Tim O’Brien On Cy Vance’s New Investigation Into Trump’ | Deadline | MSNBC

A filing by the Manhattan district attorney reveals his investigation into Donald Trump and Trump’s company is broader than previously known, and now involves looking into possible bank and insurance fraud. Aired on 8/3/2020.
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Tim O’Brien On Cy Vance’s New Investigation Into Trump’ | Deadline | MSNBC

Tim O’Brien On Cy Vance’s New Investigation Into Trump’ | Deadline | MSNBC


  1. This is why he’s so worried about not being reelected. New York is just waiting patiently to charge him. He will no longer be protected by the cover of the presidency. Lock him up!

    1. 8 4 20 Hey again@MySecretMessages, The “video” was around the time that the Steele dossier was leaked; Buzz-Feed took a lot of heat for the leak. It was definitely kompromat; high camera angle, grainy resolve, & djt/2 women. I took it with a grain of salt. However, the “video” accomplished the goal, doubt. Doubt, is typical of Russia. I read a post of how the Russians did a similar kompromat with AIDS in the 1980’s. The spin @ the time was djt was only in Moscow for 1-2 days & the encounter couldn’t have happened. So, the story, filled another news cycle. After Helsinki, & further reading about associates of djt (especially Sater), he’s compromised & the video is moot. v

    2. 8 4 20 Hey@Kathy Massey, Thanks for the refresher about what drump said to Comey; I had other priorities @ the time. “Neck massage” is a good description. The Helsinki meeting was all over the news & that pretty much showed djt is a traitor. I sure wish my crystal ball was working-lol. . Stay safe, keep calm, & be well. v

    3. Too few people understand this fact. He has the personality of a wolverine when he is threatened with retribution for his criminal behavior.

    4. @Virginia Tyree Hmm. Interesting. I don’t remember seeing anything about a grainy video purported to be actual video evidence corroborating the claim in the Steele Dossier. And I read the BuzzFeed report and all the leaked memos at the time. Regardless, I’m not sure if such a video would be moot (unless there was just no way to identify djt in it) since it would be proof (to FBI, CIA, and other intelligence agencies) that Trump is indeed compromised (in their eyes) and is thus a clear and present danger to the United States. This is something you and I already know, but “officially” within intel, it has not been formally established, to the point of removal from office by Congress at their recommendation.

    5. 8 4 20 Hey again@MySecretMessages , As I wrote, it was awhile ago. I concluded it was someone’s attempt to spread their agenda/15 minutes of fame. The FBI & intelligence agencies probably have it & it’s not to anyone’s advantage to spread disinformation/gossip; way above my pay grade. I see the election in November as the way to remove the current administration. It’ll be important to involve all the USA citizens that are able to vote. djt continues to spread doubt, disinformation, & divide; a very flawed human, he is. v

  2. All that he has done to hurt this country and the people who live in it and the military that defend it———-well—we havent been able to get him on that but, like Capone-get him on taxes

    1. Nothing will happen to trump. Capone got arrested for tax evasion, I highly doubt a president could get away with that😂😂

    2. I want his Authoritarian party enablers investigated too. Then if our country is restored to sanity put so many sanctions on Russia that P U tin is rejected and jailed.

    1. Justin Case the difference between me and you is I don’t trust any of these people and i will go after them equally, you think the GOP is on your side and isn’t just plundering wealth while doing nothing to help you.

    2. Justin Case if you hate corruption and oligarchs you should be appalled by trump, yet he’s perfect to you , the guy is the most openly corrupt person to ever be in office and all he needs to say to trick you guys is “fake news” come on man

    1. But But tRump know all about 5G!
      He spend many hours everyday SMELLING those 5 G-strings he stole from Stormy!

    1. I don’t know about the real estate frauds and I wouldn’t be surprised of their occurrences; but I know for a fact that Trump has engaged in fraudulent stock transfers. The conman has been using hundreds of fictitious corporations that exist only by name. The impeached fraudster has been engaged in a series of “pump and dump” ponzi schemes, signing up innocent honest investors on hundreds of fraudulent subscriptions, after using these fake share certificates and shell corporations’ names to fake trading and launder shares in order to swell share price. These are shameful crimes. This IMPEACHED BEAST has no conscience and his family is involved in these despicable frauds as well.

    1. Corporations have no karma. Politicians have no karma. Only people have karma, and it can only be portioned by the cosmos.

    2. @J Groovy Nobody and nothing can avoid an eventual equal and opposite reaction, since it’s not a judgement, merely a kind of behavioural physics, and we are the cosmos, there is nothing that is not the cosmos.
      Or so I suppose!

  3. How can the President not face consequences whereas the rest of America is answerable to every little thing ?

    1. There aren’t many acts more heinous than convincing millions of people to go against their own best interests, to risk their very lives, to put oneself in a position though which to escape all consequence for an exhaustive list of crimes against those very same people.
      And all the more heinous to pit them against one another while they betray their own country for one man, Trump, a greedy sociopathic creature devoid of humanity.
      Vote for Biden and save the soul of a nation. There will not be another opportunity. We are the ones we are waiting for.

    2. trump even said he’d give his tax info as soon as internal audit done. What is he HIDING, after Supreme Court ruled he isn’t above the law?

    1. @Justin Case He was instructed to do so by President Obama, the GOP- led Senate, the European Union, the International Monetary Fund, among others. Victor Shokin was fired because he was NOT investigating corruption and therefore was not helping create a less corrupt Ukraine. His investigation into Burisma was NOT active at the time of his firing and Ukrainian officials have said that neither Biden nor his son were part of any investigation of Burisma before or after Shokin’s removal. Get your facts straight.

    2. @Justin Case weren’t the Republicans in charge of a bunch of stuff when Obama was president? So how dumb are they if what you say about Obama is true. Seems like they would have done something about it since they are the law and order guys.

    3. @tom ireland The GOP had the House majority for Obama’s entire second term and Senate majority for his last two years.

    1. Trump wants four more years, so he can run out the clock on the statute of limitations. Trump has been implicated in more than 100 serious felonies (just ask, if you want to see a list). If he leaves office in January, the SDNY will be waiting for him with handcuffs… and he knows it. Trump could care less about being the president. He just wants to stay out of jail.

  4. Trump running for President will be the worst personal decision he ever made for himself… he’ll be facing litigation until the day he dies

    1. @E K They knew who D. Trump was and they nominated him for president. It’s the worst person you can chose, people like Erdogan or Putin they have at least some principles or values, this guy has none. A couple of years ago a member of the German parliament lost her job because she lied in her curriculum vatie. That’s what I mean with rotten and the world is watching. The republican party doesn’t disagree with this men, they just don’t like that he is doing all of that in the open. Take the day people vote in the US, it’s a Tuesday. How can you chose a Tuesday for such an important election. In most democracies election day is a Sunday so that all people can go.

    2. He’s been facing, or creating, litigation since was a kid. His most pressing concern, apart from presenting himself as the victim, is how much he has to pay lawyers to defeat or obfuscate.

  5. Trump “INFLATING” the value of his assets? Now that’s lying about your personal possessions and accomplishments, now surely Donald wouldn’t do that—would he ?

    1. @Don Hardcastle He lost over 400 million dollars that he was given by his father.My father did not leave me a cent.I have some savings.I didn’t have to go to Russia to get loans to lift myself back up.I did it myself.I have mastered 2 trades.One highly technical the other 6 thousand years old.I am working on my third.I can play an instrument with some level of mastery.I can read and write a sentence.None of these things rump could ever do.He does not have character.He is a treasonous fraud.You are a sucker.

    2. @Ken Howard Yep that’s Bank and Tax Fraud both get you a lovely little cell an orange jump suit with a number on it for at least half a decade A charge. You think that might account for Trump being even more coo coo for coco puffs then he already was?

    3. @Don Hardcastle He lied and cheated as well as getting help from Putin, that’s the only reason he is president. He conned a whole lot of people, and they were too blinded by the smoke and mirrors to see it!

    1. glen simpson (of fusion gps) alluded in testimony to congress about jarvanka marriage being about “other than ‘love match'”

    2. @efs 1066A Trump and a Kushner = a match made in Deutsche Bank. Slenderman and fatty going down together is music to my ears.

    1. Yes, Glenn really knows what he’s talking about. I became a subscriber last month. I gain a lot of insight from his posts.

    2. He’s great, he knows the law and explains it clearly. He does seem quite furious with what he sees going on.

  6. Trump is simply a grifter of no nation. He would be a grifter in the UK, a grifter in Nigeria, a grifter in Russia. He doesn’t care about the US except as a place where he can get what he wants. It’s a base of operations. No more, no less.

    1. The 1% don’t have allegiance to any country–they have residences all over the world and don’t spend too much time in any one place, and they don’t have their corporate offices in the US because of tax avoidance. They use third world countries for a lot of businesses because of the Dickensian wages they have. That’s why its’ insane to sacrifice your whole economy and all your peoples’ futures in order to try to appease them. None of the windfalls they get from the taxpayer or the massive profits they get from low wages and no benefits are ever spent or even stored anywhere near the US. That wealth that is transferred to the 1% represents no benefit at all to the US economy or any American. Burning it would have the same effect. The 1% bleed your country dry, mandate a terrible standard of living that offers nothing but fear and despair. They contribute nothing. All their businesses and the economy would function beautifully without them, and you might be able to use some of the wealth you generated for them for things like life. To them, a life is just another entitlement that you don’t deserve.

    2. “Grifter of no nation.” Never seen it expressed quite that way before, but yes, although you usually think of it as a Third World condition. Emotionally, Trump is the despot with the 95 Rolls Royces although his country has only six highways.

  7. There’s a whole WORM FARM underneath the lid they are seeking to remove. Fraudulence to the max.

  8. Michael Cohen turned over records to the NY DA a long time ago. Trump’s luck is running out.

    1. @Todd Levine all of them, he went to jail…even though he is out he has to ask permission for most everything with his P.O.

    2. It was only two pieces of paper. That’s why they are coming after him. He over stated the value of his assets to get more money from the banks. That is why he is pushing so hard to retain those records.

    3. @Natasha Jean Two pieces of paper prove a crime – well, let me guess, how many crimes will thousands of pieces of paper prove?

    4. charles allan

      Why do you feel you should push your religion on other people? It’s rude. Go to a church web site instead.

    1. That was/is the only reason he wanted to be POTUS; along with the power of the office to steal more.

    2. With their level of business acumen I wouldn’t be surprised if they lost billions during the presidency.

    3. andtam008
      Not billions, but certainly hundreds of millions. He (apparently legally) funnels “campaign donations” into his own pockets, the people who want certain legislation from him obviously book rooms in his premises for extended periods of time without staying there, he got money from the first Covid relief package for his otherwise faltering businesses (hence why Mnuchin tried his best to hide the beneficiaries) and so forth. Its nice sums here and there. But he was never a billionaire to begin with and likely wont be one when he faces the consequences for his five finger discount presidency.

    4. But everytime they asked for Hunter Biden…Burissma Burissma. Trump’s greedy children made million here million there, they are so afraid that others made more money than them. Wtf

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