Erica Herman, who was a longtime girlfriend of golfer Tiger Woods, has filed two separate complaints after the six-year relationship between the pair came to an end. Both filings were made to the circuit court in Martin County, Florida.
The first suit, filed in October 2022, alleges a trust owned by Woods violated the Florida Residential Landlord Tenant Act by breaking the oral tenancy agreement. The filing states the actual damages “are likely to be measured in excess of $30,000,000.” Woods is not named as a defendant in the October lawsuit.
A more recent complaint aimed at nullifying the NDA was served to Woods on Monday. Both cases are being brought by Fisher Potter Hodas, a Florida-based family law specialist. CNN reached out to Fisher Potter Hodas for further comment but did not immediately receive a response.
CNN also reached out to Woods’ representatives for comment but did not immediately receive a response. #tigerwoods #jeancasarez #cnnnewsroom
Tiger Woods faces legal complaints from ex-girlfriend

She signed an NDA. You can’t nullify an NDA and then use it against someone.
Stormy Daniel’s did. You liked it then,didn’t you?
@Vital Signs stormy daniels still can’t talk about it
So she’s fighting to stay and live with the person she’s accusing of sexual abuse?
That abuse got me shopping sprees …
@Dan Gittens

Wait for the unalive episode.
Can’t make this up
Now, this is news. Thank you CNN!
Don Lemon just slid into his DMs.
This will set the precedent for the future gold diggers that you can break up and still keep the home … the court have to stop this nonsense … lol
Sounds like the two deserve each other.
This is what is wrong with people. Just because you happen to be in a relationship with someone who is super rich, That does not entitle you to a dollar. Unless you are selling your “services” for money during the “relationship “
Thank you!! IT’S all calculated relationships!!!
Just because you dated a wealthy individual doesn’t entitle you to five years in mansion or a settlement.
I don’t understand. Woods went to Stanford University, and as far as I know, is considered to be a pretty smart type of guy. Yet everytime he gets involved with a woman, he spends all day stepping on rakes.
It’s like with women, he keeps hitting it into a hazard. FORE LEFT!!!
Its either that or live like a monk. He is trapped by his fame and money.
“I hate when people confuse education with intelligence” – Elon Musk
Thankfully, I am a little out of touch with what’s going on around Mr. Woods. By the way, how’s ELVIS doing these days? lol
Everyone knows how freaky you are Tiger , live your life , you can pick up another one too easy .
I have lost respect for Tiger as a person over the years with all the messes he had made in his personal life. But I’m torn about this one. They lived together as a couple for 5 years. He’s gonna have to fork over a chunk of cash to get rid of her.
Even if she is a gold digger.
He already has
Yeah but common law is 7 years.
It’s his place but I imagine if they can’t get squatters out they’ll let her stay there or litigate until it gets too expensive.
Thank goodness, Tiger didn’t marry this woman. He’d better stay single.
That’s some seriously clingy golddigging.
Some people have no dignity.
Tiger, sometimes it’s just cheaper to keep her
Cheaper to rent.
@Socialism Sucks indeed!
Doesn’t every man have “legal problems with their ex” these days?
Getting into a relationship today is total insanity.
Tiger, an awesome athlete, had so much respect from the sports world, traded it all away for what, women like this old gal. He had it all, a beautiful wife and family.
He’ll pay her just to shut up and go away and everybody knows it.
That’s over $500 an hour for every hour she dated him.
She’s ticked off about going from the penthouse to the out house. U had an easy life for 6 years dating the guy and now it’s back to reality and a life she doesn’t want to go back to.