Thousands of students walked out of class today at Western University over the handling of recent sexual assault allegations.
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@Clixy XD you think violence is a non-story. lol
@Sara D lmao
@Clixy XD Oh look another one making fun of sexual assault
@j4k8 alleged sexual assault…
@j4k8 hahahahahaha
They must hate justin Trudeau then.
You mean Justina
the parents of these folks might see a slight increase in next years tuition…
Not too late to dropout and get a refund on your tuition. Transfer institutions.
Yea and just leave someone else to deal with sexual assault on that campus.
@Pixie Madness It doesn’t solve the problem, but it’s one way to avoid the assaults. Do you have a recommendation?
You can still transfer schools and continue your protests…
Why would you want the rapists to win? They’re the ones that need to be booted off campus.
@Pixie Madness alleged
Were Liberal candidates campaigning there?

Was the accused another Liberal Federal candidate?
It doesn’t matter if it was. Canadians clearly endorse electing Liberal criminals.
Is Trudeau doing a recruitment drive at Western, since questionable ethics and morals don’t apply to him or his party.
Keep crying about Trudeau. OToole is going down like Harper and Scheer.
due process= “cruel and unjust procedure”
By diveristy
Was the culprit tresed in blackface ? If so I might know who it is?
What exact happened during orientation week? Would have appreciated if the video spent a little more time on that…
Guys and girls got wasted. Next day, women don’t want to take accountability for their actions, and need to blame someone. Exactly, why I would never send a son to a western university. Minefield for life ruining false allegations.
@JoJo Or Else i went there for 5 years 2013-18 and not one of my male friends wqs falsely accused of anything. The only person charged with assault was literally bragging about assaulting soneone.
@Arman Oroomchi and yes, I doubt Western is unique, one way or another. Universities are Universities, I don’t think it matters much between them
I’m willing to bet not a lot. Fartbook fools would be my guess.
parents must take precautions of their children nowadays,something is very wrong in our education system.
No one deserves to be sexually assaulted.
Not true.
*Wants perpetrators held fully accountable for their actions and to end victim blaming
*Blames school, “&@$e culture”, “toxic masculinity” and everything but the perps who apparently just weren’t TAUGHT not to be sociopathic, criminal sex predators.
remember cuomo resigned not removed
nothing will ever change with the system.
I’m all for bringing whoever is resonsible for these allegations to justice if found guilty. Investigate the situation for sure. But there’s not enough to this story just yet. Like what’s the time frame of all these druggings? Is it a one night thing, a week long thing? How any suspects are we talking about here? Is it one, or a group of 5 or 10 guys or girls? If at least 30 of these instances are happening, should they not lockdown the entire campus? More info please
Since meetoo, I have ZERO trust in allegations by women.
These are adults. Go to the police if you need to report an assult.
If anyone is found guilty, they do not belong in a school but prison.
no realy?
Perhaps these peoplekind are just experiencing undocumented affections differently.

Drugs aren’t fun. Don’t do it. Stay focused and consider not going out partying