Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre says it's up to PM Trudeau to bring stability to the airline sector.
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Canada is a 3rd world country. Glad to be back in Switzerland. Canada is scary.
We got 2 roads, take it or leave it
I’ve been looking for a place to call home other than Canada
Didn’t Switzerland mandate COVID injections for its population? Or am I confusing it with another European country?
It took me so long that that passport pictures expired while in their hands, so new pictures had to be sent which only delayed the application process even longer
but do you think dogs are a filthy animal
sorry. that was from Pulp Fiction movie
I’d like to say Canada is like a 3rd world country, but that isn’t accurate. In a third world country you could discreetly pass the clerk a cash payment, and have whatever you needed completed within the hour. Canada is WORSE than 3rd world ..
Air crew staffing levels are always understaffed by airlines. Minimal reserve crewing is a standard practice at airlines. Changes in crew rest requirements were necessary. The old rules were 14 hour duty days and up to 17 hours with crew consent, the new rules are much safer. The impact is less reserve crews, is apparent today. Should there be a minimum crewing standard set for aircrews?
I believe the government stalling to renew pilot licenses as well as issue new pilot licenses which stole things out by 2 years plus has more impact though. I see your point
So Pierre is blaming Justin for late-stage capitalism now?
And snowstorms
Storms come and go but the whole system is crumbling
I bet Trudeau’s private flight to Jamaica arrived and departed on time
ofc, he has his own Jet
@Mrk Which takes off and lands freely in and out, and all over within Canada!
That last part was just a guess, since the guy isn’t ever here within Canada…
Honestly, why would anyone assume someone born wealthy would ever give a crap about anyone else in the country…
The guy is acting like the king of Canada rather than a public servant, which is absolutely what his position is!
He has no interest in Canadians wellbeing and does whatever he wants to do without telling anyone else in the country what or why he is doing anything he does, and or where he is even going.
We need a Prime Minister for Canada, be don’t need or what whatever Justin is or is doing for himself which nobody can make sense of…
@Slakjaw Notsayin wasn’t defending the guy, but yeah, I agree with a lot of what you say.
They live in their own little bubble outside ”reality”
Air Canada is living on corporate welfare. Multiple airlines (Emirates for example) tried to increase their number of flight to Toronto and to have service to Calgary/Vancouver. Always been blocked by the governement so that Air Canada can maintain those expensives flight to Dubai and charge the customers full price. There is no competition and thats why the Airlines can get away with zero service.
@hugo lheritier Lol ok. So do you have any proof? Any citations whatsoever to this baseless nonsense?
@Punk Rachmaninoff Lazy, want someone else to do the work for you?
Don’t believe him? Too bad deal with it.
@Lorne Myers lol OK chuckles the unpatriotic Canuck, enough already with your pseudo-reality…
@Punk Rachmaninoff funny coming from someone with punk in his name, so anti-establishment of you.
Spare me the Liberal rhetoric, Trudeau can speak for you? Still wearing a face diaper to show your support for the King of Canada?
drive across the border and catch a flight.
Every party wants to to run it there way. At the end of the day. No one wins. And the tax payer have to clean up there mess.
Inlaws had flight cancelled. No snow. Two days later they got a flight that had a Toronto stop over. Made it to their destination 5 hours late. Luggage did not arrive with their plane.
Their plane probably was coming from a place with snow. Or they were flying to a place with snow. I don’t know the situation. Also sometimes flight crew will time out/go over duty time so they have to cancel the flight. Sometimes….it’s also mechanical problems. So many different factors.
I’ve moved back to Canada after living in Japan since 2014. I am seriously thinking of moving back to Japan. Cost of living is 1/3rd of living in Canada. Let that sink in, Japan, which used to be the most expensive country in the world is less than a third of the cost of living in Canada.
@Sarah Yang ya get what you pay for
I’m leaving this country. It’s gotten to the point where there’s no reason to stay anymore. If that many Canadians are dumb enough to vote for Trudeau and the Liberals, they deserve what they get.
@Ultraconservador I wouldn’t say third world, maybe Portugal, or Greece, or someplace like that.
@Michael S Awesome, I’ll organize a little bon voyage party for you
Id be careful right now covid UPDATES
Another problem we have is the airport improvement fee more commonly known as “AIF”. Various airport authorities charge between $25-$35 per seat on a departing flight. It’s embedded within your ticket cost. Most airport authorities have spent this money on in terminal shops, restaurants, and so called “selfie stations”, ect. Very little of this money has gone to actually improving airport infrastructure. Canada is a complete joke.
In the early 1990s, airports were managed by the federal government and taxpayers responsible for all capital investments and operational costs not covered by airport charges. With taxpayers directly subsidizing the Canadian transportation system, the annual cost to taxpayers for operations alone was $135 million a year (with minimal investment in facilities).
By 1992, the Government of Canada began transferring control and operation of airports to non-share, not-for-profit airport authorities. Canada’s National Airport System (NAS) airports are charged with considering the needs of not only its commercial operators, but also travellers, shippers, and other air operators and the needs of the broader community
@MichelleA Butler this guys a bot
Canada is a third world dump
Act..bill please
Business and govt together in Any situation are a disaster
Airports were they shouldn’t be..
Would dogs playing poker run transport better?
um yes
yeah and what you expect when Trudeau doesnt know what to do. and he is a clued out joke
Blame everything on Trudeau. Typical response from skippy.
Trudeau made it to Jamaica no problem
While we’re at it lets put a cap on the AIF. $5/airport. These $30+ AIFs are absurd. All these new fees added all the time, Nav Canada fees, fuel surcharges etc.
How about just a ticket price and tax.
Totally right! When will Canadians wake up and realize this is no longer the best country in the world unless it gets fixed soon.
Agreed! and it will, Pierre for Prime Minister!!
@Ghost Rider Yes, NDP and Liberals had their chance already and blew it.
Pierre, please start offering some solutions. I think we all see the gross incompetency within the federal government but talk is cheap. If you want to take over at some point, please start demonstrating some real fixes. Realizing of course that the Liberals may claim any solution you may offer, voters will understand who really solved some of these issues when an election is finally called.
You know… given the past year. I have to wonder if the airline issue is… cyber related? Given their April and November issues?
It has been a rough year for many companies. So the one thing Trudeau could do is push C26 forward. That would be about the best he can do. However O’Tool is correct in that those that stay silent on the flags are silently encouraging it. At some point they need to be told that such constant hateful rhetoric is not acceptable or will be tolerated.
With all that said, I would love to see taxes used to build up resiliency. Across all domains.
When was the last time Trudeau brought stability to anything , other than his own pocket?