Bloomberg Opinion senior columnist, Tim O’Brien, analyzes Trump’s decision to ignore the realities of the 2020 election and instead tout, with no evidence, that there was election fraud. Aired on 11/18/2020.
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#DonaldTrump #TimOBrien #MSNBC
Tim O’Brien: ‘Donald Trump Will Go To His Grave Saying I Won’ | Deadline | MSNBC
Imagine If dead people could vote, all COVID19 victims would vote against trump.
WRONG !!!! Herman Cain still vote 4 DT.
250k people is nothing.
@Preston Ramseyer so tired of hearing that question. Many do hav those conditions, did have them, and many dont. People aren’t getting CoVid because they are obese or have other conditions, their chance of dying are higher, but they aren’t dying of obesity, they are dying from an immune response to a viral pathogen. Please get this vital piece of the puzzle. Immune response from pathogen is the cause of death. Therefor CoVid is the cause.
@ExposingMiLabs people are dying from covid due to pre-existing conditions or if they’re overweight. It’s a completely fair question. There is no trolling or malicious intent what so ever. Get over yourself.
@Preston Ramseyer – A man driving a car is hit head-on by a drunk driver at 100 mph. The man ends up going through both windshields and in the back seat of the drunks car. The man had a heart condition. Question. Did the man die 1/1000 of a second before hitting his windshield because of his heart condition, or did he die from the car wreck? Answer. Were it not for the car wreck he would still be alive today. Overwhelmed morgues using refrigerator trucks to store bodies. Overwhelmed icu’s not able to care for other emergency patients because of dangerous conditions in the icu’s. Temporary icu’s in the parking lots of hospitals. Overwhelmed hospital staff who are on the verge of literally breaking down is not due to a sudden rush to die by people with pre-existing conditions. All of them were diagnosed with COVID. And it’s going to get worse because the toddler is golfing.
Americans are paying a high price for selecting a psycho to lead the country 4 years ago.
The sad thing is, I knew he’d act this way but I thought that’s when his base would lose interest seeing him act so childish and unprofessional, and go on with their take of reality, but they got worse!!
@JAYDEN PHIPPS *_His base should get equal punishment. They did vote for him._*
I did NOT vote for that fool then and I definitely did NOT vote for that fool this time.
This is getting ridiculous you all talk but do nothing too stop him you deserve what you get
Trump’s last act: Yawning at 250,000 dead Americans.
@Preston Ramseyer
@B. T. thanks. I don’t see anything about Trump starting a war with Iran. The UN is telling Iran to stop helping Syria out. The attack the Israelis did was a defensive response to an explosive device on the boarder that in fact violates a treaty. Seems to me like Iran is playing dirty again. Oh well, they’re not strong at all.
@William H more koolaid
It will be 280,000 by the end of the month. 1,956 today. 2,000 tomorrow?
Sadly there will be far more. I weep for their souls and their families.
Trump will go to his grave trying to convince people that Paul manafort passing on polling data and campaign strategy to the Russians somehow wasn’t “collusion” ROFLMAO
how about it.
What’s a little treason between Republicans?
Treasonable act
@2old4dispoop you got it!
@truth troll so hopefully Kamal Harris can turn some norm’s into law’s with teeth
Malignant narcissists are gonna malignant narcissist.
Trump is currently ahead of Joe Biden
Oooof! That was a little weak. I’ll give you a 6.5/10 for being factual that Trump is in fact a HUGE narcissist though lol.
I feel like one of the people in the U.S. is being sued by Trump for not voting for him.
Well, he IS suing you, me, and every one of us who refuse to believe anything Trump has said and done
As Satan is dragging his shredded soul down thru the storm drain.
Don the Sleazy Con … No Shame in His Game …SDNY waiting
Trump lies so much that he wont even tell himself the truth.You loss.
Nathan that is actually profound . .. He cannot/incapable of saying ” I lost.”
@The Blue Wave good thing god doesn’t exist! XD
Smh…that’s crazy
He can’t concede. If he does he won’t be able to milk his base for more and more money. Separating money from stupid, gullible people is his only skill and he wants all he can get.
I hope he takes their very last dollar.
Trump is still scamming Americans
When will they finally arrest him
Nobody should be above the law
Yes, when push comes to shove no-one has the balls to do this apparantly!
“… To his grave” I wouldn’t be surprised if someone had a bounty on him.
All politicians are corrupt.
@Daniel Cordero -yo man! I hope he really does! to the highest bidder? No but just for OUR Mercy? yes! Let’s get him boys!
@Wolfie D I mean, I don’t wish death on anyone, not even an enemy, but if he’s not careful, he is gonna lose a lot, and I ain’t talking about the election.
tRUMP has no grasp on reality, period. The only fraud is tRUMP himself. Stay safe everyone. Wear a mask, please. The life you save may be your own.

to ALL.
Thank you. Stay safe too!
Could he go sooner rather than later? No rush, but his grave is calling…
A capsule of cyanide in his bunker would be welcome…
25th amendment
All of us need to sue him
Love it! But get the silver bullet ready…. X
As much as we might love to see Trump become, shall we say, a “president for life”, he should be condemned to live the fallout of his actions, not die by them.
sorry that’s only from trumpet supporters from the swamp..but not the majority of American that vote for BIDEN.
The Mad President is how he’ll be known to posterity.
Yep, the Nero of the American empire…
the mad manchild
@MrSparklespring His familial relationships are more akin to Caligula’s.
He cares in the worst way. He ENJOYS the pain, suffering, death and damage. He is a SADIST. When you realize that you can stop asking how and why.
@Sheila Boston Sometimes wires get crossed and need to be straightened out to correct the problem and work properly. This wire we speak of needs not only to straightened but really stripped and properly grounded. It is possible many places in America could lose power .
@OleeoleeOO That was excellent!
Baby Don is stunted in his morality growth. He is numb to feelings apart from his own. I would normally feel compassion but how can I when he is responsible for so much suffering and deaths. I fear that he won’t be held accountable and will orchestrate so much more damage with his undoubtable influence and rage for vengeance and not healing. My heart is with the American people and the free world who also suffer from his radioactive vibrations.
Exactly, Janet Randall!
The definition of a narcissist!
hopefully trump keeps saying he won right to his prison cell
#45 – if he looks like a
and talks like a
, he must be a
“Marched out the front door”. Yes, i’d love to see Trump marched out of the front door of the WH in handcuffs.
The outgoing president lost to President elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
America looking forward again.