Tony why did the state have to employ 400 kids for a year. If the private sector like J Astaphan was protected, the engine of growth like J Astaphan would have been able to be the ones to employ the kids!!!. It is NOT Govt to step in and employ temporarily 400 kids, or is it dat the private sector who are the ones to employ and pay P A Y E pay VAT pay Social security, is J Astaphan Co ltd trying to embarrass the Govt an refuse to employ the 400 kids!!! or Or is it dat the private sector was not protected, the private sector shrunk, and had no choice to not be able to employ the kids from College. so which is it?, can we roll the drums Shirley, and all the others, let the games begin, tell me why we had to put the kids at AID bank, National bank at Krazie Kairi, etc, , does that NOT tell somebody why did the Govt have to step in and do what J Astaphan had to do, that is be the employers, the engine of growth. When the state has to step in and employ 400 kids from college, that tells you the private sector is nasty refusing to employ and expand to be able to employ more staff and grow or that something else caused this, and I want to know why this happened. when 10,000 privately imported vehicles over 15 years, mostly by the very owners received relief from Import Duties, what does that tell you, the private sector are not protected, when 10,000 privately imported Refrigerators, Stoves, furniture, consumer goods, building materials, electronics, Amerijet comes in weekly for the last 15 years,, is Amazon and Aeropost that are the biggest sellers the biggest suppliers of goods, Every time any commodity is privately imported, the state loses value added VAT, Income tax, The private sector shrinks and cannot employ more kids and cannot grow. Kal nassief is laughing every week his 737 cargo Amerjet comes in fully loaded with privately imported consumer goods, just go to Shed 5 at the port and see the wave daily of privately imported goods, sales LOST in the private sector, who loses, we all lose, we are all our own enemies, we are all our own downfall. If when you gave relief of $20,000.00 on average to all the privately imported used vehicles, but had you encouraged them to buy locally, the state would get more VAT, more p a y e,, more social security and EMPLOY more as the private sector would grow and expand and employ the kids, but Nooo the state had to step in and do what the private sector could not do. The Private sector MUST be protected to be able to employ the kids. Protect the private sector. Pedro
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