NBC News' Tom Brokaw joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss President Trump's trip to South Dakota and controversial decision to hold celebrations at Mount Rushmore ahead of the Fourth of July holiday, also reacting to the news that the Washington Redskins football team is reviewing a name change amid the national reckoning on race and equality after George Floyd's death. Aired on 07/03/2020.
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Tom Brokaw On Native American Objections To Mt. Rushmore: 'They Want Their Land Back' | MSNBC
The Trump Dump is approaching. How will America celebrate?
By living.
All you American hating democrats need to get over yourself. We will never kneel to your religion of wokeness or stop celebrating the 4th of July! America is a good country with a legacy of freedom and opportunity for all!
@Atticus X Oink, Oink Oink
@Atticus X False advertising.
I’m hoping for a super massive national block party that later turns into a national holiday
Trump should not go … tribes should have their land back…
Why don’t you give your home back, you coward.
TRUMP 2020!
@Dennis That Mexicant doesn’t own a home lol
@RESISTFEAR is that the year trump goes to PRISON
You mean the whole U.S. right?
I’m going to hold out and celebrate a real Independence Day, when everyone is treated equally.
maybe “the donald” will lay a surprise for erryone come id4 and make a speech telling erryone that he’s dismantling those monuments, lol …..
All you American hating democrats need to get over yourself. We will never kneel to your religion of wokeness or stop celebrating the 4th of July! America is a good country with a legacy of freedom and opportunity for all!
Never going to happen. Life is unfair, deal with it.
Celebration is tomorrow. See you there!
nov. 3, 2020 will be our new independence day when we get rid of wannabe dictator.
@Gary Marino Yes, I agree.
@Patriot Spring Your math is failing you! Also, there is no evidence that voting by mail leads to fraud. We have been doing it for years here in Oregon without issue. Remember the Secretary of State for Kansas had to close down his office because he could not find voter fraud in the 2016 election. Just another Trump lie repeated by his followers.
Laura Hobson that’s not negativity that’s a fact!!! Climb aboard the trump train baby…
your democratic governors are the dictators. president has no power over states. learn how the system works dummi. u must still be in middle school
@The Tweatles maybe but I am not a Democrat! But you’re still and probably always have been this stupid! Like they say the only thing dumber than Trump is a Trump supporter! Geez you just keep proving this with every post you make!
Trump is unwanted everywhere.
@Michigan Wolverine – so you support abortion then? Okay. That’s different. I’m guessing you support BLM protests too if it helps spread the virus to liberals. In the mean time, go to an ICU in a Red State with no mask please. Go hug some sick people. It’s a hoax after all.
We will see in 2020.
@The Tweatles and you believe everything your impeached, failed, corrupt and incompetent messiah Trump says! You’re more proof that the only thing dumber than Trump is a Trump supporter! LMFAO at your Trumpian stupidity! Thanks for proving it…AGAIN! Still LMFAO
Says the losers. He won the Vite so that says otherwise and he will win again! Facts
@L Pi lol Canada. Who cares.
WE as AMERICANS should wait until NOVEMBER 3rd…to celebrate, the real liberation of America!! DUMP CHUMP 2020!!
@The Tweatles…William H…is that you junkie boi? Guess what?…REPORTED.
@The Tweatles…you’re also reported shitbag
Yes we’ll celebrate and then we’ll remove the Founding fathers from our history and replace them with another old white man, the socialist Karl Marx himself.
We’ll also chant, “hehee hohoo white supremacy has gotta go!”
Communist power!
Michelle E that’s why all the liberals are committing crimes and violence destroying cities and not Trumps people? Hahahilarious
@Nadie Nadie…No Justice……No Peace.
Return the land to the rightful owners the “Natives Americans”.
That’s not happening
Then drop everything and leave right away!!! You can’t have the money back from you’re home!
@Neorah Baht Ysreal
Give it back? You are aware that those currently occupying the land in question are not the same ones that took it in the first place.. Right? That was more then a generation ago. Taking it back now would be nothing less then steeling it again from even more innocent people….. Are you advocating for even more injustice?
@Delage Eric Uh, no. This is my home. I ain’t leaving.
It ain’t nobody’s land. This world is for everyone, not for a single group.
The entire USA was their land in the beginning.
The solution is simple. Either you pack your bags and go back, whence you came from, or if you want to stay, then you must ask the people whose land you happen to be squatting on if you can stay. And, if you are allowed to stay, then you will give justice and equality the space to rule everybody fairly. Otherwise GET OUT!
Angelus Irae
You keep saying that when you are nothing but a common thief! You can talk all you want about deeds, but I hate to pointed out this: you have gained and are in possession of stolen property. The road is long, and the journey is fraught with twists and turns, however, the curve of history suggests justice will come even to the common thief.
GSpotter63 It has not stopped. I’m not advocating making antipathy for anything. I’m stating facts and advocating changing how we treat non whites and including all people in America access to the American Dream. When you seen something do something about. You have power and influence in your family and circle of friends, that’s where change occurs.
@SouthSide Chicago and paint him orange and give him white rock hair like Twinkie from Sausage Party, freekN Aye yo!!!!!
@Dean Purcell yeeeeehaaaaaaw
Trump wants Andrew Jackson carved on a desecrated native American site. Jackson gave us THE TRAIL OF TEARS that killed thousands of native women and children. DISGUSTING.
timber_beast, I take full responsibility for the thunderstorm.
Why you keep your mass murderers portraits on the currency so if they develop time travel you can identify them by sight when they show up.
Try to imagine if today, a hostile foreign power invades the USA, murders, rapes, pillages countless communities and forces whole states of people to go on a 1000 mile death march to their utter destruction, both along the way, and at the end. It seems impossible that modern Americans would tolerate such an assault. Now imagine what Native Americans underwent and see if this realisation does not make you reevaluate your tough stance on not changing some daft football team’s offensive name. Perspective, use it or lose it.
@Prince of all Negros Similar to the horrific historical experiences of African Americans, Native Americans have been fighting off an on-going racist, genocidal scourge – they’ve just been doing it longer – 500 years to be exact – longer than Black people have been living in the USA. But it’s not a competition. It’s about recognising systemic/systematic human/civil rights abuses that continue to this day. Thanks for your feedback.
@GSpotter63 Historical tribal warfare was different in form and content from imperialist genocide backed by a fully armed invading military presence; you’re suggesting they’re equivalent when they’re clearly not. You are playing with words in the rebuttal you’ve tried to mount, but I appreciate the effort. What’s important is that today Native American tribes are working together to advance their long and valid list of historical grievances and demands for justice. The divide you accuse me of fostering is a long-established fact and painting genocidal hostile takeovers as just “business as usual” does nothing to diminish this fact. Have a good day.
@Savoy 505 Um, no, I don’t mean that. The death march I refer to is known as “The Trail of Tears” based on the genocidal accounts of Cherokee victims forced to march to Oklahoma. Native Americans were not an “opposing army”, they were the rightful “keepers of the land” – sworn to protect and nurture its bounty for generations to come. Most Native Americans were neutral in the war as they rightly recognised it was not a matter of their concern – until military forces began to wage genocidal wars upon them. Self-defence does not constitute an act of war by anyone’s account.
That’s what trump and putin have planned. Funny you should mention it.
That is why Trump got elected so the liberals can’t do that.
As a European-American born and raised in the US, I have NO problem if they blasted those heads off that mountain top. There’s no reason for them to be there. We should GIVE THEM THEIR LAND BACK!!!! We had NO right to take it. We were wrong and we need to admit it and make amends by returning it back to those who will take much better care of the Black Hills than the US would.
@Dennis they took that money and reinvested it, instead of spending.. look it up. That has nothing to do with my original comment though. What I mean to say is for over 2,000 years, European countries commisioned “exploration” by boat to go to far away lands and come back (steal) with gold, gems, spices, and other valuable goods.. giving it to these families that eventually became royalty because they acquired so much wealth and power. The countries with less power, yet still more resources were eventually over taken, and this e:still happens.
You had no right to take the land your house/apartment sits on, so you should return that back too. They can take much better care of your land than the US can.
See how stupid you sound? The “heads” that are on the mountain represent democracy and liberty, if you are so willing to discard them, then do you really care for democracy and liberty?
If you were born and raised in the USA, why do you refer to yourself as European-American. Surely you are just American?
All of America belonged to the Native Americans, would you be willing to give it all back? Who did your forefathers steal their land from?
I hope the Native Americans have a huuuuuge protest, that drowns out Agent Orange.
@Alexis Rowland You too.
No complaints when Obama went there.
hhhh9579 <3
@Nadie Nadie Take a flying F at a roling doughnut! Socialist freeloader!
hhhh9579 you are a sell out!
We stand in solidarity!!!!
The Crazy Horse monument is better, even unfinished.
@w s 0 – – < < < _poot!_
@jones Lol no logical refutation whatsoever.
@jones I can’t believe you have the gall to imply I’m racist when I clearly realize everyone is human (thus has a history of conquest), but you think white people are born with a unique genetic predisposition to evil.
I would agree. The interpretive center there is also great
I am 100 percent Republican and I agree….We need to give the Lakota their black hills back. Seems Biden or Trump can’t see the benifits for all
@The Wraith Go to sleep.
Buff PrayingMantis
The irony here is that the park around Rushmore is named after George Custer.
The irony here is the Lakotah stole this land from the Cheyenne
Geez louise, I did not know that.
Oh man.
How many tribes died over this mountain before the US claimed it?
@Traci Schmidt no he didn’t. Plenty of books about it.
Arrest the “Liar-in-Chief”.Flying around on A.F. 1 on America’s. Dime is not Official business.Where are his tax returns he promised? Tax fraud and evasion. …..
They’ve not touched that money, it sits in escrow as a testimony to genocide, injustice and the enduring values held by Indigenous peoples.
I’m sure Trump cannot understand such things. Something that means more than money?
Black Elk Speaks is an amazing book, and the Native American genocide is another stain on US history.
@Savoy 505 Right, with smallpox, wasn’t it?
@Savoy 505 deluted racist
Yes they were at war with themself many became scouts for the U.S army.
@Wheatie Sweetie I object, he’s an _undeluted_ racist!
Read Neither Wolf Nor Dog.
The Black Hills are sacred to the Plains Peoples. Would you allow vandalism in your Church?
You lefties are such buffoons and have no perspective. All of America is on indigenous land. All land currently occupied everywhere on Earth is on indigenous land. I guess we should ship all you lefties to the Moon..
@Jim666 Leftist are simply idiots and hypocrites.
Indians don’t matter. They got conquered
@Angela B
It’s land that belongs to the indigenous people! Unless you are a descendant of an indigenous tribe…it is not yours!! It was stolen, sacred land…there’s gold!!
Rene Curry Its the United States of America. Every square inch. Join us