‘This is a bombshell’: Trump aides left speechless by Hutchinson testimony

Aides to former President Donald Trump were left speechless amid the first half of Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony, acknowledging to CNN that her testimony was "a bombshell" with potentially huge repercussions for Trump. #CNN #News

'This is a bombshell': Trump aides left speechless by Hutchinson testimony


  1. I wish every time news talks about “the base” they say how small a percentage of voters that actually is. you are giving them more power by not pointing this out.

    1. @Francis Fernandes Trump beat you twice…he’ll get you a third time. You’re terrified of him 🤣

  2. Admitting your ignorance
    is not itself an act of ignorance.
    Real ignorance emerges
    when one fails to realise its presence.

  3. she was repeating a story told to her. If and when secret service testifies they can tell the truth. If it differs its not on her, she was repeating what was said. Get Cipollone in there as well. To try in a backhanded way support people attacking her as a liar is shear stupidity! Blaming the Committee is b.s. as well. Cassidy was asked by the vice chair if anyone disputed or denied what happen in real time as the story was being told and she said no one denied or disputed. The Committee has stated they are open for anyone with knowledge to come testify. When the Secret Service testifies we can complete the narrative. These hosts should have addressed these facts! Weak reporting!

    1. @Marie Lucas HAHAHAHAHA nice retort. Nice mouth. That furthers the discussion. Troll much?! lololol

    2. They already testified. That’s why this part is such a non story. Do you really think the committee would jeopardize itself by allowing testimony that hasn’t already been corroborated?

    3. @Megan Ferraro ​ I believe you to be in error. As reported today the Secret Service will provide the agents to testify if the committee wants them. That’s why Cheney asked Cassidy yesterday if Bobby Engel, head secret service agent, or Tony Ornato who told the story to her disputed the story as it was being told to her in the presence of the Head Secret Service agent Engel who relayed the story to Ornato. Engel did not dispute or deny the story as it was told to Cassidy.

  4. Where is Hope Hicks?
    Has she nothing to add to the conversation?
    And what about Trump’s political wife, Lindsey Graham?
    Did he not also make a call to Georgia?
    Did Graham ask for/receive a Presidential Pardon?

  5. Saying that you are “privately” stunned is essentially saying I’m stunned but I’m not saying it publicly because I’m a moral vacuum and a coward.

    1. @Skalgar every part? Who proved this? Show us this proof and please don’t talk about the limo thing, it is inconsequential

    2. true its like yeah we get your stunned thats how cowards are they get stunned and stay afraid the rest of their lives which lets sociopaths like trump come along and use them like sheep.

  6. “A house divided will not stand”, famous words from Abraham Lincoln. It’s sad how far we came, only to go backwards.

  7. “Absolutely stunned”…… they still go along with everything and facilitate everything that’s wrong

    Also it wasn’t the limo it was the SUV you can see it drive off on video

    1. @Arnold Fernbladst She worked for Trump before Jan 6 and he did not make a spot for her afterwards. She THOUGHT her 3rd hand stories were binding truth.

    2. @Pam M Well, at least I’m glad you’re an INFORMED individual that is watching all of the hearings front to back like *I am* because a WILLFULLY ignorant public is the greatest threat to our democracy

  8. Why are we allowing politicians to say different things publicly and privately. They owe it to us to tell us the truth

    1. @Teutonic Nordwind I might care if I lived there, oh wait, no, I wouldn’t. Glad I don’t live there anyway. 😆

    1. @David Eby oh yes they did clown, and I saw the videos of them doing it. ALL of them said they would not try to overturn Roe V Wade. It DID happen Karen. Try to get deprogrammed.

    2. @Apoc Oh! Is that the part you are choosing to focus on. What other parts was she there to here first hand? The part about weapons? Or are you trying to ignore that bit?

    3. @Apoc And wait… So you claimed a second ago that she heard it second hand… And there for ” heresy “… But now you are claiming she lied. What evidence do you have of this?

  9. Big deal. I throw food at the wall all the time and I once tried to grab the steering wheel of the van when they were transporting me to a dental appointment. But they upped my meds and I am much calmer now.

    1. She was there for all of it except the SUV incident which she clearly stated was told to her after the event. I know you hate her because she said mean things about your cult leader, but do try and keep an open mind… 🤔

    2. The Soviet Union in the 30s could not made it better.
      I hope Pelosi, Cheney, Kinzinger will pay for this. They won’t know what hit them.

  10. After all that has come to light we must change one way to do sing.

    That is, to require the people who are running for office to be cleared just like someone going into the military we need to know if they are fit for duty
    Tests, & a background check for all candidates running for office

    1. If all Presidential candidates were legally required to disclose their tax returns before they could run, Trump would never have even entered the race for 2016! 🤣

  11. Stop putting up people who come out of the woodwork that seems odd. It’s like grasping straws. Please allow the rebuttal witnesses to u see oath tell what they gave to say

  12. CHECK THIS OUT! just think if he could have made it to the capital and sworn in the proud boys and or the oath keepers under his order! Humm I wonder what that nut would have done.

  13. While that secret service agent was complaining about being physically attacked by the president he supported, and still supports, the vice-president was hiding from the Trump zombies in an underground loading dock, while also trying to stop the friends of that same secret service agent from taking him hostage to Alaska to help the Trump coup. This is like an episode of “24”.

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