David Ignatius, columnist for the Washington Post, talks about the parallels between foreign political insurgencies and the mob violence by Donald Trump supporters in the U.S. Capitol, and explores questions about how the Capitol was so poorly secured against the rioters. Aired on 01/06/2021.
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#TrumpMob #DavidIgnatius #MSNBC
'This Looks Like An Insurgency': Ignatius On The Pro-Trump Mob's Violent Flame-Out | MSNBC
they need to deep clean that building
Digitally too, all the tech is now compromised
@Linden Thats the part I don’t see anywhere near enough people talking about.
@Big Alls and himself, so he gets away, no consequences!! Wow American democracy is amazing

@Jan Alexander And Adderall/cocaine abuse.
Yeah to get the stink of Kamala out of the Senate….
Only 15 people arrested?? WTF!!!???!!!???

Then arrest all the blm rioters, who burned down buildings, looted, and killed ppl
@AM they should have take a knee
@Commie Hunter Completely agree, but the problem is most of them people were wearing masks. These idiots yesterday weren’t.
Should have been 0
@red tube If the police cannot even defend congress, why not disband them? They cannot provide law and order.
Answer the question they should b arrested now not later
They brought buses in to arrest more. They have video.
Toh wow
Stunningly beautiful!
Incite a riot: When a person encourages others to commit a breach of the peace without necessarily acting themselves.
@13 seems like liberals call facts they dont like lies. Tapper is a liberal propagandist lying to his dimwitted audience he is a journalist
Trump is a coward, He will get others to do something and then run away!!!
@joe thomas honestly, you really feel that Trump is a honest and decent man with high morals.
@David Rousseau What Capitol Building or State House did Antifa or BLM attack
Yeah, I thought so
Who had a plot to kidnap a Governor and State Legislators, with plans to burn an locked OCCUPIED State House
You’re so RICH in your typical Whataboutism 

@Tara Mahoney Thank you
This is the cost of complacency.
@E. Squatch unfortunately history repeats itself……
@coco bloco unfortunately..
Osama bin Laden warned Americans something big was coming, and they had 911.
Trump called on his supporters to protest in Washington on Jan 6, asking them to come down, and saying it going to be wild.
Everyone knew its going to be ugly.
Toh wow
@julie froman these people need a critical thinking class.
They better have better security on January 20 th
They will and a whole lot more will be better.
Toh wow
@Diane Rose Like so many conspiracy theories, evidence for or against is irrelevant to those believing the conspiracy theory. When interviewed, Trump supporters refused to discuss the lack of evidence for election fraud. All they seemed able to do was emote. And, as with other baseless conspiracy theories (e.g., flat Earth, 9/11, moon landing denial), this one will never die. The trick will be keeping the crazies from murdering and assaulting the objects of their pointless fury. The US deserves our pity.
@Phil Davenport
I agree that the Earth is not flat, that we went to the Moon, and that Trump lost the 2020 election. But the events of 9/11 were not properly investigated.
Play trumps game. Shut down his Twitter account completely and then let him Take it to court and drag it out for 4 or 5 years
The person who lights the fire is the same person who burns the place down.
I don’t think the guys taking selfies with the insurgents are in too much of a hurry to see them prosecuted
@jr goxy There’s no such thing as a BLM riot. It’s never happened. Protesting isn’t rioting. It just isn’t. And rioting isn’t protesting.
@jr goxy feeling bad go join in
Under BLM protest they had hundreds of national guard members protecting Lincoln monument … funny how when its whites with guns , cops are nowhere to be found .
@jr goxy boy, you are really stupid
. No I mean really, really very stupid 
@Pete Lind WASPs with guns are not dangerous they are just concerned citizens. Concerned about maintaining the system that keeps them on top.
They really should have been more prepared with these walking dead zombies.
Trump refused to allow the National Guard to go in. That’s why the cops were incredibly outnumbered.
The DC mayor had asked for National Guard but trump’s DOD refused
@Gabo0n VIP3R Twice it was called for and he refused.
@E Hole The NY Guard volunteered to Cuomo – that’s why NY is sending 1,000 troops to DC. We can do this – but why should we have to?
@Chloe Key can you share how you know that?
Yuri Bezmenov was right this is how you destroy a nation not by wars, but by destroying it internally from the people who control everything
@Micheal K you have been in power this whole time. What happened is on you
Instead of China disintegrating into chaos by US media assault on them, its the US that slipping into chaos.
Toh wow
@Micheal K Evidence? Countless failed legal challenges and 3 recounts not enough for you? Try parrotting something a bit more defensible.
@Micheal K
Democrats and Is Republicans are on the same coin.
The value of the coin doesn’t change because you look at the other side.
Heads or tails,the coin is worth the same.
Didn’t move fast enough? Because they were taking selfies with the trumpsters
How much proof do people need to see he’s not the victim but the aggressor!!!?
More than you would believe. More than is possible to provide.
Abusive personalities, narcissists like this create an image of being right to the point of the exclusion of any possibility they could be wrong. If they are wrong, well, they’ve just changed their mind, they were never wrong. They were always right, because they are always right because they’re so smart and so knowledgeable and have the best understanding, only understanding of the situation.
Huh, it’s almost like Trump has said stuff like that.
It’s not about how much evidence, it’s about how many people just want to believe that the sky is green and how many people actually look up and see the sky is blue.
People like Trump, are petty, mean spirited and frankly, need to be locked up. I’ve dealt with the type before and never again.
He is the extreme of the angry white man.. its amazing, the most privileged demographic of the entire world. White, Male, Developed world… in trumps case you also get fed with a silver spoon and handed everything he ever wanted.
Someone linked me a republicans senators tweet last night about the national guard.
Underneath there were two tweets from trump supporters, both claiming ‘I’ve just heard’ that the rioters were antifa in disguise.
Both tweets had hundreds of likes.
Uhhhh they didn’t go burning down homes and cities of innocent ppl… they just rallied at the capitol, and any violence that broke out was instigated by police…
@sum 1 yes rushing Capitol Hill and police trying to stop them is called instigating. Your logic is clouded. If there were no trump flags you’d say it’s antifa and blm.
“Man You So Lucky You’re White” in my Trevor Noah voice.
@joe thomas
This is great. Just when you think trump can’t shoot himself in the foot, his supporters do it for him
Toh wow
Its the ppl’s building you morons
@Commie Hunter and… so you’re allowed to try to stop law and order? Becuase you dont like the outcome of law and order? Try harder.
Re-arrest Stone and Flynn for their part in this insurgency, NOW !
insurgency? looked like a mostly peaceful protest to me. the only violence was the unarmed white women being killed.
@joe thomas you’re hilarious joe. Check that, no you’re a moron and it’s hilarious how stupid you are.
Toh wow
@joe thomas except for the smashing of windows.. forcing of barriers, storming of federal buildings.. yea.. but you are right they did not shoot anyone.. you want us to give them credit for that?
The receipt checker at Walmart could have provided better security.
@4Knewt Well in their own warped minds they are Patriots, so we’re at an impasse.
@T Val how do you know he’s not president yet! The man is an American give him a chance to prove himself. GOP can’t be in power all the time that’s why you have two parties

And Walmart prosecute to the maximum extent of the law. MAGA get a pass and a selfie
Its the ppl’s building…..
It might not be standing after ANTIFA rolls in tonight
This was the only inevitable outcome for MAGA. It’s been 4 years in the making.
That faction was always there post 1968
@sham the polarisation is actually a core feature of the fascist regime, a requirement if you will. if it doesn’t exist they create it. It did exist but its been carried much further now. The purpose is to victimize themselves to motivate that they need to “revolt”
@sham Belgium, N Ireland, Belarus, Russia, India, Iraq, Israel-Palestine, former Yugoslavia, Ukraine, Sri Lanka, France, Indonesia, Philipines, Brazil, most of Africa, Turkey, etc. There are plenty of other split nations based on differences to varying degrees. U.S. never healed from its civil war, plus is constantly in the spotlight and a purported beacon of western democracy, so it’s troubles are magnified 10 fold. But yes, it’s still very bad and getting worse daily.
@Patrik Wallin 100% agree. And right-wing media monetizes and weaponizes it.
50 years in the making since Nixon, I am surprised the White House did not burn.
The cops literally opened the gates.
“Why weren’t there more capital police present?” Because this wasn’t a BLM PEACEFUL PROTEST.
because they are afraid. Those morons are armed.
The curfew was set for 6pm and yet those terrorists are still walking about?
@Topher The11th I guess that arresting a crowd of thousands is difficult in a democracy. Especially a crowd that half the police sympathizes with.
@Enyavar Nathis Well, they never arrest a crowd of thousands. They just bludgeon and handcuff the ones they can get to. Eventually the rest of them run away. But they weren’t doing ANYTHING to the curfew-violators on Weds night. NOTHING. Just herding them like collies herding sheep, ever so gentle, ever so caring and protective.
@Topher The11th That is pure ineptitude, I know all that. Law and order should be followed: Time for legalized mass surveillance, facial recognition, and the police showing up to their homes later. Other dictatorships are long since doing it, often thanks to US help.
Hmm that sounds familiar for some reason
oh yeah, I remember, 2020 the summer of far left extremist terror
@Thomas M yeah that’s ironic, I see that as well – agsinst BLM or in Portland, the police hasn’t failed that badly, many more protesters were shot back then. Or the rightwing coup attempts in michigan. If the US goes full dictatorsbip, they should at least treat all terrorist groups the same. And MAGA seems to be the largest and best-weaponized of those terror organisations in the world.
“We can’t tell why the forces didn’t move in faster”
They were not black or brown.
Next question.
Roh wow
Blm riots
@Commie Hunter U mean trash riots?
@Melodysmusic100 the riots where buildings were destroyed, burned, looted, and ppl were killed those riots, remember?