Watch the heart-stopping moment a mom finds out a near stranger is going to help save her son's life.
RELATED VIDEO » Teen triumphs over hardships to get to this moment:
Breast cancer survivor Lisa Chesson was medically unable to donate her kidney to her toddler, but then a 21-year-old she barely knew signed up to help him.
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If feelings could talk
Mr. President, we are the children of tomorrow and we are concerned that nobody has given attention to what news reporter Ted Koppel said about putting ideologies over facts. We want to have self-evidence in ourselves between God, nature, and the path we have chosen to follow (free will), we don’t want to have self-evidence in the concept of God and nature to another person’s religion (opinion) that has not walked in our footsteps. Mr. President, we don’t want to wake up being screwed over in stupid logic and religious dogma that doesn’t admit to what is going on in front of our eyes. In case you haven’t noticed there are bullies in the world today that have no problem damming the eye of God in everybody they come in contact with including children. Their only purpose is to cause people to hate themselves destroying self-esteem and in some cases commit suicide. Thank you very much for your help, Mr. President. We are your children of tomorrow that still believe hope is our true destiny.
I respect you all. May God bless u and ur family

May god bless you with healthy and happy life.
Cheers to a new lease on life

The struggle is hardly over for neither the teen nor the stranger who donated their kidney. For the teen, there is high risk for infection due to a lifetime of anti-rejection drugs and the donated organ can still fail due to rejection. For the stranger, some possible long-term complications of donating a kidney may include hypertension; abnormal protein in the urine; hernia; their own kidney can go into failure that leads to the need for dialysis or transplantation. THere can also be adverse psychological effects after donating the kidney..and the older one gets the more compromised one’s health becomes.
all my love to them!!
Beautiful!! So much love for another in need, this is how things are meant to be!
Thanks to a random gift I received a kidney 11 years ago. May God bless her and this toddler!