A Trump loyalist reportedly pressuring the Department of Justice to interfere in Georgia’s election certification is analyzed by MSNBC legal analyst Daniel Alonso and former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele.
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#MSNBC #Trump #DOJ
Nothing proves election fraud like getting laughed out of every court room in the country.
@Angela Siegfried Something with the republicans is always just “two weeks” away.
People (like Melissa Carone) don’t understand that ballots have unique codes so that they cannot be counted more than once. The same ballot could be shoved through a machine a million times and it would still register as only one vote.
@Fat Freddy’s Cat

@Jonas P What is, with magats hanging from his tiny balls, for $1,000, Alex
@Roskellie Really? Is he? Remind me, when did he not do anything against Covid to rack up 600,000 deaths? And exactly when did he stir up the mob for an attack on Congress? And also, remind us, who left the US with record debts levels? And who was in charge the past 4 years while the US racked up record trading deficit with China every year under his control? Selective memory, isn’t it great?
Note to current AG Merrick Garland: *Are you even paying attention to this?*
Silly question here: isn’t it illegal to plot to overthrow our government?
@Florida Man Give your mom the computer, Go back to your basement.
Where is that man , is he on vacation ?
@Florida Man Which is why we need a Special Prosecutor.
@Nancy Quon when it’s your president betraying his country it’s treason
If ever ” Absolute power … Corrupts Absolutely ” here’s further proof of 45’s corruption
Thing is that he was corrupt long before he got power.
@Xela somar And he got elected to the highest seat in the land. Go figure SMFH Just proves that people don’t do their homework when it comes to elections and elected officials.
@Kteka – exactly! They just see a few shiny objects flashed at them, and that’s all it takes! Trump was very much like a well dressed farmer, herding cattle!
Corruption empowers…………….
@Kteka tbh, he had some help from foreign agents.
Trump would have seen this country burn if he could have been the king of the ashes.
Thankfully America said, “NO COUP FOR YOU!”.
Ha ha
@MARSHAL BAEK you mean nyce
Mo Brooks is not getting any sleep these days.
@Robert Hays cash only – well played
When will as these traitors be prosecuted? Like so many people have stated if this was a normal citizen they would be locked up a long time ago or worse.
@Anton Dovydaitis : Put Donny into, “protective custody,” on Gitmo, perhaps? Until the threat of Domestic Terror dies down and we’ve caught all of the plotters, maybe? Perhaps Donny could help to speed up that process by giving a few names up to the DOJ? Maybe a little time spent in the, “Water Sports Suite,” will . . . “refresh,” his memory? . . . Wuh huh huh haahhh
In the US, the rich and powerful often get away with crime. The system is set up that way.
Trump is still refusing to allow the House to see his tax returns. The DoJ doesn’t have the power to force the IRA to release them. In the US, the law is for the common man, not the privileged and unless some radical changes are made, the US will become a dictatorship.
It’s not a matter of if but when.
@Angela Siegfried : This ! …. No appeasement or compromise. Hard ball !
Nail every God damned one of them !
18 U.S. Code § 2384 – Seditious conspiracy – If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
He would already be in an orange jumpsuit at Gitmo !!
Lots of traitors for Donnie. Lock them up.
18 U.S. Code § 2384 – Seditious conspiracy – If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
@DannyBoy He’s actually a Giant Orange Fatberg created in festering sewers!
Put them in front of a firing squad! That’s how they handed it in NAZI Germany, and that is what the fools wanted.
Donny Two Scoops.
Jail, NO
Very good!
Agreed so true and a second one too
You can tell everything about the fabric of a man by how he cheats in golf.
I hear you….- soooo, how would you rate this person’s fabric: “The best wood in my bag is the pencil.” (asking for a friend)
@MARSHAL BAEK LOLOL I hear you, fellow black and white portrait guy.
And the republican conspirators?? When will the GOP pay for this putsch?
Fox News must be having a heated debate tonight about Dr. Seuss & Mr. Potato Head.
Now its about how the Olympics are in the toilet because people are not watching due to “woke” athletes. Bashing Simone Biles, who has represented this country with honor and grace. She is the last of Larry Nessars victims to compete. God bless her.
I checked. Surprise, it’s mostly about Cuomo, with honorable mention about Pres Obama’s birthday bash.
Or Green Eggs and Ham.
+ @GratefulHippieChic Or maybe they’ll have a riveting follow up to Tucker’s report on pandas, which I heard took place during the heroic police officers’ testimony about January 6th or maybe something of equal gravitas that Fox wanted to ignore.
Laura(the smirk) Ingraham will certainly cover it in the last 30 seconds of her show.
Patriotism means loyalty to a country.
Cosplaytriotism means loyalty to a grifter cult leader.
@Easy E
Cool! A fake troll account created 2 weeks ago had insulted me!
I’m not wasting my time.
The thought and intelligence you have brought to the conversation staggers.
@KaliBrat0r Say what? WTF is a mask nazi?
@KaliBrat0r Encouraging us to mask up doesn’t make Biden a Nazi, dumba$$.
@Sean Patrick
Nice try Patrick! While you’re here, can you tell everyone at YouTube what is the length of time when a *New Subscriber* is NOT considered a Troll or Bot? We’ll be waiting…
And some wonder why congress wants to take a look at his tax records. If this is Trump the “public servant” I think we have cause to look at Trump the private citizen.
That’s where trump went wrong.
If he’d stayed an immoral businessman in NYC, he could have continued to get away with crime. His ego got too big and delusional, went Federal, as POTUS. Opened himself to the scrutiny of the WORLD and realized his incompetence wasn’t up to the job. He had to overcompensate with “strength” what he lacked in knowledge and common sense. The trumpy’s respect “strength”
(Racist bullying).
@Lazarus Jones Actually it’s reported Trump never thought he would win. This was another branch of his grift. Remember, he said he would be the first to run for president.and make money off of it. That’s akin to his post election grift continuance – the guy has collected $102 million just in the last 6 months under the premise that he needs help to “fight the steal”. Yet he’s using that same donor money for himself, personally. The grift continues.
@Lazarus Jones I do agree. Trump’s run for the White House was the biggest mistake of his life. But, his ego and habit to grift has laid it all out to bare. That’s the price he pay for living in a glass house.
Well,of course!!
Good heaven some officials still have their individual integrity.
Thank God we still have good people.
Thank God for a conscience.
What are we gaining from this incessant talk? Trump and conniving legislators should be arrested NOW!!
Exactly it’s just talk no action to bring them to justice.
Trump is already campaigning for 2024
I’m with you but they won’t. It’s be a civil war (it’s gonna happen anyway but) to arrest him. The protests and violence that would not could happen may very well be the final nail in America’s coffin.
@Bruno Palermo It’s both.
It’s funny how Trump’s first thought when plotting attacks on his opponents is always corruption.
Let’s be honest, the whole DOJ could have resigned in protest, they would have just replaced them with gangsters and incompetent fools under the cheering of most if not all trump fanatics.
Exactly, Americana work for money not principle .
Morality prevailed
The irony of this is that “The Steal” was attempted by Trump himself. Everytime he accuses or says something you can bet that he or the GOP are that very same thing.
So I guess we did stop the steal?
@Brian Johnson Kinda, just not the way Trump intended, expected or meant.
Exactly WHAT has to be revealed for legal action to commence? unbelievable….
If Trump doesn’t go to prison the next guy will try again and just might succeed.
We’re already more than halfway from the 1/6 coup attempt to the August coup attempt they’ve been telegraphing, and still the high level perps are walking free. Today is 275 days from the last major election.
That would be DiSantis unless the Republicans are dumb enough to vote for Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Leave it to Trump to wreck America, no different then his Casinos ,
The man is unintelligent, unimaginative, unskilled and worst of all, is consumed with jealously of anyone or anything that is better and more liked than he is (which is pretty much everything) and has money. Rather than do what most reasonable people would do, improve yourself and try to do better, this embittered man with limited intellectual and emotional capacity moves to mock, hate and destroy. That’s all he is and ever will be capable of.
…now that is Funny…and tragic. Lots of people have been harmed by the Trumpster…(interesting spell check just sent me to Dumpster for Trumpster)
@Tony Feuerhelm Is there a difference? Nah.