A new survey from the James Beard Foundation found that only 1 in 5 restaurant owners in cities that are shutdown are certain they will be able to stay in business until things get back to normal. Chef and restuarant owner Tom Collichio weighs in. Aired on 4/17/2020.
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Top Chef Judge On ‘Restaurant Apocalypse’ In Wake Of Coronavirus Pandemic | All In | MSNBC
Yup, we can ALL thank Trump.. He could have fixed ALL this.. Incompetent and No Positive Business Experience, Zero Empathy and Zero Compassion for ANYONE Except Himself….
@RFI-Crypto Lab And why not? SO’S THE WHOLE FRICKEN COUNTRY. Should a mere man be above his country? I think not.
CBDMiracles, Remember you DemocRATs are why C O V I D 19 is so bad in New York, New Jersey, California, and the U.S. generally, while Cuomo was calling the China travel ban racist in his state of the State address this was going on.
https://www.wnd.com/2020/03/flashback-nyc-officials-actually-told-people-gather-groups/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=wnd-breaking&utm_campaign=breaking&utm_content=breaking How you Progs supercharged the Kung Flu in video form here. https://youtu.be/lZwFZXR620I
In fact without you Progressives we might have been able to keep the ChiComCrud out of the country for months or maybe until a vaccine was developed.
Don’t forget Nancy Pelosi Helped spread the Commie Cough in California too. https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/nancy-pelosi-visits-san-franciscos-chinatown/2240247/
Thanks a heap Demoscum.
@Doc Malthus
Why are liberals so unpleasant to be around?
1) They’re unhappy: Study after study shows that conservatives are happier people than liberals. The difference can be staggering.
In 2004, people who said they were conservative or very conservative were nearly twice as likely to say they were very happy as people who called themselves liberal or very liberal (44 percent versus 25 percent). Conservatives were only half as likely to say they were not too happy (9 versus 18 percent).
Unhappy people are generally disagreeable because when you’re miserable, you tend to become very selfish. If you want an example of how that works, go hit yourself on the hand with a hammer and while you’re writhing in agony, see how much time you spend thinking about helping other people as opposed to wishing you hadn’t smashed your own hand.
@RFI-Crypto Lab Here is why conservatives are happier than liberals:
Ain’t he just great? He is so popular
We need to continue the quarantine until a vaccine has been tested and approved. People are going to die if we “get back to business” or “open up now” What’s more important? Lives or Business?
@kingpest13 “we need a theraputic.”
There are no none therapudics.
you mean Bill Gates id chip , you do know that is the vaccine,we are dealing with a common cold and it is a bad one,research on google what people die from per year you will be surprised of the numbers Take care
Even if there ends up being a vaccine your gunna end up with antivaccers refusing to be vaccinated. A vaccine doesn’t eradicate the disease. If everyone isn’t vaccinated it’s just gunna start up all over again and maybe even worse as the virus mutates. People don’t realize the implications of not staying at home and allowing this virus to continue!
@jj 767 you ignorant fool
A healthy society is based on having a majority of the medium class. and everything Trump is doing is in order to surrender the country to the richest people.
And from what I gather, so far there is no disclosure of which large businesses are getting money. If its Trump’s businesses, those he favors and those he doesn’t favor may get nothing.
The Federal Reserve and Mnuchin are being mum.
And your account is under extreme surveillance for International Treaty violations under Foreign election meddling. #WeCanHearYouBreath
That’s been the Republican strategy since the 1980s
In 2016 from T-Rumps Dump A Lago 250 employees , 249 were on H2B visa … should not that been an indicator he does not care about American workers ?
He was convicted for federal labor law violations week before election , but MSM was talking only about Hillarys E-Mails .
@Selah Remember: mum’s the word, Gilligan!
It’s new Great Depression that’s what happens we have King Donald Trump in the White House
China virus
I like to call him…. burger King baby trumputard
Don’t waste money on cruise lines … those images of ‘death boats’ roaming the seas looking for a port … don’t know how they are ever going to live that down. It’s something nobody probably ever thought of but now that they’ve seen it, they will never forget it.
You are spot on. No one with a brain will ever go on a cruise ship ever again.
Oh yeah let’s bailout cruise lines and airlines, forget the small businesses like restaurants
this is the worst!
Since most cruise lines are not U.S. based corporations, I doubt that they will get any bailouts. Let Bermuda, Liberia, Panama and others take care of that, this is where these cruise lines for the most part are based and their ships flagged.
The people need to wake up, we have a government for the rich and for corporations
@Jeff Webb Very true I’m not a fan of cruises. I don’t think people will choose to go on cruises again. They are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, food poisoning etc.
Well someone made sure hotels were *well* taken care of in the bill.
I don’t think we bailed out the cruise lines thank God. they moved all their offices to avoid paying taxes here in the states. SMH
How do all you rich who voted for Trump feel now which you could turn back time. Most of you would never admit to it any how.
Buffy smith, Don’t forget you DemocRATs are why C O V I D 19 is so bad in New York, New Jersey, California, and the U.S. generally, while Cuomo was calling the China travel ban racist in his state of the State address this was going on.
https://www.wnd.com/2020/03/flashback-nyc-officials-actually-told-people-gather-groups/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=wnd-breaking&utm_campaign=breaking&utm_content=breaking How you Progs supercharged the Kung Flu in video form here. https://youtu.be/lZwFZXR620I
In fact without you Progressives we might have been able to keep the ChiComCrud out of the country for months or maybe until a vaccine was developed.
Don’t forget Nancy Pelosi Helped spread the Commie Cough in California too. https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/nancy-pelosi-visits-san-franciscos-chinatown/2240247/
Thanks a heap Demoscum.
Where’s all the rich helping with their money?
They need a special bailout for restaurants, primarily independent restaurants and people who own franchises.
I’ve actually gotten used to eating home cooked meals now. Besides I’m saving over $200 per wk. by not dining out!
@Karla Salinas I never eat fast food but do enjoy dining at good restaurants from time to time. I love cooking so this lockdown has made me try new combinations and dishes. Not going out has saved me money in so many ways. I like to shop online but I’ve avoided doing that as much as possible. No boredom spending. When this eventually passes, I’m looking forward to being reunited with my beloved daughter. We are isolated in different countries but just a 3 hour flight apart. I have paid off my credit card, seriously increased my savings and I’ll spoil her so much when we are reunited. We are going to be okay X
And that is the real restaurant apocalypse. If demand is there, new restaurants will go into business to satisfy that demand.
Sunny Life I love to eat at places that serve food that’s is too difficult or too much trouble for me to cook well. Love Ethiopian, Middle Eastern, Japanese, Indian, and BBQ to name the ones off the top of my head. I do go out to get a good burger now and then because I can’t be made those in small portions and freezing the patties changes they flavor.
Yes you get it!
@Sir Ryusen Now Ethiopian and Middle Eastern will cook from scratch….Don’t know about the others…I stay away from those.
I wonder if tRumps whole side of the House are prepared to go down with him, the Big Yellow Bad-Harry Looking Ship or will they jump that ship before it goes down and takes them all with him…that would be bad on them…
45 is running the country like his business. Into Bankruptcy.
He has ruined the USA, and is relying on a civil war to keep him in power. He gambled the lives of 50,000 Americans to make himself great again.
No hes DOING GREAT like always hes one of the Best CEOs in American History your jealous if you Cant recognize that , Typical leftie propaganda ..
@xjaskix He literally bankrupted his casinos. …a business where the house(casino) should always make money. It’s incredible so many people voted for a fraudulent “business” man.
what is so interesting about trump supporters is they dont EVER use their real names on these strings! I dont even think they really support him…they just like to get people fired up. just ignore those
Don’t forget you DemocRATs are why C O V I D 19 is so bad in New York, New Jersey, California, and the U.S. generally, while Cuomo was calling the China travel ban racist in his state of the State address this was going on.
https://www.wnd.com/2020/03/flashback-nyc-officials-actually-told-people-gather-groups/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=wnd-breaking&utm_campaign=breaking&utm_content=breaking How you Progs supercharged the Kung Flu in video form here. https://youtu.be/lZwFZXR620I
In fact without you Progressives we might have been able to keep the ChiComCrud out of the country for months or maybe until a vaccine was developed.
Don’t forget Nancy Pelosi Helped spread the Commie Cough in California too. https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/nancy-pelosi-visits-san-franciscos-chinatown/2240247/
Thanks a heap Demoscum.
It won’t be there or the jobs. So stay home
Maybe not the right moment to bring this up.. but when are restaurants going to pay their waiters a living wage, rather than letting them depend on tips?
This is restaurants depending on government tips.
In the UK that ended about 20 years ago with the minimum wage which goes up every year and is now around 8.50 an hour, PLUS the tips….
@Iad 6012 LoL.. 20 years behind civilization sounds about right.
And the NHS started shortly after WWII if I recall from history class.
I didn’t mean to say waiters should be paid the same as the proverbial rocket scientists and brain surgeons.. but for the boss to say to his customers “you pay the waiters whatever you think is warranted for the service, but you pay me in full even if the food tastes horrible”.. just doesn’t sound right.
Can’t each restaurant owner and employee just inherit $450 million from their daddy’s?
Sorry but things like that are only available for Captain Bone Spurs!
I’ve rarely gone to a restaurant, I cook at home.
So what is your point? Just chuck the whole industry? You did say rarely though, right?
@Brigitte Copeland Point is restaurants are not an essential service. Somewhat like art.
I rarely go look at paintings. If I was an artist I’d paint as a hobby and work in a more secure job. I do feel for the business owners though.
So much better for you ,saves money,brings families closer while cooking together !
Congratulations I guess?
The plan is quite simple, voluntary bankruptcy, then start up when allowed to under another name, restaurant, let the bankers, creditors take the fall numbskulls
Stopped listening when he said being on unemployment is a pretty good deal.
Take a running list of everything he did and did not do when you vote.
The Pandemic is
America didn’t care for Mother Earth
Or The Immigrants Community
Or Health Care For All
Only Greed Greed Greed
Bigger issue: restaurant staff live off tips. Often their minimum wage is just a couple bucks. Staying employed without customers doesn’t help them much.
shermanballz thank you

@Q Mcdonald Are you struggling, my friend? Can I help?