In a historic day, House Democrats unveil impeachment charges against Trump alleging “high crimes and misdemeanors” and drafting two articles of impeachment. MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent, Ari Melber analyzes both articles of impeachment and the narrow scope strategy. Melber reports on the Democrats focusing impeachment on Trump's "scheme" to abuse power and how the second article of impeachment against Trump is narrow — treating his "defiance of subpoenas" and blanket opposition to the impeachment probe as "Obstruction of Congress". Aired on 12/10/19.
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'Threat To National Security': Dems Charge Trump With 'High Crimes' As Impeachment Trial Looms
It shouldn’t just be the Dems charging trump, it should be true Republicans….
@James Ray Another loser backing the wrong horse
@Andy C The only thing he has done is unemployment, an who did that help? the 1% aka him.. The border is no more of a border then it was before he got their. Why yall even keep bringing that up is beyond me, that was like his BIGGEST let down smh.
Jeremy Backup What crimes? The articles of impeachment by the honorable democrats were abuse of power and abuse of congress. Neither of those acts are impeachable offenses in the constitution. This is the first time in history that articles of impeachment were issued with no violation of the constitution. Good luck with that though …
I can not tell a lie “George Washington “
I can not tell the truth “Donald trump “
I can not tell the difference “replublican senators “
We have another Marilyn Manson cult yet again. Republican Inspector general found same damaging information. Now the republicans, president and DOJ head want to discredit it. Republican yell over witnesses when they speak every hearing and goes around the facts. It’s like watching children having a temper everytime. At this point not rocket science and republican GOP is destroying party everyday defending him. Their seats are dropping like flies and almost 70% of americans dont like this president. Sorry but facts speak for itself. Trump is going to lose on 2020 and republican party is goin to drop like the roman empire sticking up for him.
No one in America lies more than the president !!!
CJ Detroit can’t give one example? How about how Benghazi was caused by a movie that NOBODY had ever heard of before…
@David Rook The only moron I know is you. So, Toddle Off.
Its the truth he tells freely no teleprompter needed that THEY FEAR!!!
“The point of modern propaganda isn’t only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.”― Garry Kasparov
That is a deeply profound statement. I know Kasparov as an intellectual. We need truth. Where do we find it? Well done Mr Kasparov!
BUGGED OUT! Gas seems what you must be sniffing!
“0The other objective of modern propaganda is to “eliminate definitive conclusions in people’s minds, by manufacturing an atmosphere of partial truths, engendering indecision & uncertainty, delaying evidence-based conclusion, by people who weigh all options &information in the sincere & thorough search for Truth.” ~ PvH, 2019
Some people take a knee to honor their dead;

Other people take a knee to give Trump head.
*Country over Party. Country over Cult.*
@big guy let’s see, he told WH staff & cabinet members to ignore subpeonas. Hmm, we go to.jail for contempt of court.
He obstructed investigations by duly appointed officers of the law & the court.
We go to jail for obstruction of justice.
He violated his oath of office in lying to citizens he is sworn to protect. 14,000 lies
We go to jail for perjury.
He makes deals with foreign govts to get dirt on another candidate.
We go to jail for election fraud.
He promotes his domestic & foreign properties for his own profit.
We go to jail for illegal profiteering.
He uses the power of his office to get what he wants.
We go to jail for blackmail.
He buddies up to
known enemies.
We go to jail for aiding & abetting known criminals.
That’s enough for now.. but there’s more. Digest.
@big guy BS Monica was a willing adult participant. In fact that’s the reason she went there at night.
@Vote him Out you come up with your own analogy.. it has to pass through the Senate.. which will it might die. But I wanted to go to the highest court because there was no actual crime committed.. hearsay and close enough is not good enough in federal court..
@DR NO yep you sure can’t. 3 million more votes for Hilary. He lost. Get over it snowflake lol
Look at Maxime waters in the back

I’m proud of her… it’s been a long time dream of hers, finally happening
depité senatè finally happening really? Don’t count on it till it really happens Dixiecrat
Reclaiming my time.
@ritemoelaw_books83 Said to Mnuchin! She OWNED that little twerp!
Subverting the Constitution, will get you in hot water and Au revoir from the White House.
Helmet Vanga Abuse of power and abuse of congress are not in the constitution. This is the first impeachment attempt in history where the constitution was not infringed …
Christmas time is coming soon. Time for toys and impeachment too.
@Bud Fudlacker You didn’t watch the video, didya bud.
“President Trump thus warrants impeachment & trial, removal from office, & disqualification to hold & enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.”
Beautiful words. Words of freedom for the country.
ritemoelaw_books83 Unfortunately that is not automatic. It has to be voted on also.
SPI Life – South Padre Island Life I’m ready to take over congress and to win a 2nd term next Thanksgiving!!!
They should have brought several more articles. SMH.
I believe they are trying to keep it as narrow as possible with the 2 things he cannot explain away and not put on a dance and show with his lawyers
@Gudda Riley I think Nancy has the right idea.
@Gudda Riley I concluded that as well
Ross Nancy is trying to keep as many of the Democrats together as possible. She knows these are the 2 articles that most House Democrats will support. If she throws too many at them she could lose more than just the 2 that voted with Republicans with the inquiry vote.
We’ll see how it plays out.
They should give Trump the Julian Assange treatment.
They should give him the Jeffrey Epstein treatment. Jail, of course. What were YOU thinking?
@L W – That would work even better.
Trump used the KKK to make him and his family; Money!
@double penn Learn your history before you make a bigger fool of yourself!
Annette Armstrong Sounds like you’re a sore loser
i am an Independent since Ross Perot.
Trump & Epstein: BFF’s Thats a bold faced lie …
Quite frankly, it’s overdue. He should’ve been impeached within the first two years, but the Cons were conveniently looking the other way as his businesses raked in millions.
Who told you that? They are lying to you.
True and the GOP is still trying to look away. They’re traitors who need to be voted out.
Truth Maybe the GOP can get bellhop jobs at his hotels (if he has any left)!
I love watching trump faceplant. This is hilarious.
It does it almost every day. He is ignorant and idiotic.
“The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all.” – Valery Legasov, Soviet chemist
He was a nuclear scientist, not a chemist.
It’s never the republicans that quote Russians and Nazi’s.
Let that sink in.
@JVS 3 More like MSNBC lies
96% anti Trump anti capitalist media…hmmm draw a conclusion.
donald trump is a guilty criminal….”plain and simple”
What crime exactly?
George Watanabe you mean like every citizen that has the right to not self incriminate? It’s the accusers job to prove guilt, not the accused.
Mr Lopez He’s guilty because the democrats don’t like him
@Mr Lopez ask the 6 dirtbags that are in jail
The ” Chosen One”. Chosen to be impeached.
ArtOfAwareness watch watch you say..we,re giving TRUMPETER the best IMPEACHMENT IN HISTORY.
The People want Giuliani Brought to trial.
hit him with the r.i.c.o ….a taste.of his own medicine

This guy is nuts!!!
Without “wordplay”, a lie can not stand!!!
Trump is a piece of human garbage and anyone who still supports him after 3 years in office is also human garbage!