A rain-swollen river has flooded fields and streets in parts of mid-Michigan after breaching two dams, forcing evacuation orders for thousands amid a coronavirus pandemic that's posing safety challenges for officials trying to provide shelter. Parts of the city of Midland and surrounding areas were virtual lakes Wednesday morning, and it could get worse. Downtown in Midland, a city of about 41,000 people downstream of the dams, could eventually be "under approximately 9 feet of water" on Wednesday, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said the prior night.
#CNN #News #usnews #weather #happeningnow
Thousands in Michigan evacuate after 2 dams failed

Remember when obama threatened to hold federal disaster aid to a state while the disaster was happening? Oh wait, that was trump this morning.
edsly sly A few things 1) It was 8 years ago, get over it 2) Obama did approve funding for Tropical Storm Debby In 2012 for about $15 million 3) Yes, Sandy was in 2012 and we shouldn’t deny the fact he did provide funding of $50 billion in federal aid 4) Obama also provide federal funding in 2016 to Florida for $216 Million for Hurricane Matthew and Hermine . Are you serious, now?
@Hush Up for 1 get over was answer to question above so that just dismissal from you. 2 story from Tampa newspaper put out story of different times aid denied to Florida from Obama administration for federal disater just in 2012. Story published in 2015. Must be fake news.
edsly sly Ok, just to clarify… you are saying a story published in 2015 about Obama rejecting Florida aid in 2012, is Fake News?
@Andrew Mitchell just like.. you can keep your doctor and your plan and it will be affordable.
@Mandi B What he said was true… I mean you don’t know what truth is.
I guess the anti lockdown protesters’ prayers were answered.
@Eris 👌 have a nice swim
@Joe Rubio thats not what he actually said moron
@dicky magee’s axe lol you an idiot if you don’t think it’s possible i know multiple people that make 300k off youtube and iinstagram and only fans a year then know people who make 500k off stocks and cryptos. My friends work for apple and amazon both making 40k plus from their homes
Uncle Ed his not Trump
Elmosweed even worse: “the more traumatized the better they are in bed” ……
As if people needed even more of a reason to hate 2020…and it’s not even half way through. What other delights await us?
@Havanorange Which is absolutely what you must do, but the alternative will be and always will be, just another fake politician screwing you all over.
A level 10 earthquake must come now lol
Oh, I’m sure the Trumptard will create a war to top it all off. Probably with Iran because his buddies really want their oil, so that must be done with his new ‘super duper’ missiles.
@John Yeager thats hilarious, I can apreciate some sarcasm🤣🤣
Basically Trump 2020.
Looks like someone forgot to put the dam correctly in city skylines. Smh
@Forever Holiday
Well if Trump would have had infrastructure money available when promised maybe the above subject could have been avoided.
The wall is where his focus is.
@Mario Lopez wow, I’ve got toe nail fungus. Damn Trump to hell!
@Mario Lopez the Democratic held House passed multiple infrastructure bills in 2019, Mitch McConnell said we didn’t need to work on it…
@TheGuerillapatriot wow you’re a crybaby…
US infrastructure? Nah sorry, we have wars to fund, and corporations to bail out. Don’t forget tax cuts for the rich. Hope you can swim.
@dicky magee’s axe I agree, but both sides do it isn’t a defence. If they were white washed by the courts they were.. innocent.
People “walk” when lying about non crimes all the time.
I don’t think any Admin can be scandal free, but its hard to find examples that are comparable to other Presidents.
Clinton’s staff had requested the emails to be deleted months before the subpoena, according to the FBI’s August 2016 report. Moreover, there’s no evidence Clinton deleted the emails in anticipation of the subpoena, and FBI director James B. Comey has said his agency’s investigation found no evidence that any work-related emails were “intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them.”
@Alex Cameron No tax money goes to abortions. It should, because it is a valid medical procedure. But, religious kooks have prevented it.
@Yeshua Messiah No babies are killed. Calling a fetus a baby is the same sort of stupidity that would call a living person and undead corpse. And your yeshua is a fraud, another false meshiach. Is everything you think a lie? It seems so.
@Yeshua Messiah Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, etc.
Michigan Protestors: We are going out no matter what!
Mother Nature: Hold my beer…
Ahhh Good ONE
Well they are going out now. I never stopped going out. THERE IS NO VIRUS.
@Over It BS = Bachelor’s Degree of Science?
@Eric Hicks Good stay out you have that right. You just dont get the right to ask for medical attention when it hits you or granny imma pray for your elders cause there gonna need it
Over It Mother Nature agrees with them. She stopped all politicians from meeting.
Quick we must give more money to the markets. They’ll know what to do.
@Scott Comstock Why are people saying that Trump supporters did this?
@Chris B im a card carrying Republican. But be real, no sane Democrat or Republican would ever want anything near JC laws to return. You give the rest of us a bad name…
Funny! But I bet plenty of ppl don’t get the sarcasm. (You know the reps and conservs don’t..)
Just by any chance – past 8 years didn’t have Michigan had the Republican governor???
(Btw, didn’t Flint watergate scandal didn’t happen because of his great leadership style? So does the neglected infrastructure like dams.
You are already Republicans and Conservatives slave for while. You just didn’t get it yet.
“When the levee breaks. Mama you’ve got to move…..”
I’m going to Chicago…
At least we all can surely agree that Green Day sucks…
Trump will throw more papers towels at them.
“when the levee breaks you have no place to stay”
Dams “reopened.”
@Tixe 100 That’s his toliet backing up.
@Michigan Wolverine But we have Whitmer. That evens things out.
Zahir Datoo You gonna be a traitor, like the confederates?
Zahir Datoo Free market?
How’s the kool-aid?
Odd people are blaming the governor again. The gun wielding fools should take up their arms and block the water while shooting at the virus.
Maybe God is showing trump how insignificant he is.
2020 has been the biggest “bruh” moment in recent memory
Ithikuss SSukihti “according to you”
@Ray 123 but it’s true
2020 = “Bruh”
2021 = “TheActuallFuck!”
@Ray 123 the Democratic house passed multiple infrastructure bills in 2019, and you cheered Mitch and Donald on when they said no. I’m glad this was a heavily Red District, its a real I told you so moment…
OMG, everyday there’s huge catastrophe, on top of another huge catastrophe, and on top of the pandemic too! I’m praying for everyone everywhere!
Praying ain’t gonna be enough
As long as we have Liberals in Congress this will keep happening. Look at Calif. Pelosi and Schiff. Look at New York. Look at Detroit. All DemoCraps control areas.
we are in the End Times and Jesus is going to Rapture his Believers out of here before 7 years of Hell on earth. Please wake up
@Peter Negan You’re trolling or dumb as hell.
He’s both, actually.
Floods, plagues, locusts, famine. 2020 is going to go down in history as our last one.
and you can still vote for an other trump mandate!
I’m still not ready for the hornets.
Michigan: going through 25% armageddon
What do you expect from a woman leader? Women and Dems do stupid things like lock down a state for a scamDemic.
@Lucius Kiirus the hate in you is strong lol.
God’s trying to help the idiots in that state stay home.
If this were Trumps watch they would say he was ill prepared. Those dams were inspected and found faulty. He should have done something, and that he is not a good leader, but it’s a blue state with a Tyrrant in charge. CNN and MSNBC will spin the s_it out of this for her.
@skrapjac is this bait? This is poor bait. Not biting.
Call in the space force and super duper missiles.
Protester’s: we want freedom Governor: go to hell
May God be with you folks.
who needs God when you got Guns.
@RIXRADvidz yeah get out there and shoot up that water, before Trump drinks it all.
God just called, he said u guys r stopid!
RIXRADvidz guns for what shooting water lol
God be with you also.
God really said “Hollup Im not done😤🤚”
I’m looking forward for the raining of frogs. I’m hungry!
It’s almost as if our infrastructure has been neglected and people have been asking our politicians to do something about it for decades.
@Tony Colucci Come to Detroit and spew your hateful bs.
@njlm7659 ……..what. The current admin is Republican……4 years of them, and they have done zero about infrastructure.
@Eco Geek oh, did obama do anything in the 8 years he had? Trump spent the first three years defending against the Russian collusion delusion, but the tables are turning.
@Yeshua Messiah Way to make another tragedy fit your distorted worldview.
*”Drove the Chevy to the Levy now the Chevy is a boat”*
The flood, one day, it will go away, and it will be like a miracle!