Conservative candidate Michelle Rempel, NDP candidate Angella MacEwen and Liberal candidate Marco Mendicino weigh in on issues driving the campaign.
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The Liberal are full of S**t
They are ALL full of it.
@Random Comment In truth we have to pick the least of the worst, if that makes sense
so lets vote conservative American Scheer as our Prime Minister so that we will be an American state soon
Wow, I didn’t realize your country was in so much financial disaster! Wow I’m sad for Canada, let your kids grow up, have your children.
@Max Go apparently you have never heard of dual citizenship.
Nova Scotia gets scads and scads from Alberta, freakin BUTT TONS!
So does the rest of the frackin country, Canada is draining Alberta of moneys!
Stop the Transfer Payments.
well said and thats the truth, thank you from Alberta
Yet if nova Scotia and new Brunswick and QUEBEC would allow fracking, they would all be very wealthy provinces. The radical Enviro groups have choked them off.
@Dirt Boss1971 Yes, they exist in a state of deep and blissful hypocrisy. Ironically, if the equalization scheme had never been created then the economic exploitation of natural resource would be more uniform, out of necessity, and the entire conversation would be more balanced, less polarized geographically, because everybody would be in the same boat. Which is yet another argument for scrapping the whole system of equalization.
Marco, you have a strong record of corruption
Marco Corupto full of lies lies lies
Liberals PERIOD, have a long record of corruption but Canadians don’t care about corruption, they just want the fake handouts liberals are offering. Nice unity Canada, thanks. Makes me sick.
The polls were wrong in Alberta. In Saskatchewan, in Manitoba, in Ontario, and in the East coast. What makes you think you are right now? The Scandals, the lies, the debt, the carbon tax.
That NDP needs to stop talking and listen for an answer. She was just Blah blah blah
Works both ways.
That NDP needs to stop talking and listen for an answer. She was just Blah blah blah
She was given way to much of a voice considering they wont win jackshit
she sucks
Go to he double toothpicks.
she needs to be replaced by a PPC MP…
That ndp woman is a real C U Next Tuesday
Simple, Michelle the Republic of Alberta . Enough is enough of swimming again the current in this country!! Equalization payments to Quebec from Alberta only to be told no pipelines!!
After thar BS Alberta should separate and no more Equalization payments for any Eastern provinces.
Let them fend for themselves
The Eastern provinces will never put in policies that will get their provinces on a self-sustaining economic footing as long as we keep rewarding their inaction with equalization payments. It is a permanent welfare program, not a temporary leg up. We need to scrap it. The thankless bums in the Maritimes look to be electing Trudeau who promises to take away our freedoms (right to self defence) and our economic base (oil). We don’t need them.
What the Trudeau liberals did to Alberta is despicable.
Trudeau liberals could get lost in a phone booth.
Ms. MacEwean is completely out of touch. Wow.
Climate change ISSS BSsss!!!
I’ve got to say this , Democratic Party , is a do nothing party !
NDP- go … yourself!
Here’s my alternative. PPC. Respect for the founders of our country I want my Canada back!
There’s a better chance of thanos snapping trudeau out of existence than PPC winning.
where is the PPC candidate oh that’s rite TV is bias abolish liberals from Canadian politics forever and scheer is trudeau 2.0
Lonny toons between all candidates where is the PPC Candidate? ..
Marco Mendicino’s face thru this whole interview LOL
What about a little of compassion, in their “sensitive” hearts for the the baby they are trying to kill?