The US is being divided by more than political parties as a new movement rises against ethnic diversity and freedom of religion. CNN's Victor Blackwell talks to professor Samuel Perry, who explains the White Christian nationalist movement. #CNN #News
This is what it means to be a ‘White Christian nationalist’

Remove the Charity status of American churches and fund Education! End the cults of ignorance, gullibility, horror and hate!
Fund education? Government is the reason for high tuition prices. They incentivize colleges to raise tuition. FACT.
@couptoo contrecoup
You don’t ever pay taxes do ya?
Sounds like our colleges.
That would be something a 1st world country would do, but since America is a 3rd world banana republic…
One good schoolmaster is of more use than a hundred priests.”
Thomas Paine
@LightImpact Mmm I was talking about teacher training schools. But if you are talking about public secondary schools, only Switzerland spends more per pupil than the United States.
@daheikkinen I’m sorry sir , since charter schools started they are allowed to pull the money ( taxes ) out of the public schools and move it to the school of choice for the fortunate child that has the money or public transportation to go to a “ better school “ where the less funded public schools that have the most challenged financial parent and thus student population with even less money ….so perhaps we spend a lot on education but on what schools ? Schools that don’t need it cause by all practical purposes the charter schools are private …and just a side note / just because you spend money does not mean the money is used to good work //// and the teachers get no say on how the money is used / usually it’s the school board and from my personal
Experience of a few school boards most of the seated on the board have as much educational experience of Trump and they lose “ bigly “ as well as the students .
@LightImpact Mmm I couldn’t disagree with you more. Obama was a big proponent of charter schools btw. If you are living in an area with poorly performing public schools, you need to have other options.
@daheikkinen well if Obama did it it must be ok …. All I can tell you is from my on teaching experience and now an administrator…..
are you an educator? Have you taught for 12 years ? Have you had to spend over 1000 dollars each year out of your own pocket for school supplies , or trying to teach a kid that is being physically abused at home and you realize that when you lean down to help with assignments she flinches …..
maybe you have ….. but my eyes , my heart my pocketbook and my students feel abandoned …. So you keep thinking your right , but the generations to come are not being failed by the teachers , they are being failed by the community….. and people wonder why there is a massive teacher shortage …. Cause when you are given a twig to a person that’s drowning in the Atlantic…. It’s better to say you want them to die cause a twig feels like a cruel mock.
And by the way …. You will feel it in the years to come …. Cause the generations up next will be running the country…..
@LightImpact Mmm I’m not sure what this sob story is supposed to accomplish, but I know that it is primarily about your pocketbook. This is about the teacher’s unions wanting more money and not wanting to compete for resources against more successful schools. You also seemed to have missed my original point which is that our teachers themselves aren’t very well educated. Students majoring in Education perform near the bottom on academic assessment tests, and there is little to no rigor in the programs which certify teachers.
Theist: What’s your religion?
Me: Non-delusional.
I decided we need to follow our fellow Democrats more on this open borders. Diversity is the key, right? Last I checked, Martha’s Vineyard is 96% white. We need to help change that. I fully support sending thousands of American loving immigrants crossing the border there. Think about how much they will better Obama’s life? Think about the strength they will bring that place? This needs to be done all over the USA. Aspen, Colorado is another one. That city is overwhelmingly Democrat and white. We can help change that. I know they will welcome many more diverse immigrants.
@Suddenly. Shouldnt respect any religion who forces their beliefs on others, who is openly red republican fascist. There is no need at all to accept them, since those religious people also dont accept reality.
Define non-delusional? Some people can’t even define what Woman is
@Dmitriy Steps Like you?
I feel so sorry for the next generation of children in America, they are going to need alot more help to survive.
@RandomJane wait until you are older. You’ll regret not. Alone with your diversity nurses.
@Drea Why? They’re not as lazy and stupid as you think they are.
@RandomJane same, I never wanted to bring children into this violent world
The best decision I ever made
Being a Christian and being a “Christian Nationalist” aren’t the same thing.
Being an American & a Liberal are two different things too. As in one knows the threats of a Dictatorship overthrowing the seat of the USA as World leader. While the other claims fellow Americans whom run as President as tyrannical Dictators.
They trying to go after Christians they doing the devil dirty deed.
My True Crime Library
@Gary Johnson it is. You just dont care
I’m a Christian. And I’m white. But ain’t no part of the extremist goofs!!
@Killed The Cat Keep debating
@John Armenta Everyone discriminates, EVERYONE. But racism doesnt exist because we are all human.
@John Armenta why should a Christian stop calling himself Christian??? U ok?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
“If the Christian religion, as I understand it, or as you understand it, should maintain its ground, as I believe it will, yet Platonic, Pythagoric, Hindoo, and cabalistical Christianity, which is Catholic Christianity, and which has prevailed for 1500 years, has received a mortal wound, of which the monster must finally die. Yet so strong is his constitution, that he may endure for centuries before he expires.”
– John Adams, Letter to Thomas Jefferson, July 16, 1814
@Keoki Ciervo We’ll never have compulsory voting in a country where one political party is actively doing everything it possibly can to deny the vote to as many working people as possible.
@thegags also Treaty of Tripoli
“the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.”
NOT, in ANY sense, founded on the Christian religion!
“My political ideal is democracy. Let every person be respected as an individual and no person be idolized.” -Dr. Albert Einstein, 1930
strange he became an idol to millions
Its finally here
@will hardy idols?

Yeah Al was an idea stealer. Worked at a patent office right before he ran away to America… and had all these “breakthrews”
Make churches pay taxes!
Tax the churches and use the revenue for Medicare For All
Not sure that’s the way to go. Rather, take away tax exempt status of those churches that break the rules. Taxing all churches allows them to legally meddle in the affairs of the State.
@Daniel A lot would disband because of lack of money, so its a win win
We live in a Democracy, not a Theocracy. I do not like many of their views and do not wish to have them inflicted on myself and others. I thought that’s what we stood for.
@Evangelicals Never-Lie? so we agree. yet emotion & feelings are EXACTLY how liberals wish to run this country. much like the way they pick& choose which science to follow
@Piet Snotty source?
@Mendoza Gloria Afghanistan, Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, Finland and 100+ more countries are also a republic. You didnt say anythhing with that comment and you probably have no clue what you just said.
These people hold Trump as their Godlike Savor, a man who never attended a service or read the bible. You were warned in the bible of Hariticks and False Gods.
It’s heretics.
He held a Bible once, for a photo op, upside down.
Godlike Savior? That was obama, lol.

Please get an education and leave that fantasy novel alone
Another book: The Nazis of Copley Square: the forgotten story of the Christian Front
Another version of how Fascism and (distorted) Christianity have gone hand in hand in the United States
@P McLaughlin I studied European History at A Level – that’s the advanced level examinations in England – back in the day, in the 1980s, and studied fascism specifically, including the translated essays of Giovanni Gentile which comprised his Doctrine of Fascism, which Mussolini adopted or appropriated, whichever way you wish to view it. Not an American academic’s interpretation of fascism, or how it might have applied in the middle of the 20th century in the US, but the original doctrine of fascism, as laid out within the essays.
And as you will know full well without this not so bright soul having to point it out to you, fascism is a form of Marxism, an authoritarian ideology which advocated violence in pursuit of its cause, amongst other key features. Conservatives do not advocate for authoritarian governments, in fact quite the opposite. It is the hallmark of the left, not the right.
This is exactly why religion and government should never, ever be mixed.
@Donald Darko it’s ok Donnie, God makes no mistakes, you were born that way. Step out of the closet, be loud be proud.
@michael crouch Abortion and miscarriages were common at the time the Constitutional was written. They didn’t expect it to become an issue. Roe didn’t force anyone to have an abortion, it merely wasn’t an issue until Reagan Reagan unconstitutionally ( Separation of Church and State) invited the Evangelical Christians into government. At first, they didn’t consider abortion to be a big deal. They believed life began after birth when the child could survive outside the the host (mother’s womb). Abortion was substituted for racism. That is when it became a political issue. Thanks Ronald Reagan and the “moral majority.”
@Willliam Fish. 2000 years ago Christian didn’t exist yet. Lol goofball.
@nancy m ross yeah but honey there’s no right to abortion in the Constitution so the supreme Court said because we are a republic that the right to abortion must be decided by the people in the individual states of the Union and if I have to explain this one more time to someone I’m going to be rude
@Palepride Worldwide Wow, you clearly have no idea about Christianity…
Racism, when married to fundamentalism & uber-nationalism, & interwoven indignation’s self-righteousness, is a dangerous mix.
@tony borelli What do I win? Maybe a snarky comment Marjorie or Matt?
@Geman1512 Ok groomer
@Evangelicals Never-Lie? who’s dodging your question? it’s a little thing called faith. does that ring a bell to you? you rattle off a bunch of your religious theory 101 classroom blabber, but you conveniently avoid the word faith
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
Matt. 7:21
Finally it’s here
_Jesus le preguntó: —¿Cómo te llamas? Él contestó: —Me llamo Legión, porque somos muchos._
“When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in an American flag and carrying a cross.”
Let anyone on the right who has not sin, cast the first stone! Church & State must be separate.
@Sean McCartney yeah, we never claimed we don’t “sin”. We just don’t spend quite as much time deflecting excusing and ignoring the sins on our side. So, how about you start holding your own people to the same standard you want to hold us to and then come talk to us about what we’re doing.
@doubletappinhillbilly “The first clause in the Bill of Rights states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”
@doubletappinhillbilly As for “Why?” Well.. because.. not doing so hasn’t really worked out in history… Like… Ever.
And.. you know, that’s why we have history. To learn from it.
@doubletappinhillbilly Original language was for white men… but black men then all women have really made it better…
Why Left is exempt?
hypocritical a bit?
Real believers in God do not believe they are better than anyone else, but hypocrites do.
A lot of them do; a lot of them don’t.
I agree – we have to try. Being vocal and united and push back.
Why not enlist? Too cowardly?
We are pushing. We need Congress’ support.
@Lake County Naturalist pushing what?
Never trust a politician who tells you how to pray; or a pastor who tells you how to vote!
Or a pastor that wears $1million dollars of jewelry and accessories at the pulpit.
@Thomas Moeller exactly….pastors should be modest
Better to never trust either liar
@Thomas Moeller Exactly.
@Thomas Moeller give em your money, guaranteed heaven.