ICU Physician Dr. Warner calls the Ontario government's decision to ease some restrictions as the province gains 1,829 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday a "mistake."
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“Wait forever”
What about Florida with no lockdowns compared to California with lockdowns.
@name What’s your equation? Mine is zero restrictions means more cases. Mores cases equal more hospitalizations. Insert case fatality rate, more hospitalizations equal more deaths.
@Michael Bruno well when travel restrictions lift (relatively speaking) then move to Florida, there will be a glut of real estate for sale. In fact there is about 196866 homes for sale currently in Florida, and that number is only going to go up
@Aaron Dunlap Thanks for the investment advice!
Sweden is fine.
@Anders Eriksson Eller hur! Your threshold for “fine” must be very low.
Here come the Tik Tok videos…
“the summer we all deserve”
That sounds like something he or the other top doctors said last year lol
When summer comes do what you want
Lock down for 2 weeks…. Flatten the Curve = 12months of Non-normal Life!!!!
And if anyone noticed, they’re trying hard to make it another 12 months.
Florida’s governor Ron deSantis held a public heath roundtable March 18, 021.
@entItyVR it will be a decade if they have their way
Just wait Ford will once again get a lockdown going, this all smoke and mirrors
Honestly, I have never seen this guy ever have anything positive to say… he scares me more than covid
He’s just reading what they put in front of him
I agree. And it’s been like this from day one he appeared on the news
Yeah his voice and lack of emotions make him seem like a psychopath. Considering he doesn’t care about mental health, he probably is one
@E Huang oh I never thought of that, I thought he was just lacking in charisma and bad at public speaking. Now that you mention that, you know who is totally flat when talking? De villa. She sounds so robotic, emotionless. She horrifies me too
Not to worry 1-2 more weeks max we will be 4000 plus per day then they will put the lockdown in place. It’s the same every wave open up business make some cash then slam it shut again.
Not sure why there is no oversight on this.
Lockdowns should have to pass with clear goals and very limited time , like 2 weeks. Then when it’s opened, it takes more time to lock it down again, with more oversight, and again with a definite time limit.
This whole weekly ‘open/close’ is an abuse of power and is insane.
@entItyVR yeah, theres zero accountability and oversight. Notvto mention no options for those harmed by lockdown. Thi is is insanity.
@entItyVR Government is helpless and we would do the same thing if we were in their shoes. They are trying to minimize the economic damage encountered by small and medium businesses by opening whenever they can. But COVID is no mood to listen.
His job is secure, what does he care about others’ right to earn a living? Lockdowns have been proven to be USELESS and counterproductive
You don’t need a source, Words on paper don’t make things “Proven” the actions and things you see do. Since we like paper so much though lets do this. Willpower is proven to be limited right? So what happens when everyone is forcing themselves to stay inside when they don’t want to? There’s your source. Oh and that’s only part of the reason why lockdowns don’t work.
@Wind wow.
The health minister is incompetent he’s handled this pandemic horribly.
Which one. There’s more highly paid (tax dollars – our money) experts on the news every night that I can’t even tell who is who and who they work for!
Doctor Karim Kurji of York region totally disagrees with Michael Warner … and Eileen De Villa, don’t see her much on TV anymore
She got karma back her husband was busted in the Astrazeneca scandal.
Karim Kurji also has been suspending kids with no notice for the past 20 years for not getting the flu shot…
Kurji is reckless, toes the political line
“Just 2 weeks to flatten the curve”.
–One year later — “We just need two months”.
@jeff oats Don’t you have some cattle to rustle somewhere? Lmao
@Subordinant you can laugh at your own “jokes”, but it doesn’t take anything from the fact that you just post some thoughts on which you clearly have no background. “flu cases are down 99%” “Americans don’t do any distancing” “There are doctors who say the opposite” . No sources, no research. Basically just useless dross. Subordinate indeed.
@Subordinant oh i see. keep having fun then.
It’s control not a complex issue, did you miss something about the year?
Try two years
they are delaying non covid help on pei and we have ZERO hospitalizations after more than a year.
This stopped being about the virus long ago.
It was never about the virus.
what’s it about
@free range human Politics and saving face to avoid the display of pure incompetence.
lol “its about politics stop wearing masks keep spreading were ignorant”
It’s about taking away your Divine Rights as a free, conscious, critical thinking and independent Human.
Two weeks to flatten to curve…….. we gave you a year
Not a year. A year of off and on with no vaccines. The vaccines are starting. There is light at the end of the tunnel. We will be through this soon.
@burpolicious Yeah, right.
Heard that before
@burpolicious All experts agree that your statement will not age well.
the only “mistake” was believing “just two weeks to flatten the curve”
ive never been so depressed in my life. and im a healthy young guy,. cant imagine what this is doing to others.
@Benjamin Haines He’s a what?
@Apostate You tell a depressed citizen that they should have been powerful enough to have the pandemic under control?
How about letting nature take its course, and getting on with our lives.
@Apostate your brain got out of control
Jesus Christ is the truth and gives comfort that only he can give.
Work out at home and try therapy. It worked for me. Dealing with this lockdown a lot better than the others.
I’m sure it’s easy to say to keep things closed when your job is not at risk. I’d like to see anyone who’s work has been stopped to see if they believe we need to be restricted.
Those are the real experts.
There’s going to be a yearly variant, lockdowns end now buddyio
Of course. He doesn’t want to work overhours, he has to do his tiktok videos.