CNN's Sara Sidner reports on the memorial in Houston, Texas, for George Floyd, an unarmed black man who was killed by Minneapolis police, prompting nationwide protests denouncing police brutality.
Thousands mourn George Floyd’s death at Houston memorial

If I hear Amazing Grace one more time, I’m gonna lose it.
@Achom Miriam not sure if you know the historical context of the song.
@Grabsac Turninkoff leave your body
@Achom Miriam Grace can’t be given to the damned, george is burning in hell right now where he belongs
@The Amazing Guyulnevrb The only people systematically holding down black men are other black men. Respect family, respect education, stop killing each other, and the rest will be too easy. That’s the only help anyone can ever give you.
Native Americans are like.. Huh?
they exist??? hehehe
Mexicans are likewise scratching their heads. They’re victims of Manifest Destiny as well.
Wht flight was a result of blks brutally bulling white people…the audacity to call it racist wow sure

@FC Mazzaroth and you live in the matrix
I don’t “really care” unless it someone i have an emotional, psychological attachment to. All this virtue signaling, its good intention but insulting and fake
at least your honest about it.
to the rest of the world, this is ridiculous.
First they came for those you didn’t care about, you said nothing. Cuz, duh! You didn’t care about them.
But when they will come for you…. you will be all alone.
These who organized this circus using dead man body for achieving their political goals, should be ashamed of themselves!
He was not even a porn star, apparently.
Wow, you totally missed the message. I think you need to start school again
So he is not even a porn star???
@Eduardo Viajero …yes he has starring role in FLOYD THE LANDLORD
I thought Democrats made going to church against the law and said it put people’s lives in danger?
Hypocrisy Is on page 2 of Democrats playbook right after calling racism to counter any discussion or questions towards their fringe cult like ideology
There’s nothing wrong with going to a church if your actually there to pray.
@scummybear13 lmao what
And yet Republicans (Some) voted for some one who could care less about us

I’m a democrat and I’m not going to church,so what does that tell you,about that not all Democrats have the same ideas
Why don’t u cover the death of the black officer killed
It’s a different issue! This is about police brutality on unarmed civilians, specifically African-Americans. It’s not about police that die while on duty.
@bela horvath
True, it’s about police brutality against EVERYONE. They are the biggest crime syndicate in US. Defund those pigs in uniforms.
Did Fox make you say that?
I wonder how those people feel about George Floyd’s home invasion victim??
@Evelyn Drakeford Williams His character suggests he would’ve been dead in a year or two anyway. He left his daughter to rot because he wanted to have sex and do drugs. He fucking threaten and robbed a pregnant women, he died like the way he lived like an animal.
@Evelyn Drakeford Williams All lives matter
@Pat Orsban what this is not about the damn dems or the GOP…
@Evelyn Drakeford Williams it’s obvious fake news don’t care about black lives…. They’re just political pawns to win power…… SAD
They don’t care. They are either white or their suffering falls under “acceptable losses” to these people.
What about the innocent people who lost their lives during the protests? I guess their lives didn’t matter at all.
18 murders in the last 24 hours in Chicago. Good job Democrats.
Yea that doesn’t count the guys who die at the hospital that’s a different number.
Shhhh BLM !!
Those dont count and they never speak or mourn those young men or support their families. Just these
were they all cops.
some justice eh.
David Dorn, say his name.
Why didn’t thousands mourn David Dorn?
Dorn wasn’t killed by a racist police force acting with virtual impunity on behalf of government. Floyd has become a symbol of resistance.
@Jackie Paper What evidence besides that the cop was White and Floyd was Black do you have that this was racism?
@Jackie Paper …floyd dropped 2 baggies all on cctv after getting out his car – he was high as was one of the occupants….he resisted arrest…..he had previous – some violent….it was nothing to do with race
Jackie Paper clown
@geoffdundee Also, both the officers and late Floyd worked at the same club at some point in time. Floyd had pointed gun at a pregnant woman gut and was jailed. But his death was plain murder and the officer must be punished. I don’t support a hero portrayal of a criminal
18 murders in chicago in 24hrs…… CNN must have missed it??? Any riots in the city going on??
Nahhh i live here that’s normal ..BLM !
David Dorns murderer was caught today. How many BLMERS know who David Dorn is?
Nobody cares. By BLM standards – Its B on B crime so it doesn’t count.
Caught, and we know the criminal will get punished:/ Unlike Floyd’s murderers who weren’t even charged without historic protests. You racist trash bags.
Exactly! David Dorns’ murderer should be charged for his crime, just like George Flloyd’s murderer should be charged for his crime! That’s what I’ve been saying this whole time!
it’s obvious fake news don’t care about black lives…. They’re just political pawns to win power…… SAD
Thanks for a great example of false equivalency, it’s an interesting fallacy, perhaps you should look it up.
It’s a fact that most black men are in jail for dealing and doing drugs. Rap songs also glorify life on the streets. The culture also has to change for there to be meaningful impact.
THUG said enough.
Where will they send this druggie next?
Hey has anyone seen the new footage … Guess who’s resisting arrest ?? Oy vay ! George was a felon and a drug addict …great hero
amazing !
happy days when trump takes the bullet this year.
I wonder how many people would have turned up for David Dorn’s funeral instead of a lifetime criminals