Tim O’Brien Previews What Trump’s Niece’s Tell-All Book Could Reveal About The President’s Wealth

Donald Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, is set to release her tell-all book after her publisher revealed she was a primary source for the New York Times investigation into Trump’s finances. Aired on 7/2/2020.
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Tim O’Brien Previews What Trump’s Niece’s Tell-All Book Could Reveal About The President’s Wealth


  1. Trump should have been disqualified for presidency the moment they found out he was meeting with Russians in Russia while on the campaign trail. He should have been disqualified again during the impeachment. How is the presidency the only contest where you don’t get disqualified for cheating to win?

    1. @BrandiniGenie 0812 Well YOU put forward the notion that change and growth were’nt resulting in positive change. Figured that meant you thought we were all born pure, could only be changed once, and can never change back. The point being, people change. sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse, and if your criteria are decades old, they probably won’t have much current utility.

    2. @Calvin Jase Liberals are upholding the rule of law and the Constitution. Being anti liberal is very Un American. Considering Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law.

    3. @Ray Lovelace ok I understand. We aren’t gonna talk about bidens crime bill and how it’s still effecting people today or how he definitely didnt want integrated schools.

    4. @Calvin Jase,
      tRump in a 6X8 keeping his cellblock homies out of his butthole–2021!!

    5. Andrew Gocken sorry you see it that way. I appreciate that you have an opinion and you believe your position is right. I don’t agree and I will vote My conscience. Good luck with yours

  2. I’ve been saying for years now the reason he’s worked so hard to keep his tax returns and finances hidden is because he’s broke, in debt, owes millions, has never been a billionaire or a millionaire and he’s squandered, badly invested etc. all of daddy’s money that he did get.

    1. There was a public filing by Deutsch Bank that presented a “financial risk” because… 1. Donald Trump was delinquent on his loans. 2. Trump Towers were delinquent on their loans. 3. Filing suit against Donald Trump and Trump Tower might be seen as a political issue because Trump is the US President. As such, DB was highlighting this as a risk. Its in their public filings…. Go look….

    2. The only money he has is the money he owes. That’s the secret. Parked some millions in all these golf courses he suddenly bought for cash. Somebody intervened in the Deutsche Bank incident. It’s so obvious. Is the Supreme Court letting him keep these secrets? Going to let Mueller’s grand jury findings be buried. Why not this? After all.. he did what he did for 2 of them.. and EVERYBODY’S PILING ON. Such a victim. If this sickness unfolds like last time.. he’ll have a freakin’ rebound.

    1. There are videos of him and miss Lindsay Graham dressed in the same dress as Monica Lewinsky

    1. It will be like Exorcist. Her head will spin and she will spew out torrents of green vomit all over the journalists. Then her transformation will be complete.

    2. After she violently sifts through the pile of paperwork in front of her, she will just try to turn the focus and refute, refuse and recycle.

    1. @MyrnaMinkoff Normally I would take the time to debate you and call out the inaccuracies of your position but every time I try to get through to you people on the left with facts and unbiased research..its all in vain. I wont change your mind just as you wont change mine so whats the point? if there is a middle ground to be found I have yet to find it. Thank you for sharing your thoughts at least even if I wholeheartedly disagree with them. Take care

    2. @Atticus X I love that you accuse people of getting triggered for calling out your antiquated and blind behavior and attitude, yet you’re responding as fast as you possibly can. You’re honestly just as amusing to watch as a rat trying to figure out how to navigate a maze: just a stupid little creature running around blindly hoping that they’ll get somewhere and failing every two seconds

    3. @Tater Solus You prove my point again… Can you not see the irony of your comment? Look, I know you need to have the last word so I’m going to give it to you. Go on… impress me.

    1. @Colin Mahoney actually, capitalism at work. Many successful harvests then sold off acreage for a profit. Can the same be said of Barack’s Martha’s vineyard plantation estate? Perhaps prune juice wine?

    2. He doesn’t have shame, but what he does have is insecurity. Massive fragile insecurity and as Tim points out, so much of it’s wrapped up in his “image” as a wealthy and successful businessman.

    3. Id say trump is definitely frank from shameless,but that would be a disrespect to frank from shameless

    1. @John Lightfoot It’s amazing how ignorant some people are. The popular vote doesn’t even count. The presidential election is 100% decided by the corrupt electoral college. That’s how Hilary won the popular vote by 3.5 million votes, yet Trumpty Dumbty was still elected.

    2. The Fireblaster I understand the electorate system. Maybe what I mean is in NZ we normally get 80% turnout. Hopefully Americans vote in droves.
      I feel what you say is a good point. Maybe I am desperate desperate desperate to get him out. If Joe can get the popular vote by 5 million, that should tip him over.

  3. the most transparent administration in history…. except trump’s school records, medical records , taxes … and hundreds of NDA’s

    1. @Earnest T Bass You STILL bring up that birth certificate thing as if it was a real issue, one that was endlessly promoted by Trump? You call that slug in the White House the most “transparent” President in history? EVERYTHING he says is a lie. Literally everything.

    2. Earnest T Bass Facts first: 1. Obama presented his birth certificate within 30 days of it being requested. The issue was many people claimed that (although it was the standard birth certificate from HA), they didn’t believe it… (which would mean ALL HA birth certificates were incorrect).
      2. Trump has an NDA with his school – they can not release his school records or discuss his performance.
      3. Medical records have been available only while in office
      4. Although Tax records are considered confidential, US Law allows certain Congressional Oversight committees to request copies – (its an IRS Tax code – I can look it up if you’d like). Those committees are allowed to do so in pursuit of policy items – such as campaign finance violations, or accepting foreign funds for a US Election (like the rider the GOP just added to current legislation so that foreign contributions are okay). Its also been customary (for 50+ years) for Presidents and Presidential candidates to publish their taxes. LACK of doing so (and to fight such inquiries with such effort) sure makes it seem like there is something there….

  4. The Trump family started their fortune with illegal prostitution. They then pivoted into being slum lords and then finally into white collar con jobs and tax fraud before selling the United States to Russia.

    1. Facts and phone record are primary facial EVIDENCE and are not subject to character ASSASSINATION!

    1. How can anyone who was ever remotely associated with reality TV call anything a ‘hoax’?

    2. “A nasty woman, definitely a never trumper. I might of met her once, I don’t remember her”.

    1. @Alark Albass Yep that is what the federal court told him last week. Would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when someone had to tell him his little vanity wall could not be built with money that was supposed to go to our military. I bet he had the mother of all tantrums.

    1. @Homer Says Doh listin you diper filled uneducated street trash. Just remember what I said. Trump is in. Maybe there is something I know and you don’t. Now get back to the streets. Kid

    2. @Carpe and all the rest You’d be right, somebody as corrupted as Trump is just not going to be removed by voting him out, the worst is yet to come so Americans need to stop deluding themselves that this nightmare is just going to magically end in November.

  5. I going to say that #BunkerBoy is actually bankrupt and “all those billions” that he has, is money loaned to him by Putin and Russia!

    1. grover grover Through DeutscheBank, which is under investigation for money laundering for Russian oligarchs.

    2. Putin probably has a bounty on Trump and every single member of his family if he ever tells anyone he received money from Russia or divulges anything between them or does anything to hurt Mother Russia.

  6. Its Sad so many people think a Tyrant is good for the USA, I can’t stand hearing his voice !!!

    1. I agree, his voice is like a sick, sadomasochist who is constantly trying to whisper some he thinks is intelligent.

  7. If lies were worth a dollar each, Trump would definitely be worth at least 10 billion dollars. 😄

    1. Check out Netflix watch The Family and the shows that follow he as well as every President are on these true stories.

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