Well said sir!
Let’s cut representative’s/congressman’s salaries, pensions and benefits
Does the Big Guy really have empathy?