‘This isn’t a joke’: TV analyst on why he joined fight for Ukraine

Malcolm Nance, a former national security analyst for MSNBC and US Navy veteran, explains why he joined the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine. #CNN #News

'This isn't a joke': TV analyst on why he joined fight for Ukraine


  1. God bless this Great man. Prayers to him. Im a Marine. He is a great leader. Not only does he fight for his country, he fights for humanity and deserve A LOT of respect! Thank you so much sir! I will be praying for you and everyone else fighting this war side by side with you. Im praying for you to come home safely to your family when you decide to come home!thank you!

  2. This guy represents the best of American ideals and is just on the mark. You’ll notice he disregarded all the usual fluff and got right to the point: this is wrong, I’m here to help because of what I stand for and you can too. Its heartening to see people in our military and veterans who are like this. Great stuff!

  3. “Are you willing to die for this fight?” “No, I’m willing to make Russians die for this fight.”

  4. Much Respect Sir ! May God bless you. Freedom & Liberty is worth fighting for. I am sure God is blessing those that believe in democracy.

  5. Hats off and a solemn salute to his courage, integrity and for his convictions and beliefs. May we all strive to be as strong in our beliefs in democracy, unity and in strength of ❤️ heart. Thank you Sir!!!

    1. You fall for this crap? This guy is an opportunist, looking for publicity so he can cash in next month as an analyst. He isn’t fighting anyone. He is rich. He is chilling in livov 20 minutes from poland.

  6. People like this break down barriers that still exist in our world between different races and cultures. This is deeper then many people understand, god bless this man and I hope for an end to this war and his safe return.

    1. @havenofear504 And what, pray tell are you NOT fighting for? Did you sleep well last night? Did you wake up safe and secure in your own bed this morning? Was the smell of cordite in the air when you took a conscious breath? I would compare you to a worm, however Lumbricus terrestrial might sue me for slander.

  7. I so hope this man gets an award for what he’s doing, he’s restored my faith in the human race, and that goes for every man and women who’s helping in some way whether fighting or in aid.

  8. I can’t pick any fault with this soldiers speech,his honesty integrity passion righteousness and love of Justice patrudes from from his heart like a two-edged sword he is quite Justified to say what he said he’s a brave man to offer his life because of his love for all values of righteousness he would make a good president….

  9. I salute all these brave fighters, who took a step forward for the freedom of the Ukrainian people and who fight against this cruel tyrant who uses his own people as a shield to fulfill his ambitions for greatness and immortality.

    1. @jbizzle1966 first, his whole family in the military. That is beautiful😍🤩💜. 2. I am extremely proud of him. We must pray for his continued successes in Missions and safty. He is a corner stone example of a awesome American. GOD BLESS HIM,🤩🤩🤩🧡💜.

    2. @jbizzle1966 On August 26, 2021, Nance posted a tweet following a terrorist attack in Kabul, Afghanistan that killed 13 US service members. Nance tweeted “20 YEARS- FYI there have been terrorist suicide bombers killing civilians nearly DAILY in Afghanistan. This ain’t new. It’s why we are leaving. #DealWithIt”. Nance later deleted the tweet and issued an apology, stating “I would never intentionally disrespect my brothers & sisters in arms. I also sincerely apologize to their families, and I pray for them. … I posted before there were any serious casualties reported. I should’ve waited…Wikipedia

    3. @jbizzle1966 that is super 🆒️ 🤟💚. Thanks for your contributions to national security,💜.

  10. I have always enjoyed Malcolm’s TV appearances, his wisdom, courage and sense of humor. And now he is standing with our armed forces. A great man who lives as he says. Thank you.

    1. Malcolm Wrightson Nance is an American author and media pundit on topics related to terrorism, intelligence, insurgency, and foreign affairs. He is a former United States Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer specializing in naval cryptology. Wikipedia

    2. @jbizzle1966 On August 26, 2021, Nance posted a tweet following a terrorist attack in Kabul, Afghanistan that killed 13 US service members. Nance tweeted “20 YEARS- FYI there have been terrorist suicide bombers killing civilians nearly DAILY in Afghanistan. This ain’t new. It’s why we are leaving. #DealWithIt”.[39][40] Nance later deleted the tweet and issued an apology, stating “I would never intentionally disrespect my brothers & sisters in arms. I also sincerely apologize to their families, and I pray for them. … I posted before there were any serious casualties reported. I should’ve waited. WIkipedia.

  11. We are so proud of his service. He is correct. This fight is about saving humanity and our cultural values. I see some veterans wasting their valuable knowledge and not doing anything good for society. We only live once and we should do as much as possible in this life. Putin is the beginning of many threats humanity will face in the coming years.

    1. All these beautiful people killed, men, women, and innocent little children, and for what, a pathetic, little grey old man and his ego

  12. Huge respect for Mr. Malcolm Nance and the men an women like him who can talk the talk because THEY WALK THE WALK. Stay safe, sir. 🙏

  13. Thank you Mr. Nance for defending democracy at home in the USA, and overseas in Ukraine. A true hero of democracy, just like all your relatives who served to protect democracy before you. You are the descendent of an honourable lineage! Slava Ukraine!

  14. Stay safe and strong, Mr Nance and the International Legion for the Defence of Ukraine, and the Ukrainian armed forces.
    My heart and spirit are with you in this fight against tyranny and genocide.
    I salute you.
    Slava Ukraine

  15. Absolutely love this guy, a brave man that says it like it is. Be safe and make it thru brother, we need a man like you in our White House…

  16. This right here is a man who gets it. Really, truly gets it. My humble respect to Mr. Nance(and all others who are likewise putting themselves in harm’s way to defend core principles such as the right to self-determination), and my heart to the brave people of Ukraine.

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