After protests break out in response to the police shooting of Jacob Blake, the RNC touts Trump as a “guardian” against chaos and disorder. Fresh off the Democratic convention, presidential historian Jon Meacham argues Blake's shooting is the latest example of a "perennial tragedy" that America "must confront" in a conversation with the Center for American Progress’s Danielle Gibbs Léger and MSNBC's Ari Melber. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ).
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#JonMeacham #RNC2020 #RNC #MSNBC
This *is* America: See Historian Condemn White Supremacy In Trump Era | MSNBC
No words.
Q: Does t’rump pander to white supremacists because he needs their votes or because he is one himself?
A: Yes.
@Edward Emmick yeah ok..I’m sure dems dont rig them, lol
@Jeff Woods Remember Donald T. asked Russians to rig the election in 2016, what will stop him from doing that again. He pander to white supremacists so he can get their votes than less likely he is one of them(he will scam everybody including white.) Most people realize stay away from scam artists, they are will rob everybody. Donald Trump is disqualify to be president because he does not have common sense to ask his citizens to wear mask. He asked people to sign paper not to sue him if they catch Covid 19 Viruses at his rally, that pathetically sad, this shows you that he does not care for anybody. That is why Americans 182,817+ die from viruses, Donald Trump should have asked Americans to wear mask even if they are going to die at lease they die of doing something meaningful like wearing mask to protect and prevent viruses from spreading that is not to much work to do/ask.
I am an American with non-white skin. 2X I voted for Obama who told us to protest. Obama never told us to better ourselves. He blamed whites for the trouble we’ve in schools, with our parents, our lack of education & our lack of money. However, Obama was raised by two white grand parents because his father abandoned him and his white mother died. Moral of the story, don’t fall for the white supremacists are at fault for the failure of another race. We are the reason we are failing. No other race is responsible for the daily murders of our young children or ourselves or our lack interest in education or keeping our communities clean, free of drugs & thieves
@David Jones

what is a white supremacist exactly?
Not with trump as the leader of this nation…
@MrArchangel73521 Really? He seems to be well on his way to dismantling your democracy and installing his own regime.
Vote folks
For now Trump is truly our only hope for peace. Democrats have allowed the citizens of Baltimore to do as they please. Look at what that have gotten them. 10 X over the national murder rate.
@David Jones The entire Democratic party is responsible for this…That’s just dumb…the President isn’t Democrat..this is all…his baby !!!
David Jones Trump is POTUS now. He could do something, but he is a facist and a racist. He is missing basic human emotion of empathy and is a dictator.
So you want to be ruled by a fascist? Ok
Now how do u explain 7 shots on someone’s back at close range and remember an unarmed person??? There is definitely no explanation for such an act
They feared for their lives??
@thom wessels This creep is typing with a white hood on.
With 3 children in the back seat of the car, and several little ones standing on the sidewalk nearby.
grasping a knife is not unarmed. ask the parents of mentally ill
@penguins inadiorama Did he… or is the shooter lying?
Meechem has the most miserable look on his face I’ve ever seen.
Can you blame him?
He feels it too!
Spot on..
Just not a whole lot to be happy about right now.
WTF. Three cops can’t control one unarmed man without shooting him SEVEN TIMES IN THE BACK???
Do you know why Jacob Blake was shot 7 times? He was shot 7 times because…. nobody knows. You are letting your emotions dictate your thinking. You were not there, you were not part of that situation. Your judgement is irrelevant.
What a waste of bullets. head shot saves times
Three cops vs one large athletic male on drugs, & the usual winner is? The person who obeys the cops’ instructions.
he was armed with a knife
I have cops in my family and yet , we still teach our children to not call 911 unless there’s a fire.
So, you don’t want your kids narking you out to 911?
Your view I engaged in the talk years ago its real my parents worried if I made it home period it’s real
Not if someone broke into the home? Aight.
@0:47It’s not that they don’t acknowledge it, they just don’t care
They never cared
Glad to see some are starting to see and understand. We need to protect and love each other, that we can build and stop looking for handouts from outside our communities.
*They Just Don’t Care*
COPS in the U.S. “Shoot first, ask questions never”
@Vendicar Kahn wtf you trying to say???
ReR747….how colored are you, KingFish? Real colored?
Or more like HeelsUp Harris colored??
@charell765 – You have just proven how stupid you Commie Libs are.
2ndAmendment4Trump 2020
Donald Trump Forever.
Donald Trump is Christ Reborn and God’s chosen leader for America and the world.
Just comply.
What if It was Trumps son, would the response be different
As a person of color, I grew weary of thugs like jacob 20 years ago. Deep down inside, I am glad he was shot. he deserved it/
Think of this, at what time of the day are parents responsible for the actions of their kids? Or is it your belief that kids automatically grow up respecting others. if I had a piece of crap son like Jacob, I would’ve been greatly disappointed.
Well if it he’s elder sons he’ll throw them under the bus if they were Democrats
Trump’s son would not resist arrest. Black men seem to think they’re above the law.
so trumps son would carry and knife and disobey a cop pointing a gun at you? he would have cops show up on calls of domestic violence and while attempting to take the kids in the car?
Are you American?
south africcca , south africcca please take my farm and boil my children
7 shots were too many .. so after you shoot someone in the BACK once .. thats not enough.. so ok twice .. mah not enough .. etc. 7 times! wtf
Further evidence of the inadequacy of the .9mm round
@sterling campbell care to link to this decisive pic? Even if he did have a knife in his hand, seven shots, in the back, is still excessive force.
@Sypher the officer did not know what he was going to get out of the car, if he was able to grab a pistol, the seven shots don’t seem excessive, the police were going to maintain the peace know matter what,
Do you know why Jacob Blake was shot 7 times? He was shot 7 times because…. nobody knows. You’re letting your emotions dictate your thinking. You were not there, you were not part of that situation. Your judgement is ignorant.
@Mox Avenger My judgement is based on what I can be seen in the video, what has been said by people who were there, and what the police have said happened – but most importantly by the fact that seven bullets to the back is excessive force. He didn’t shoot to try to immobilize him and then shoot again when it was seen to be ineffective, it was an immediate unloading of a gun into his back. It’s Wisconsin. Do you know how many drunk, unruly, even non-compliant people these cops have to deal with? I would hope that they, and others, wouldn’t believe that unloading their weapon into people who aren’t complying is the best, correct action. There’d be a lot of dead Wisconsinites.
Your Son Matters… I’m Praying and I am So Sorry This Happened to Your Beloved Son. … I Deeply Feel Their Pain. …These Poor Parents and His Wife & Children and Friends

Please vote Bidin / Harris and a straight blue ticket. The power is in the VOTING !
@what about that 5 year old white boy killed by a black man? God bless him? Or no?
I lost hope for this country when Sandy Hook happen and people called it a Hoax. Kinda even hard to debate.
No thanks to Alex Jones
I was literally shocked when that happened, the class I was teaching was riveted by the news and we stopped at the very moment even though we were not aware of the fullness of that travesty.
Trey Knowsworthy So you like being lead by a facist? Ok
Okay, you lost hope. If you’ve money to travel, pick your 2nd best country that you chose to live, visited for 6 months to 1 year. if you like it better, stay. What I ‘m getting at , no place will always seem perfect. Most times it needs help to be better for everyone.
Mass shootings aren’t an issue.
Empathy and common decency equals action….it doesn’t exist in this present administration
Bonnie Tamplin Empathy and Common Decency should be 2 requirements for anyone running for office – and especially for the office of President of the U.S.
Trump has more morals than the thugs who shoots fathers, mothers, teenagers, babies each day in Chi-Town & to make matters worse, this channel will not ask their viewers to stop their own genocide
Too much empathy & decency has led us to this. In the hood, children are being murdered by warring gangs & MSNBC will not ask them to stop murdering babies
@Trey Knowsworthy To this date, this country receives more applications for citizen than other of nation. We need people to obey laws, not place others at risk with their blatant disregard for decency. Then cry racism when they’re shot.
Lol where’s the empathy from the left for the innocent people blm killed?
This is so sad to me. I was NEVER taught to treat people differently. My parents said to me and reinforced all the time growing up that people are not a color, they are a soul and heart. I too, have reinforced to my children the same thing and they will teach their children the same way of life. Black lives DO matter. Prayers to the family and I so hope this young beautiful man gets well fast. In Gods name I pray.
@Jones – go QAnon to Fox News and Tucker Carlson. They care about your Q crap.
This has nothing to do with race
Sue, if you’re white, R you saying that one race life matters above the rest? Fair question. If a North Korea person was to say that North Koreans lives’ matter but they objected when South Koreans says their lives matter would you agree that people cannot say that all lives matter or only say that North Korean’ life matters? It is true that there is injustice, but giving into another injustice will not solve racial injustice. Everyone Life Matters. I too was never taught to treat people differently. My skin is not white, but I love all people of all races. In my eyes, everyone is good until proven evil.
Go read about Jacob Blake’s criminal record including sexual assault!
We do treat people differently. Black people are now allowed to resist arrest.
The problem is that America trains cops to react like Barney Fife rather than Andy Griffith.
@Francyne Lane Yep, so we can have gun violence & crime such as Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit. Or let’s vote Blue as in California so we can have drug users being granted the use of gov’t building to take their crystal meth while paramedics are in the next room waiting for drug overdose!!
@BXGUY73 There you go again,, using wisdom, being logical & not rushing to judgement. No “We” must act on any information that police are white supremacist. It should not matter that CNN, NBC, CBS has been caught lying on police constantly as they ignore the deaths of David Dorn, Cannon Hinnant & others & reports that Antifa & BLM always does the right thing. What matters is “We” defeat Trump & defund police at any cost. No matter how many lies must be told.” I am sure you get the point.
The problem is that criminals think they’re above the law.
No, the problem is that black culture teaches its kids to fight the police
@mark lee That is the exact problem. I get pulled over, I cooperate. Every black individual shot by police last year was resisting arrest or fighting with the police in some way. Resist arrest, get shot. Don’t resist arrest, don’t get shot. They need to teach this in school.
Wisconsin police refuse to enforce mask mandates or social distance either. Yet in Kenosha a cop fired 7 bullets into a black man’s back right after an effective DNC convention in Milwaukee. Cops are Conservatives, and they fleed off of power as well as the benefit of being above the law.
Thank you Ms Lisa!! If we could only spread that truth across this country & bring to the table those who live in *willful denial of reality.* #StaySafeForLife
@tony swabbs Thank you for kindness during an intense and divisive time world wide. If I am to be honest with you, I must be real and admit, my Mom is not racist at all, but she sort of chooses denial of the most painful truths. She loves God very much, but for years she denied the reality of stagnant wages versus inflated costs of living. I had to actually print an article with graphs to show her that money she survived on when she raised us kids does NOT have the same value in modern years. I don’t think blaming the police is any solution, although obviously some guidelines need to change. For me I see wealth inequality as a much bigger factor because the cycle of poverty is impossible for some to escape from. When society invests in people instead of corporate profit goals of capitalism then our hearts can all benefit from not being overworked and underpaid. The GOP and enough Democrats tend to favor donors…so let’s keep discussing ideas openly. Take care and stay safe.
Stand with those calling for social justice and respect for black people that everyone deserves
Jacob Blake got himself shot by resisting arrest. Are black people unable to take accountability for their actions?
*_”Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”_*
~~ John F. Kennedy
When the wise man points at the moon, the fool stares at his finger.