‘This Threat Is NOT Going Away’: States Brace For Armed Protests After U.S. Capitol Attack | MSNBC

At least 18 states are taking security precautions after the U.S. Capitol attack on Jan. 6. NBC’s Frank Figliuzzi says we are looking at an “almost permanent urgency inside our country,” and that we are going to see an increased security presence for the “foreseeable future.” » Subscribe to MSNBC:

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‘This Threat Is NOT Going Away’: States Brace For Armed Protests After U.S. Capitol Attack | MSNBC

‘This Threat Is NOT Going Away’: States Brace For Armed Protests After U.S. Capitol Attack | MSNBC


    1. @UCvdBI4sKDNcFPg5EMzWlSPg Yep, exactly. Nothing invigorates freedom and democracy than the blood of the Traitor and the Racist.

    2. They already caught one at the capital today.with fake id and guns and ammo in his truck trying to get past the barrier

    3. @Maggie Mims His family called and warned DC police … Even these people’s families have had it with the tRump base.

    4. @Beyond Stylz It’s so much like with ISIS. Most from Europe were disowned by their families, and who often called the police on them.

  1. It still confounds me why militia groups that stockpile guns and lean towards fascist ideas are tolerated. Inherently, they are illegal unless constituted by a government entities (states, county or national)

    1. Being in a group or having a gun isn’t illegal. When you shoot or threatening people …then it’s a crime. So…they will find those at the Capitol!!!

    2. They like to interpret the constitution however they like to fit their bizarre ideals. They’re all fools.

    3. Can’t even consider them “militias.” They’re terrorists organizations & they all need to be put down asap.

    4. @Kathleen Austin By that same reasoning, driving drunk isn’t criminal; it’s only when you cause an accident because you are drunk …then it’s a crime.

  2. Keep revealing yourselves. Bots and lies have confused you into believing there’s some silent majority out there. There isn’t. It’s an echo chamber for hate.

    Our enemies may have thought they were weakening us and driving a divide among our country. Wrong. This will make us stronger and accelerate the process of eradicating racism from society.

    You know how I know free speech isn’t being infringed on? I say whatever I want knowing what I say has consequences especially on a private platform.

    1. @Willie Peet You should ask yourself why that 160 page PDF can’t be posted on the internet. You think it’s because you’ve gained access to some special level classified document but the reality is you’re sharing unverified documents.

      At the very least try explaining what’s inside what you’re sharing.

  3. At this point “Iran China an Russia will be warning there citizens to avoid traveling to United States

    1. Well i am from Ireland. My Uncle lives in Phoenix. I might visit next few years after politely refusing in 2018. My GF is Kenyan and she loves America but i worry seeing how much hatred there is for Black people let alone a mixed race couple.

      I hope it improves but unless the internet gets banned i can only see humanity getting worse and worse tbh.

  4. I will be watching at home. I am happy that we have a new President and Vice President and Senate. Trumpism is defeated!!!

    1. @Biden Fraud ahahaha 🤣 😂 don’t make me laugh..you will be delt with..by us liberals and by the us government..you trump supporters or cultists are outnumbered

    2. @Biden Fraud butt hurt heh ?? We’ve put up with trump for 4 years..we want democrats..they do a better job than Republicans

  5. Any time a group of people show up armed and with zip ties or restraint as they call them They are not there to protest peacefully they want intimidation and threaten bodily harm. If they threaten the people protecting our government they need to be dealt with as terrorist.

    1. lolz deranged liberals still going on with their deranged mentality that they own America, everything in it, make all the rules and control the people

    2. Republicans = domestic terrorist, the ones who attacked the capital on Jan 6 should get life in prison

    1. @DeadNorth 86 As the Democrats introduced policies to support voting rights, it became the favored party for most Black voters and has remained so since. With that realignment, many white racist voters who opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 left the Democratic Party to become Republicans.

    2. @DeadNorth 86
      If they bring violence, they die for what they believe in. “You can’t fix stupid. You can only watch it die”.

    3. @Buff Straw
      The Dixiecrats aka Southern Republicans. Ever wonder why the men in white robes have guns and support the Republican party? Well, there you have it.

    4. ginkinky Rather than that, why not just get the fire trucks in and hose them all down with pink slime, to the Ghostbusters theme! Best way to shut it down quickly and humiliate at the same time.

    1. @Lorne Armstrong No, he didn’t, and no, the protests were violent. It’s all on camera, including the cameras of the terrorists.

  6. That’s what’s coming next. Now that we have to have armed security and barriers at state legislatures to defend from the crazies in their ranks GOP will be crying “whaa police state whaaa” yeah, you built it lying hypocrites

  7. Pretty sad time in America when the biggest terrorist threat to the country is its own citizens. The war on terror needs to be applied at home as well.

    1. If you really want unity, you know what you need to do Senate Republicans. Stop the big lies by speaking the truth. Find him guilty as charged with evidence in hand. It will make it easier for the confused to figure out

  8. When I see guys in their twenties walking around in Walmart with guns strapped to their belt – I don’t feel safe, and I don’t think, what a great country we live in. Smh

    1. Yeah, and they shot dead an innocent black guy in Walmary the Toy section for holding a TOY GUN! If they want to battle the whole united States they will die in big numbers or die in Jail. I hope Men of ALL nationalities, especially Men of color are ready for these Terrorists! Protect yourself, family and your neighbors. We all need to be ready… NOT just the National guard or police. THIS IS DIFFERENT PEOPLE …these people know their way is a dying way and they feel the END IS NEAR! Lets Expose them all so we can create a. BETTER America that really BELIEVES, ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL! 💕

    2. You should feel even less safe when someone turns on the ignition of a combustion engine vehicle or lights up a cigarette within passive smoking range. You people just need to decide whether it’s OK to carry an assault rifle with a full magazine to s protest or public building, that’s all.

    3. @Mary You’re entitled to your view but it’s the certainty of breathing polluted air with carcinogens vs risk of getting shot.

    1. Unless your a white supremacist in America! Then it’s “When the looting starts, the rooting starts!”

    2. @James Perry The White Supremacist claim is that they can’t steal things that are their own possessions.
      Makes sense to them.

  9. These are terrorist that storm’s the capitol building, and most of them are getting misdemeanor charges.

  10. No. An “armed protest” is not a protest. It’s a “show of force.” Or an “organized threat of violence.”

    1. @Space Gamer1987 Dorn the Armor of God. The Communist Bot/Troll army will descend upon you soon. Their PANIC level is off the charts.

    2. @TheBase1aransas Those “patriots” tore down an American flag and replaced it with a Trump flag. They want to destroy democracy and install a king. How patriotic of them.

    3. @Baruch Ben-David YOU Baruch are a Deep State SHILL. Twisting the Truth is what Satanic evil is all about. And the world is learning about you. Carry on.
      (Are you so engrossed in your lies that you haven’t seen the planning meetings RECORDED by the infiltrators at the Trump march?) DARK > LIGHT
      You chose a side. God Help you.

    4. To think 40k troops at our capital right now is for some armed trumpers well, stupid. Something else is going on

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