Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson contract coronavirus | USA TODAY

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson have tested positive for coronavirus while working in Australia.
RELATED: Coronavirus explained

Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson have tested positive for coronavirus while working in Australia.

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    1. @MarSar Fishin’ never mind it is “life *was* like a box of chocolates” just looked up the scene

    1. shilonious Monk, everyone except for the homeless who would “need” to be quarantined so they better not spread it there, too expensive it would defeat this whole purpose.

    2. @HumbleRepentPray Give too late it’s the worst(spelling?) in California and Washington where the majority of the homeless people are.

  1. Don’t worry about Tom Hanks he is survived world war II, pirates, two plane crashes made it back from space safely, and don’t forget he beat the AIDS in Philadelphia

    1. @Dale Hopson It might be available if people stopped voting for Republicans against their own economic interests..

  2. The virus isnt the most dangerous part of the situation it’s the reaction and freak out of the public that’s causing all the issues.

    1. @Noneof Yourbuisness Through the air is not the ONLY way. If you touch a surface that has the virus and don’t wash your hands then touch your face, now you could have it. Think before you speak.

    2. So true, right at this moment only 39 deaths in the USA. Why is the toll here never talked about? 39 people out of 331 million. On November 12, 2009, the CDC reported an estimated 22 million Americans had been infected with 2009 A H1N1 (swine flu) and 4,000 Americans  died. Why was there so little reaction in the US at that time?
      I think we should really be calling it the wuhan flu. Calling it the (COVID-2019) or Coronavirus sounds scarier all for political purposes. As far as Tom Hanks and his wife, what will it tell us as a society when they don’t die and they get over this flu?

    1. @Melanie Jecker full of Satanic symbolism tattoos and illuminati all seeing eye!!! Lucifer must be proud of the Hanks family, their so obedient!!!

    2. vonb he is my dead pool list. I thought Michael Moore and Rosie O’Donnell would be the first celebrities infected.

    1. Laura Alt What makes Tom Hanks an elitist? Just because he is a rich celebrity? Thats not what an “elitist” is.

  3. How did they get tested?-my son and I where sooooo sick-tested negative for all other test-was laughed at when I asked if we could be tested for covid-19-not a Hollywood elite I am guessing 🤧

    1. Also the people who were tested for coronavirus on the princess cruise weren’t “Hollywood elites”

    2. possible Roblox channel? You sound like my doctor-I can’t get tested unless I was on the cruise ship or overseas or really rich?

    3. @PlantBased Wannabe the point I’m making is that it’s not because he’s rich and because few hospitals can test people for coronavirus.

  4. Hanks’ 2020 so far:
    1) Make weird faces and freak out at the Golden Globes
    2) Contract Coronavirus

  5. I wonder if he’s the one that Corey Feldman was going to out before his internet stream was hacked…????

    1. No because Hanks didn’t molest either of the Coreys. However, that doesn’t mean he didn’t molest others.

    2. @Kara Ryan Wasn’t blaming… Just know that Hollywood protects it’s pedophiles and everyone there knew about Weinstein and was hush

    1. Very telling…..Epstein had an alleged human/kids farm in his basement……just to supply his rich and degenerate friends with their personal needs.

  6. This all seems so artificial and fishy, seems like the elites are using highly influential and prominent people like celebrities and politicians to further spread panic, instilling fear in all of us. What for ? Well, fear is the most basic and core factor when it comes to manipulating people into whatever agenda the elites have stored for us. Mark my words, 90 days…

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