A fierce political battle is underway over who will replace Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's seat and when a vote will take place. CNN's Jeffrey Toobin explains how the Supreme Court cases are decided when only eight justices are seated. #CNN #News
Toobin: The Supreme Court is not paralyzed by a vacancy

Who else here for the comments
Belk lol, same. I’ve had to rewind a few times now.
@Osama Bin laden You mean planes can’t fly through a steel exoskeleton building and come out the other side? WWG1WGA
@Osama Bin laden Only to combat Russia because Russia stronk like bear!
Was looking for the drama post, but the comedy one works.
Your mom’s skin is so oily both Bushes would go to war for her.
@philly g Republicans “own america” – should we all be more afraid of republicans than democrats?
Fake news
Elections have consequences.
@Donna Adams I know who Amy is. She was hammered by Dianne Feinstein (“the dogma lives loudly within you”), she clerked for Scalia in 1998, but we require the Pro-Life Life Movement to unite.
And she(ACB) wasn’t next in line, Mitch McConnell wanted Brett Kavanaugh, so that’s why we ended up with a Bush 43 version of a conservative.
The Left also got all freaked out, I found it hilarious when they discovered she belongs to “People of Praise” group. Members are said to be accountable to a same-sex adviser, called a “head” for men and (until recently) a “handmaiden” for women, who gives input on a wide variety of personal decisions.
But, you’re unfamiliar with Abby Johnson.
@Louvre DeWitt Bukater Neuilly EnLay Blah blah blah. It will be Amy Cony Barrett. Move on! This is ridiculous.
Spying without a warrant should have immediate consequences!
Donna Adams yes bad things happened, you can’t see the world wide enough to understand he got the award because it would have been a lot worse without their actions.
Donna Adams what is the consequence of Benghazi? Like 5 people died as a result of the GOP Congress not providing funding? Okay. Iran? What happened with iran that isn’t still happening today? They’re still “the biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world” like they were 5 years ago lol.
“There’s nothing in the Constitution that says the president stops being president in his last year,”
RBG 2016
@Raging Monk Trump ignored covid? I seem to remember him locking down travel to and from high risk countries while the democrates called him a racist then said he didn’t do enough… your logic is flawed.
@Paul Thomas Paula just deal with the fact that you are a LOSER!!!
@Raging Monk oh and the real number is 9,210! That is how many people have died from covid-19 in the U.S. not 190,000… not 1 million… 9,210… 9,210… mother fucker it is 9,210. I have never seen someone post such a large comment with so much bullshit/false information in my entire life!
Mark Benson the bots are out in full force today
Alyssa Milano is gearing up!! Her hair with that bird’s nest on her head!
She should go hang out with Nancy Pelosi.
Was that a Karen haircut?
she had more hair on her arms than most men for a while
not sure if she is in transition
Well never know because this vacancy isnt going to last long
@777 777 Republicans take the government for a generation, some people fear a dictatorship. But you have to have faith in American citizens… last time someone tried to dictate us, we won that fucking war. We ain’t Russia. We’ll all be just time.
@William H Me 2…
You leftist pukes hate the truth huh?
@Floyd Fluffnstuf
Why do you leftist pukes want to abolish the first and second amendment?
Ohhhh they are getting worried

@SpectrumRob anyone who I disagree with is a commie lol
bandi, you are a muslim from Iraq

@Gabriel Reyes It’s okay to be scared
@Linkin Nogs ok
Gabriel Reyes https://youtu.be/WSxw0iQ5PpQ
I love how most of the comments are pro trump. CNN’s only viewership is people coming around to trash talk them.
@Zim Zamble Work? Democrats are too busy looting, rioting, and burning minority businesses down to have jobs. We are able to work and do this at the same time. Multitasking is not a new concept. You should try it.
Jacob Bailey
liberal slayer
My recycled russian GOLUBOI bye Pavlov
@lynchdj know your enemy.
Biggus Dickus
Bye PETUH Petrov
Elections have consequences
We need people that are not in their 70s how about a government that isnt all senior citizens
You need sage.
Older and wiser that why…
This is a CNN feed,? Looks more like a pinata being beat to death!
Remember the expression ‘Believe Her’? I can’t wait to see what liberals will do tear ‘Her’ apart in confirmation hearings. This is going to be fun.
Kavanaugh is ALREADY CONFIRMED Einstein.
Move on.
@Robin Clemens Amy Barrett….
Always interesting to see what SH!THEADS think.
“That’s their job”. “There’s nothing in the Constitution that says the president stops being president in his last year.” – Ruth Bader Ginsburg https://dailycaller.com/2020/09/19/ruth-bader-ginsburg-supreme-court-pick-2016/
@0 well at least you and your family don’t have fake bone spurs like the bunker boy in cheif. I respect that.
Eric w doesn’t mean they should do it, especially since 17 currently residing GOP senators and Trump himself said that a replacement shouldn’t be made in an election year within the last 4 years
@Quick Gaming yes and it was foolish, now stop demanding more foolish actions just to be fair that is outright stupidity.
@Quick Gaming https://www.scotusblog.com/2016/02/supreme-court-vacancies-in-presidential-election-years/
WolfeReign Owns so you…….so you just want Republicans to win? Just say it, since that’s obviously what you mean. You don’t care if women can no longer have abortions, LGBT people lose rights and god knows what else they could do, as long as the red party beats the blue party that’s all that matters? God help our nation
Daily reminder that Epstein didn’t kill himself
Neither did Seth Rich
Daily reminder that yes, he fucking DID!!
@Peyote Pete Seth Rich was an Arkincide
Neither did Herman Cain. It is what it is.
@Michael Whitted if you believe that you aren’t just drinking the Kool Aid, your mainlining it!
That is a CRISIS if a lower court can impose a far left radical judgement by the supreme court being tied!!!
far left?
Removing the Affordable Care Act is not far left, left wants more of it, and it being more widespread and affect more people.
The right wants it gone, for whatever reason. (I guess because it was nicknamed OBAMAcare)
“The media is NOT your friend” Fredo
Not CNN they are against the trurh…
It’s going to get filled. Just relax.
MSM: She was a great woman that fought for the big and small.
80 million aborted babies: Really?
No worries I’m sure Democrats can “found” another fake Blasey Ford or an Avenatti with some anonymous “sources” or a Schiff secret wither-blower.