The Morning Joe panel shares its initial impressions of the Republican National Convention, and if the RNC is succeeding in targeting voters on the fence about voting for Trump. Aired on 8/26/2020.
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‘This Is Creating A Softer Image Around The GOP’ | Morning Joe | MSNBC
She tried, but it’s hard to humanize a malignant narcissist.
African Diaspora , so are you a racist !
@M. Bison You are better at basketball than looking into someone’s soul!
The debates are crucial since EVERYONE is in their own echo chamber and bubble. The debates force people to hear the other side, often for the first time. Only then can then make a more informed decision.
John C. I’d hate to be the moderator.
@EyefoxMJ4EVR SNL also did a funny Hillary election night watch party with Dave Chappell. You would love it!!!
“Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” Voltaire 1765
@Rob E is that all you got LOL
@Ignoranceisbliss I guess your ignorance is some sort of psychotic pleasure.
@Rob E i think you’re a bit confused, as I’m not a trump supporter.
The debates are crucial since EVERYONE is in their own echo chamber and bubble. The debates force people to hear the other side, often for the first time. Only then can then make a more informed decision.
But they do have a platform. It’s called lies.
@Andrew L
Successful agenda.
Black voters are voting for Trump.
High approval rating.
Biden threatens voters.
Maybe you should stop looking at fake news like CNN and MSNBC. Rachael Maddow is a total nut case. She is truly suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. I liked seeing her cry when Mueller left DC without Trump’s scalp.
That’s what happens when propaganda is debunked. Thanks.
Trump doesn’t want you to vote
Trumps approval rating drops
Trump didn’t build an economy
Fake black voters
Also read the article about approval rating because it also said is disapproval rating was up. Also today I have come to the conclusion that Trump supporters are evil because of this
How many more people have to die, how many more people have to lose their jobs before this country wakes up.
New York Carp Anglers lmao When will you nihilistic spoiled brats realize that your whole Albert Camus or Jacques Derrida “let’s all look at each other as individuals maaan!” worldview is what got us in our present predicament?
d rockwell oh I get it…. you’re just looking for an argument. Looking for someone to insult to make yourself feel better. I got it. Have a nice life.
New York Carp Anglers Devastating riposte. You sure showed me!
The debates are crucial since EVERYONE is in their own echo chamber and bubble. The debates force people to hear the other side, often for the first time. Only then can then make a more informed decision.
John C. I’m fine with debating… I’m not fine with demeaning or insulting people. There’s no reason for it.
“Two days of political self pleasuring.”
Well I’m buying it not vote for a Trump I’m going blue
It was too sickening to watch. I could not.
I would much rather live next door to low income housing , then next door to the Dump cult women.
Me too. I completely agree
@v blackwell funny thing is , until Dump . In my lifetime you could barely tell them apart as presidents. Most tried the best they could and stayed pretty much in the ESTABLISHMENT guide lines , regardless. Hahaha until now that is
@Leeanne Bishop pity you arent the one too TRY.
i think you might find that harder than your fantasies are telling you. Beware those who have lived a warriors life my friend. NAMESTE 
At this point, I’m 100% convinced that anyone who still supports Adolf Benedict Trump is either insane, stupid, cowardly, or all of the above.
@freebirdpv The original New Deal pulled the country out of the great depression and after the economy has been so thoroughly destroyed by Trump we may need another New Deal to get back on track.
And you believing this propaganda and lies shows you are all those that you falsely prejudice others
Your prejudice is who you are. And believing the communist propaganda shows you are incapable of critical free thought.
The debates are crucial since EVERYONE is in their own echo chamber and bubble. The debates force people to hear the other side, often for the first time. Only then can then make a more informed decision.
@John C. I agree, however, biden refuses to before early voting starts and Nancy Pelosi and other democrats don’t want any debates at all. Why is that???
“political self-pleasuring” is the only option with a fascist dictator
No, one who’s good at his job would actually manage to get stuff done and then gloat about that. Keep in mind: one of the selling points of facism is: no more debating, no more “one step forward, two steps back” – there’s one strong man who sees what needs to be done and does it. Turn “building streets” into a school subject, give it a fancy name, rob 10% of the population blind, lock up anyone who doesn’t like it, and there you go, shiny new streets and bridges.
“political self-pleasuring” (I just love that term) is the last resort of somebody who’s great at making promises and rotten at actually getting anything done.
TRUMP 2020—2030

Her outfit looked like old school Russian/Cuban communism dictators uniforms . That’s been the theme of the RNC.
I said the same…she looked terrible…but then…I dont care …do you….
Her definition of a Rose Garden also brings to mind Russia.
@Debra Lambert her father was a party member
@Pamala Dalrymple it’s a cry for help. Vote Biden. #freemelania
The debates are crucial since EVERYONE is in their own echo chamber and bubble. The debates force people to hear the other side, often for the first time. Only then can then make a more informed decision.
“Two days of political self pleasuring.”
More like two days of the GOP blowing Trump!
vulgar but true.
Arrrrgh, now I have that image in my head. Yikes.
coming from someone like you that is a compliment because that’s all youre capable of expressing.
@M J …
Eeew. I can’t think of that. Ick.
I keep hearing the pitiful cry of a child calling for his/her daddy while in one of Trump’s cages. That child’s voice haunts me.
RNC = Fear Mongering . We’re already sacred with almost 200,000 people dead.
Actually, its probably Alot more.
There’ll be exactly 200,000 dead by the time he gives his “I’m the king” speach on Thursday night.
Than the only way to solve this problem is VOTE OUT s2pidity and #BUILDBACKBETTER

Melania had her North Korean outfit on, perfect for listening to Fox News
Lies lies & more msnbc lies
mishelle oh bam ha would do anything to sniff Melania’s panties!!!
Yes ! Melania’s outfit looked like a military uniform, what a fail !!
@Davy Cordin what and fox is truthful? Your e a joke
They’re all still lying and that’s the truth ,it’s all about Donald Trump and not America or the American people
African Diaspora Trump for prison 2021 !!

His supporters keep his score by how much hate he puts on those they want to see hurting… even if it’s hurting themselves the most.
The debates are crucial since EVERYONE is in their own echo chamber and bubble. The debates force people to hear the other side, often for the first time. Only then can then make a more informed decision.
A wolf is a wolf, regardless if he’s not growling.
Or in sheep ‘s clothing 5
Trump is no wolf! He’s just a weak, rabid lunatic of a dog who is overcompensating.
Don’t be fooled voters. They have already shown us what they are made up of.
I don’t know who will be fouled by all these non-sense statements they’ve made to people. Even Republicans don’t believe their own lies/crap
Landslide 2020
Voters charge in November
ALL votes count
The Republicans is the party of LIES.
The debates are crucial since EVERYONE is in their own echo chamber and bubble. The debates force people to hear the other side, often for the first time. Only then can then make a more informed decision.
@John C. that is exactly why incompetent joe biden wants people to vote early and the 1st debate is at the end of September. He doesn’t want people to see just how bad a candidate he is. He doesn’t realize it is to late we already know how bad a candidate he is.
Sh’ows how stupid you are. Obama lied. What Obama accomplish? Nothing for blacks. Chicago killings. Dems say nothing about it., George Floyd had drugs in his system. Blake had weapons in front seat. Blake stupid having kids in car acting like he did. Black Lives Matter evolved on a lie. Obama divided the country why 1,200 seats lost bescause of him. Judges too.
The fall out of that Covid virus is fully on the shoulders of Trump
Nope all the demon rats fault….It’s been proven….Democrats did absolutely nothing, nothing at all….Now Democrats are burning down businesses, murdering innocent people and children, looting….. That’s all on the demon rats…
That’s some North Korea-level propaganda the RNC and going on.
@Jan Skácel I am indeed amazed
@African Diaspora you’re confusing me with your Trumpflake friends. Must be hard getting triggered outside your bubble…thoughts and prayers
Go away, nutter.
No, GRU troll.
@Michael Gabs Amen
“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last”..
Winston S. Churchill
TRUMP 2020—2030

@African Diaspora funny when people making these statements and saying they want to protect the constitution! Not understanding that this would mean amending the constitution
like that one….can i steal it lol