Former interim Conservative leader Rona Ambrose and former federal minister Jody Wilson-Raybould discuss the timing of the election call.
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Have you read Jody Wilson R’s book about Trudeau? Not a peep about Sophie his estranged wife, why is that off limits. It goes to show his character as far as I’m concerned. He’s misogynistic, narcissistic, unapologetic and insincere. Why would anyone in there right mind vote for him.
@Stmicheal O’Toole is a TOOL

Tell me all about O’Toole…. Please
U just said it , in there right mind !!
@Hyperpandas Yeah. Trudeau is so ethical. If your IQ is below 80
@Millie Me Wyf does that have to do with anything I wrote?
Welll, that was short and sweet
NL st. john’s line ups very long all day, was still a line up when polls closed, there wasn’t enough booths at some locations so not everyone got to vote. unacceptable.
No kidding, we live in a circus.
We did elections in Canada for so long, without much struggle…Don’t know how this is acceptable. Walmart should have run our booths.
All the wrong doings that JT does is acceptable behavior as far as the east is concerned
whenever there is advance polling, ALWAYS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT AND GET YOUR VOTE OUT OF THE WAY.
I litterly went to vote when no one was in the gym on a friday night. I missed the entire rush and it took me all of 5 minutes.
It’s okay NL is a Lib Party pit. They will never get out as long as yhe equalization payments keep coming.
They are all milking the “pandemic” for what it’s worth.
everyone is if they can. It’s all a world of scams at this point…. why do you think so many so business are looking for employees and such? they can’t even afford to pay them- no ones working still
Don’t forget Trudeau called the pandemic a “political opportunity”
Is that why Albertans are being airlifted to Ontario or should hospital staff just drop them off and let him stay in Alberta untreated?
Albertans are milking the “pandemic”
@Jeff Anderson Albertans ARE being airlifted to Ontario for ICU treatment. Alberta was not competent to stop the epidemic.
@Jeff Anderson lol as a born and raised Calgarian I will testify that nobody inbreeds more than Conservative Albertans… uneducated chumps
Two of Canada’s great ladies. I wish them well in all their future endeavours.
Why did the Governor General agree to dissolve parliment?
Because she didn’t want to end up like the last GG. Unemployed
$600 Million, no change at all. Thanks Trudeau, very cool. See you in another 18 months.
Some of PM work needs more than 2 years and the support of other parties. This election allows the PM to do what he planned to do with support of both Bloc and NDP. On the other hand, conservatives leadership is shaking and I bet they go for another leadership. So this election wasn’t for nothing
@Duke Dex The deck has been stacked in southern Ontario esp GTA. Immigrants and big business saved his a$$
@Castro’s Son your point ?
@Duke Dex Ontario has 121 seats. FPTP stacks the deck, the electoral college system needs reform to be democratic. Which, btw was another of Turdeau’s failed promises, that and getting rid of the non-elect senate. If the vote were democratic the drama queen wouldn’t have stood a chance.
@Castro’s Son well we are 70% of the economic power of the country !
Just say it like it is
Canadians are now officially screwed
Oh ya..such a gamble when the election is constantly fixed for the east

It’s a fuckn joke. I’m not getting bullied into the vax, if anyone has a problem with it, I have nothing to lose.
Half way through her book. She is an amazing woman, definitely has her people’s interest ahead of her owns, and believes in the teaching her family taught her. The title of the book was PERFECT and reflects that our loyalty to our party overlook what’s best for Canada. Can’t wait to finish this and would love one day to look her in the eye and say thank you.
The workable handball pathologically blot because coach remarkably drain excluding a succinct train. fluffy, amused buffer
Now the “after party” with $600 million wasted on this guy’s ego.
The only consolation is now he knows how much Canadians dislike him. Narcissists can’t tolerate rejection.
Fairvote petition because every vote matters.
% of the vote should be the % of seats
Rona, please be our PM. We need you, lady!
Pandemic, pandemic but why are they seating so close together ?
Trudeau should be tossed in jail.
These establishment gatekeepers are afraid of the populist PPC, as if they are some right wing extremist faction. This desk anchor didn’t do anything to challenge Rona’s loaded assertion. It angers me to say it after the PPC won zero seats, but at least now the mainstream will have to contend with the PPC and their anodyne, centrist, common-sense ideas. Canada seriously needs voter reform. This situation is untenable and likely unstable. Brace yourself for Wexit.
I have a feeling that Jody Wilson-Raybould presence in Canadian politics is not over yet.
*Go Jody, Go !!!!!*