Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) tells Chris Hayes that all of Trump’s lies are unforgivable, but this one is the most unforgivable because he’s lying about the pretext for war. Aired on 01/13/20.
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‘This Lie Is Most Unforgivable:’ Chris Murphy On White House Deception About Iran | All In | MSNBC
So many lies to choose from
@Dawn Hughes Exactly !. There is lots more to come.
So name some.Not CNN and MSM fake news to
@John Swo You do.You have serious hate issues for someone you don’t even know.All you know is what fake news tells you.
All politicians lie, especially Adam Schiff and there’s Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton who lied under oath – so many more I will be trying forever
Now the Iranians have more sense than the US government.
Dean Smith I remember Duterte telling Trump to take it easy, to play it cool. Duterte!
The actual higher moral ground. Amazing.
And I’m from Israel,they hate my very existance.
@Pete Lind You should read the whole bill. It isn’t as simple as “legalizing” it.
@B.J Cameron
Shouts of “death to Americans!!” Telling US to leave their country!!! Yeah…I see a whole bunch of respect there!!!
the Bernie Breeze!
Yeah cause the last administration still has corruption Incorporated splattered all over the place.

7 months trump had been planning that hit ….7 months and alerted noone…so tell me how is he not responsible for that plane being shot down???? And I really don’t want to hear but they were Canadian Iranians. ..they were innocent ppl….children…..but I guess if they weren’t American that just doesn’t count…or as trump said “not our problem”…smh…sad
jd, I think he bears huge responsibility. What’s your point?
Craig Crawford, what point are you making and how does it disagree with mine?
@Andrew Brent Iran is a terrorist threat, thanks to Obama.
@David Lafleche You are really pushing those GOP talking points. Lies are boring. Find someone else to talk to.
Iran protests show waning support for Ayatollahs
So Iran was a lie too… just like everything else in trump land… trump’s a pathological liar
and everyone knows he is 
This is what this president is creating
Starting a fire then acting like the fire chief
No,you choose to hate and believe fake news.
@Gary Rosie so what news is real mr love bug.

Gary Rosie. 57 Canadians died because of what Trump did. Do you think that is fake news, also?
@Cheryl Relph Blame Everything on Trump.Is that legit to you? Wrong.Those idiots shot down a plane cause they are idiots.You are crazy.Yeah,you.
Nobody will ever hear the Truth as before on anything that is done by America
Grand Man sorry to inform you but ever since Vietnam Nam, the Kennedy & Martin Luther King assassinations, the treatment of blacks during the civil rights movement, Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, etc, etc…the world has not correlated the concept of Truth with the USA. Trump is the extreme outcome of such a society…he’s an extremely conceived worst example of what the world would consider Americanism.
Agent orange is a maniac. Vote blue!
nutin butruth since you don’t read here is your crook and chief talking
Fred Bogdon rump wants to start a war to get elected…
Hilarious that the Iranians are protesting their government lying to them while in the US its business as usual.

Never ever ever vote blue porta potty splashback water.VOTE RIGHT VOTE RED AND KEEP ON TRUMPIN.God bless America.
Everybody calls me a liar even Melania. I’am the most honest person I have ever met.
Heil trumpler. Oww this isny the clan rally?were that kegs and other inbreds missing their well whole month, who needs theeth.
The first president in modern history who has a clearly recognizable psychological impediment.
Dale Blake I agree 100%.
M Hussain Trump is Demented with his own importance, he cares for no one else, He is a Traitor, he is still conducting Family Business from the White House. He has also broken his OATH of OFFICE, many Times with his lies.
terrell172 He disrespects everyone that doesn’t agree with him.
Republicans have learned that they don’t have to even dress the pig up anymore.
Just a dab of lipstick.
@Sterling Pound Without the orange spray everywhere but the eyes, it’s still a pig.
A pig is more attractive than tRump.
Sterling Pound I love it…lolololololol
And who instigated all this? None other than that orange ignoramous tool.
Actually it’s the American people who voted for him. He represents America.
@paddy LeeDont be such a moron.
Trump is turning the world into a racketeering enterprise where countries only get protection from the US if they pay him and his mob family.
saudi arabia is paying trump for american troops
MVVpro: Business As Usual under Capitalism and an Integral part of U S policy!
Don’t forget dealing with EX KGB Putin and that North Korea dictator While making the Mexicans our enemies bye putting up his bigot wall he got elected with. The average working class American could not afford to hire Mexicans the rich of our Big business been hiring them I even speak elite Spanish they come here because ther starving. You would too
The Fraud in Chief and Pompeo lied about imminent threat to distract from the same day release of evidence proving both lied about Ukraine.
@Everblue Freediving Well you Soros puppets don’t know anything but hate and defend evil.
Everblue Freediving Because of Trump’s impulsive actions, a Plane went down, killing innocent people.
@Gary Rosie I am just another Independent following the court cases. Like the one where Trump and family stole donations to their charity, had to settle or face fraud charges, and all of them had to take classes on not committing fraud and were banned from running nonprofits…. all public record. You must have missed it. Just one of nearly 30 to keep an eye on…
He has been allowed to lie with out accountability and it has escalated to lying in order to go to war.
Can you prove he has lied about the imminent threat? Or is that just your opinion? Im listening.
Korey Valentine can you prove he didn’t lie for the 15,001 times? Why does his story keep changing? I am waiting.
You haven’t lost all your marbles but there is definitely a huge hole in the bag.
Mind Begs the Question:
If a President Lies and Deceives the Nation,
Doesnt that make him a #Traitor ?
@Donald Dorsey ….have you made your HaJJ yet. I worked in 3 Islamic Countries so I am familiar with Islam.
@B.J Cameron Democrats attempting to disrespect the law? Funny, Trump constantly and successfully disrespects the law. Just when I think he can’t do and thing worse, he tops himself.
@Steve Montaño ….you will need to provide an example. Also having worked with people of Islam outside the US as an Engineer, certain protocols are important.No Tattoos, Dress code, Atheism and Homosexuality is severely dealt with, no alcohol….
@Dorry Brewin Those are Obama’s missiles killing Americans and innocent people.
@Dorry Brewin So you are still checking out our presidents body parts,weirdo.
Trump is a “clear & present danger” to the entire world.
Please God, I pray for this clown in the Oval Office. That he not do any additional collateral damage beyond the 176 deaths of innocents for which he is responsible.
He’s also responsible for the deaths of the Ukrainian soldiers who died due to the withholding of funding so he could get political dirt on Biden.
kenneth humpf Trump needs to be removed with HASTE, he is cheering on the protests in Iran, this is for his own EGO, not for anyone’s safety, he would love WAR to start, this would be another distraction from his criminal behaviour.
darlings.. the GOP .. is “DEAD”.. behold the American .. “NEW FASCIST’S”..
Unfortunately, we’ll be living with Trump’s GOP in the US for a long time. Many would argue Trump’s GOP is a natural extension of the nativist cries of the Tea Baggerz, one of the most misguided street demonstrations of Baby Boomers ever as they were being led by the noses with a lot of Koch money. The polarization will continue to be a bane for our republic. Trump has deepened the divide in the US more so than anyone.
Best president ever.
Trump lies so much that when he tells the truth, if ever, it’s a scandal.
For a long time now it’s been wiser to just assume everything that comes our of Trump’s mouth is a lie than it is to assume it’s the truth. It’s really just staggering.
Trump will place OUR children in harm’s way and use them how he can, but he himself would not fight in the war.

Tommie Brooks He would also never let his own offspring enlist.