The fight over the president's taxes is going to the Supreme Court today. Former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal and one of the few people who has actually seen the president's tax returns, Bloomberg Opinion Senior Columnist Tim O'Brien join Stephanie Ruhle to discuss the likelihood of Americans seeing Trump's taxes and the impact it could have. Aired on 5/12/2020.
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Tim O'Brien: I've Seen Trump's Taxes, And You Should, Too | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC
He’s massively in hock to Russia, China and the Saudi royal family, he’s also not nearly as rich as he’d like everyone to think and he’s a compulsive tax dodger.
Rainbow Prism Love this comment, …Can’t Wait. !!
Randy Smith Probably the same place you get yours.
Annette Griffin Of course he’s hiding something, he’s a Con Man, and Liar.
myko freder I thought Trump said when he became the fake President he would
( NOT ) take a pay cheque ? Does anyone else remember this?
@Randy Smith Your arguments wouyld all be fine if I knew Rachel Maddow’s show. I’ve never seen it. But I’m a conservative and have been aware of Trump’s shady dealings since the early 80s. In a 1998 IRS settlement agreement the Trump Taj Mahal casino was cited 106 times for money laundering in the late 80s and early 90s. Look it up. You might be able to get the goat of a liberal who’s against Trump because he’s the opposite side… but us conservatives hate Trump because he’s unethical, unprincipled and incompetent.
In even 10 years time you people of the US will look back at this time with crippling shame.
Ha, we do NOW!
@itgetter9 The government, powerful men in the civil service, ran Germany during the war and continued after the war. Exactly the same people.
10 years! I was ashamed 10 minutes into his swearing in….
There is no shame in not voting for rump
Don’t group all Americans together
Can’t believe that’s still an argument? What is he hiding ?
What is he not hiding???
@jean reynolds Nah…hes too soft for that. He wants people to think he is tho…
@Vivian Simes .”Launder money from SAUDI ARABIA AND
RUSSIA.” … and IRAN.
‘Donald Trump’s hotel in Azerbaijan linked with corruption, Iran’s Revolutionary Guard’. Very interesting details to that investigation.
How many shredded documents by Killary Clinton?
@frictionRx9 so you don’t mind if he’s beholden to Putin or anyone else? It is absolutely the business of the American people. From the constitution: No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.
You want to ditch the constitution you have to amend it.
Voting trump out in November means Trump in Jail 2021!
@wgooetrik Very well said.
@Gina Ballard not this time. He has broken every precedent. This will be no different. He will go to jail.
Obama as a cell mate
@Carl Letz He would not even visit.
Is he still being audited?? No one will ever see those taxes. I have no idea why and how he has gotten away with so much for so long.
Because we have a corrupt Republican Party who covers his track and betray this country on a daily basis. But they will impeach Clinton over a BJ right?..
He’s not being audited at all. He fired all those people. The IRS only audits poor black people because it says they make math errors.
@LaGuan Hayes Excellent write up, my compliments to your effort. I personally have no idea how this debacle of a presidency continues without intervention, it’s appalling. This is not the America I thought I knew for (many, many, a lot of) decades. I knew there were racists, I avoided them. I knew there were religious fundamentalists, I avoided them. I knew there was corruption and favoritism, I called it out when I saw it. BUT…… I never, ever, imagined just how many of those types there were nor how accepting of all this they would be. My eyes have been opened and I’m unimpressed.
Lisa Carr cronies
The Supreme Court will come to his rescue like bush2 when they stopped the count of votes and awarded the president to there choice for a chief justice
Gary Davidson, my sentiments exactly, the supreme Court is filled with clowns too.
I hope you are wrong.
“He needs to win this election to avoid jail time”. Our president of these united states. lmao!!
@theo g LOL!!!
2 courts have already found Trump committed fraud (univ & foundation) & combined fines are equal to or exceed $26 million. Once Vegas opens, I’ll bet on Trump sentenced to jail. Not certain if he’ll serve time, but will wager on sentencing.
@theo g We should all chip in and buy the whole Trump family tickets on an around-the-world cruise!
@B Bodziak
Don´t forget the sub with a torpedo.
Dilwhite4president you talking about bathhouse barry? He’s not even running puddin pop!
He wanted a birth certificate, we get his taxes…..
@Captain Ron Trump doesn’t have Jewish friends, moron.
Deplorable fools lean upon their own misunderstanding and you are a fool
He got the birth certificate
@frictionRx9 too easy, next
@cool-coffee the con man is going to get exposed, so we’ll get the truth he doesn’t want shared. Makes me laugh, truther
Let’s put him where he should have been placed 3 years ago, a nice federal prison….
Andy Hall
President can pardon himself. Haha you lose
Fxck Racism he won’t be president when he’s sentenced… lock him up
@Delta Blues He is though.
i can think of a better place…………….
Trump, Mr “Obama must show us his birth certificate”, is refusing to show his taxes…
@MeanGeneSanDiego where did you go, buddy? Didn’t like what you found?
@Trump 2Q2Q The Library you mean “You can put an orange facial on a pig, its still a pig?”
@Chris Houston you don’t need to be an American born citizen to be a Senator. Did you pass 5th grade?
@Trump 2Q2Q The Library when he said you can put lipstick on a pig and it’s still a pig, it was a Freudian slip. He was thinking about Big Mike
First rule of Democracy: “No one is above the law!”
Nah I rather just let it go… It’s pointless
Domepeace_ltd productions what world do you live on ? The Republicans are the most corrupt The world has ever seen. (FACT )
John Smith trump kills Americans with the help of HIS SUPPORTERS
@Let’s grow Ohh shut up with this nonsense
First rule of a Republic: Majority rules.
He stacked the SC and if that doesn’t get him off, he won’t abide by the ruling anyway
@june bug Sure…
It’s not about him….this time it’s about Deutsche Bank abiding by the ruling.
They’re not going to “let him off” because of the express requirements of 26 USC § 6103(f).
I don’t know how the SC rules, but regardless, WE THE PEOPLE need to DEMAND laws be written that never again, allows a president to be above the law…and to use the presidency in any way that he/she protects their personal actions. This should not be a partisan issue.
@Jake MacHine WE all need to know WHO the candidate (the most important job in our country) is “beholden” to. It is NOT a democrat vs a republican question. It is a question of knowing who’s interest is at the heart of that person’s decisions. THE PEOPLE should always be at the heart of every decision.
He’s no president, he has fooled America by letting him make himself dictator.
@Trisha Ann and you still believe that fairy tale. I can link to the transcripts of all the Democrats swearing UNDER OATH that they saw no criminal acts. Your neurosis is showing.
@Skalgar you are very stupid person
@suny test if all you have are baseless insults like most of the left don’t waste either of our time as I don’t care what you think, I care about the truth.
@John Edward the transcripts of EVERY INTERVIEW weasel Schiff did and EVERY ONE of them said under oath that they knew of NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY OR COLLUSION. but you still think it’s true with no evidence and everyone involved saying there is no evidence. WOW
Can somebody please just say that he’s a traitor, liar, & wrong. Even if it doesn’t make a difference at this point. It needs to be said, out loud & on camera
Tommy Russian election interference? What evidence is there for that?
Amanda Evans English, Svetlana…English!
“Traitor” is a term used when a Citizen betrays his Country to an Adversary while at WAR. So in the present distress, [it] is non-sequitur. (Sorry…just a FACT, F.Y.I) From Legal Dictionary;”Acts of dis-loyalty *during peacetime* are not considered treasonous under the Constitution.”
MeanGeneSanDiego what has he done to betray our country specifically?
I wished she asked does 45 have a reason to be afraid if his taxes are released
She couldn’t. Until there is ruling on whether or not the documents can be made public, the guy who has seen them cannot reveal anything of the content. Too bad…
Of course 45 does. It will not only prove he is lying about his net worth, but since tax records contain information about overseas investments and investors, as well as any international exchanges, his overseas connections will be put out there for everyone to see. His assets in China (which are some of the things that he hasn’t blocked or put tariffs in) will come to light. His Russian connections. His overseas tax haven accounts. And his Multiple debts and to who they are owed (I’m willing to bet there are more than a few Russian and Chinese debt holders there).
@Andrew Case That would be golden. It would take months to sort out all this but would expose some of the links between the super-rich (and super-rich wannabees) of all countries, as well as 45’s own ethics… . But I am not holding my breath as SCOTUS is stacked against truth. We need a leaker like for Wikileaks, or Snowden…
@Andrew Case My guess is that his returns will suggest “investments” in multiple fictitious corporate enterprises. They may also suggest that some of his “investments” are with Russian nationals.
Short answer yes
He chose Supreme Court Judges and an Attorney General who would act in his favor. There’s no way that they will vote to do what’s right on behalf of the people. The judges that he chose will not consider the people first. Sad but true.
We knew something wasn’t right when he introduced 2019’s new tax law. He literally sat with his friends and said, “We just got a whole lot richer”.
I thought the exact same thing…I bet we still dont see his taxes. Probably will still get away with whatever he has done. I’m sure.
So how is everybody enjoying that 4 to $6,000 tax cut he promisedwho right after failing out all those corporations and billionaires there wasn’t any money left in the budget
Pardons maniac War Criminals….knows MORE than the Generals!!!! He mastered ‘Pigpen’ speech which his cult followers Luv
“How do you reply to President Obama hating Trump cult followers?“
“Respond… We went from Real Gold to Fools Gold.”
Trump Organization company was a front that hid criminal activities. Trump Org. clean up Dirty Drug money from Russian Mafia, and Latin American Drug dealers. Trump Org got 12 percent of the cleaned up money. Rogue Trump is the walking and talking embodiment of willful corruption.
Comfort Living you’re such a lemming… go back further… Iran—Contra… Ronald Reagan… And the traitor Oliver North… You’re so easily brainwashed.
@RyuKaze Have you noticed Tommy only just realised that Obama wasn’t in office when all of that happened? But watch him avoid the topic altogether. It still doesn’t change his mind. Tommy will go to another topic and write the same thing all over. He likes the idea of arguing facts but doesn’t really do. These guys are like sheep, unable to think for themselves, so they find comfort in group-thinking.
So there might have been an issue with the way law enforcement handled the case, but to Tommy, it means Flynn is automatically innocent. Tommy will act like he’s done some research but will never research the substance of the case. I bet Tommy doesn’t even know what Flynn pled guilty to. Tommy is not asking crucial questions like if Flynn knew he was innocent, what/who was he protecting by pleading guilty? Tommy doesn’t realise that till date, even the FBI does not know the content of what Flynn discussed with the Russian Ambassador; and that Flynn would rather lie about talking to the Ambassador than admit what was said. This is too much fact-finding for Tommy.
Tommy is not allowed to think outside of the group, because the result of doing so might be contrary to the overall agenda – support Trump at all costs.
Tommy knows Pence went on TV to say he agrees with Trump for firing Flynn. In Pence’s own words, “it was the right decision” ….. In Trump’s own words, “He didn’t tell the vice president of the United States the facts and then he didn’t remember, and that’s just not acceptable,”
“I fired him because of what he said to Mike Pence.”
But it’s all Obama’s fault. Obama probably secretly pressured Flynn to lie to Pence, then pressured Pence to admit this on TV, and ultimately pressured Trump to fire Flynn.
@Richard MacLean rogue Trump is a professional criminal, and yes, Reagan and Bush Snr committed impeachable crimes by using the CIA to flood black neighborhoods with drugs in the 1980’s in order to fund the Contras on Nicaragua. Trump p crimes came later.
Comfort Living Bless you. I am sorry. Apologies if I was too harsh… I get carried away with this hyperbole.
Trump is “owned” by Putin – money laundering via the (Russian owned) hotels and golf courses.
At this second 321 thumb-ups for PU – 1 for Cory Allen – Who’s really stupid?
james Givens ur a COMPLETE MORON! He was convicted in the Russian investigation Barr lied abt it and he was impeached! If it wasn’t for the backing of the gop he wud have been removed! How can u support him while he’s making himself rich by r taxes!! U r another conned republican! So sad bc u r all so stupid and that’s what toddler trump relies on the stupidity of his cult!
james Givens every president b4 trump showed their tax returns and I’m sure Biden will 2 bc he’s not a corrupt con man!
Simply put, the world will be better off without Donald Trump.
Last I checked not many people stay in hotels and golf in Russia…….
Two things are clear have been clear from the get go. He’s probably not as rich as he claims and he owes money to certain foreign bad actor states/individuals/entities.