Former RNC spokesman Tim Miller, contributor to The Grio Jason Johnson, and former Senator Claire McCaskill discuss the vote in the House to strip Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of her committee assignments and how this vote will define the Republican party. Aired on 2/4/2021.
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#TimMiller #Vote #MSNBC
Tim Miller: ‘This Is Not Just A Vote Condemning A Kook’ | Deadline | MSNBC
I don’t think we need a strong, conservative party. Always too regressive; never progressive.
Society needs the conservative party to be the voice of caution. The Republican party is the voice of regretion.
Mr. Greenjeans: Hey, I remember you from Capt. Kangaroo! Back to the point: What a conservative party should be doing is pointing out where traditional ways of doing things are working and so do not need to be changed, and secondly, to show how traditional ways of thinking can be used to solve modern problems, so that progress is achieved without upsetting the apple cart and making wholesale changes to society too quickly. That is a positive contribution by conservatism to the nation. It does not stop change, just makes us think more carefully and wisely about it. If only Republicans had posed the right questions about social media twenty years ago, for example. But they didn’t, because the GOP already was no longer a conservative party except in rhetoric. On the other hand, _this_ conservative party does not even want to preserve what we have achieved. As you point out, it wants to move backwards. They at least want to go back to the 1950’s. It can be argued that Cong. Greene and her particular ilk want to go back to the 1890’s, if not the antebellum era and extend it to the whole nation, not just the South. Just as the secessionists in 1861, she claims to be willing to use force in the cause of undermining the government, something the Congress has forbidden in a variety of laws since the founding. The assumption has been that if the people are represented in the body that makes the laws (which they weren’t in 1775 in Parliament) there will be no need for further insurrections against the government. Everyone will have a voice and as a result, the minority will accept the will of the majority because they had their chance to convince the majority to change their minds. This leads also to presidential candidates accepting their losses. All the concession speeches I can remember always included, usually at or near the beginning, “The American people have spoken. The outcome is not what you or I would have wished. However, we accept the people’s decision. I have called X and congratulated…” The Trump Party that the GOP has become is not conservative. It is for a radical change in the way we govern ourselves. It’s hard to know how big the remains of the old GOP, led apparently by Rep. Kinzinger in the House, is when 139 GOP House members just recently voted to overturn the certified results of the election while 145 of them just voted a few hours ago to retain Rep. Cheney as one of their leaders, though she voted to certify the election results and to impeach Donald Trump. Clearly this means that at least 40% of the GOP members voted to overturn the election results after the Capitol riots and also to retain Ms. Cheney in her post. Huh? This, clearly, is not only not a conservative party, it is a very confused party, a floundering party. We should not gloat, however. There have been multiple predictions of the demise of the GOP in my lifetime starting in 1964, and it hasn’t happened yet. They always bounce back, as do Democrats when they lose their way (1980, 1984, 1988).
Yea, get over the ancient nonsense, let people live, love and be happy.
Ttis that
oh yes
terrifying. she must be held accountable. Also she has a gun.
Maki Hashimoto A big gun.
Kevin McQarthy and Q-anon Qaren are the face of the Republican Party
Guns put food on the table unless your liberal then food stamps put food on the table
Gtis that
oh yes
It’s why she’s so worried about a national red flag law! She knows it may well apply to her crazy butt!
never heard of them..just once I’d like to see the liars pants on fire…
As the minority leader McCarthy was PERSONALLY briefed by the FBI as Qanon has been publicly identified by them as a domestic terrorist threat to America, he was 100% unequivocally objectively provably demonstrably and most importantly knowingly lying through his teeth when claiming t not know about them, he should be forced to immediately resign his position at least as minority leader and if the American Reich wing had an actual moral compass at all vacate his seat in the house and be barred from ever holding public office again or work as a lobbyist for life, but of course we know that the Repubics don’t.
@Darth Wheazius I still believe that all of the senators, and Former President Loony Toon Trump should be placed under oath for questioning. The senators don’t want witnesses to be called because they would have to lie under oath. What ever happened to the oath they swore to of “to defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic”. We have domestic terrorism as the number one enemy and the GOP refuses to acknowledge it. Instead, they openly advocate and support it. It is not overreach to strip a congressional member of their duties when the other party refuses to do their job.
Gtis that
oh yes
She’s taking a note from her idol. To gaslight with flattering soothing words… EMPTY but the rest of the GOP eats it up like candy.
Well said!
Gtis that
oh yes
The GOP is a catastrophe. What a mess it is.
Imagine the situation that you’re in hospital with cancer, and the doctor comes back to the room and says: ‘I’, sorry, I can’t do anything for you anymore’. That’s where the GOP has landed; it’s not possible to help them anymore, they’re lost.
@Leonie deJong Congress is a Quandry Phuckk of nothingness that leads nowhere for the last 45 years, They have squandered $70 trillion dollars litterally over the last 40 years, They’re sole purpose is to create debauchery for the MEDIA SPIN CYCLE >Look here NO ! not there
Stormy Stormy Stormy, Russia Russia Russia, Recession Recession Recession, Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine
Awlllllllll A waste of time.. They owe $30 trillion dollars and only 1 way to pay it and that’s to STEAL IT FROM YOU
got me too much when we stole 2000 presidency with our minority. a moderate until red oddities, from a SUPREME COURT PRESIDENT in 2000 , like MTG today, spooked me into seeing the better way. do good work, biden, thanks
Trump breaks everything he touches…
Gtis that
oh yes
The attention given to her while is very important, it is a distraction from others such as Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Lindsay Graham, Kevin McCarthy…they are also a huge threat to their colleagues. We are seriously in danger of our democracy being destroyed.
@E H for sure they must go
In due time…
I agree
Yea your right. but this was created because of haters. racist, and the old timers who think America was for whites only, and they passed their beliefs on there generations. they don’t want to believe that America has changed and the new generation does not want to tolerate bigotry hate and discrimination. we need to educate America this Country of ours was made Strong and powerful because we allowed people of all nations to come together here or did we forget. I am reminded that one stick can be broken easily. but many not so easy, lets come together and stop this hate. God bless America..
Gtis that
oh yes
Nah! America needs a strong forward moving Progressive party to bring it into this century. Republicans can only move backwards.
True. Today’s Republicans are walking, insignificant memoirs that have been compiled and recompiled with a LOT of out of touch, unrealistic who hash.
Nobody should have to work with her! She brags about being a Q believer and carrying a gun not a good combo.
I was Roy Rodgers & Trigger eating a Western Sizzler, on my way home from work. Trigger is Roy Rodgers horse. Roy looks different on tv, than in real life, to let those Q & Maga buckaroos.
Positively demented, America needs to stand up and say no, we have had enough!
Q anon isn’t real it’s an idea kinda like antifa
They put her on the EDUCATION committee. What does that say about the Reps? Are they going to try to spread the word through the schools and change their name to the Qreps?
Which is why EVERYONE must do this… Work to publicly shame all republican doners, pressure & boycott them all to choke off their $$$, work to see they wear their party over country seditous stain forever, & start work now to see they are NEVER elected to ANY public office ever again! Coup attempts & sedition must have consequences or they are only dress rehearsals!
The GOP hasn’t been conservative in thirty years!!
That woman isn’t able to work in any normal office let alone government.
a lot of those q anon nazi racists work all sorts of places. theye what…40% of Republicans?
Not maga nationalist party… FASCIST PARTY of America period full stop!
-All Eyes In The Schools-
North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson is taking umbrage with an editorial cartoon that depicts Republicans as members of the KKK.
Robinson, a Republican, took office in January and is the first Black lieutenant governor in North Carolina history.
“It’s something we cannot stand for, folks,” Robinson said at a press conference Tuesday to criticize the cartoon, published Tuesday on the CBC Opinion page of, which like WRAL-TV is owned by Capitol Broadcasting Co.
Im starting to like the phrase “drain the swamp”
An employee acting like this in any US corporation would be reported to HR and terminated. And they would have the law on their side.
That’s the problem with the U.S political system they make rules for everyone else but somehow within those halls they just don’t apply.
And you can elect anyone regardless of the fit fullness (as we keep learning each year since 2016) to very import positions. The election process is a con in itself to regular working people. Ca you imagine electing anyone to become a doctor with no prior training?
It’s just incompatible to how much of the people earn, obtain and keep their jobs.
Yeahhhh…. the GOP has been morally rotten for 50 years. This is EXACTLY who they are.
Greene is a walking advertisement for tighter gun restrictions.
And a pretty compelling argument for abortion
And mental health advertisements.
America is the “leader of the free world”. I wonder how the rest of the” free world” feels about that statement? She sure makes you proud to be American

. (Just in case some Q whack-job stumbles upon this post, that was sarcasm).
These right wing extremists care nothing about a political ideology or party, they simply want a vehicle to express their hatred and fear…today it’s the MAGA GOP A broad church of grudges
Seditionists Hawley and Cruz should also lose their committees.
mtg is the thing that drove many of us moderate’s to exit republicanism; lying fascism.
The Republican party has been enabling, culturing, endorsing and engineering these MAGAnons for 20 years.