South Dakota is, by any measure, one of the hardest-hit states by the coronavirus surge in the United States right now. Yet, amid a rapidly worsening situation Governor Kristi Noem is making sure people know that if President-elect Joe Biden moves to institute a national mask mandate, she won't comply. In his latest episode of The Point, CNN’s Chris Cillizza explains how Noem is choosing politics over safety to propel her national standing within the Republican Party.
Covid-19 Alert: The 10 Riskiest States To Visit Right Now, Ranked
If Joe Biden enacts mask mandates, lockdowns, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem won't enforce them
Most states now require face masks to reduce the spread of Covid-19. These are the ones that don't
This Republican governor thinks she's nailed her state's Covid-19 response. She hasn't.
CDC now says masks protect both the wearers and those around them from Covid-19
About me:
I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.
Writer: Chris Cillizza
Producer: Allison Gordon
The Point Editor: Leigh Munsil
Video Editor: Steven Sevilla
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#CNN #Cillizza #Coronavirus
Hey, Chris here. Is there a mask mandate where you live?
Keep talking non American bot!
Yes, I don’t listen to it though
Piss off Chris
“Trusted them”
*Covid-19: **_Let the fun begin_*
Bye bye troll
@SGT Gardner
Troll with a three week old account spreading Putin propaganda.
@Blue 101 Ok, you caught me.
Ok sergey you can leave now go leeeee boi
Living in a time where it’s Medicine Vs Politics, conspiracy theories vs common sense. To much division here
@Dakoder II
You’re buying the wrong mask.
How stupid .
@Rosendo Espinosa You’re wearing a mask to prevent sickness that the CDC admits is making you sick. Ever heard of a petri dish? That’s what you’re wearing on your face. How stupid.
@Rosendo Espinosa Even Fauci admitted in in March on 60 Minutes. But when they contradict themselves you idiots call it “scientific progress”. How gullible are you? I’m selling the Golden State Bridge for $9,999! Act fast! Offer only valid while you’re stupid enough to believe lies!
Trump crates a vaccine in record time and Joe wants lock downs.
No… Not too much division there… Just too much stupidity not being able to tell the difference..
It’s natural selection. a animal or species that becomes to stupid to take care of it’s self is doomed to die off and nature replaces it with another.
Correct, it’s why communism has never worked.
@Hunter Biden communist ? Your the trash that gets help from the Russians.
True, like you, who needs to be commanded to wear a mask
@David Brown pollsmoker, you have less than zero credibility blaming Russia. That was a wild swing in the dark that totally missed. Keep worrying about that while we savage you downticket and throw away your fake ballots! You will be crying again thinking it was stolen but it wasn’t!
« Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups »
George Carlin
Still thinking of getting your vaccine? Spread and share this to anyone lining up to take the Covid vax!
Brain-Damaged UK Victims of Swine Flu Vaccine to Get £60 Million Compensation
Patients who suffered brain damage as a result of taking a swine flu vaccine are to receive multi-million-pound payouts from the UK government.
The government is expected to receive a bill of approximately £60 million, with each of the 60 victims expected to receive about £1 million each.
Peter Todd, a lawyer who represented many of the claimants, told the Sunday Times: “There has never been a case like this before. The victims of this vaccine have an incurable and lifelong condition and will require extensive medication.”
Following the swine flu outbreak of 2009, about 60 million people, most of them children, received the vaccine.
It was subsequently revealed that the vaccine, Pandemrix, can cause narcolepsy and cataplexy in about one in 16,000 people, and many more are expected to come forward with the symptoms.
Across Europe, more than 800 children are so far known to have been made ill by the vaccine.
Narcolepsy affects a person’s sleeping cycle, leaving them unable to sleep for more than 90 minutes at a time, and causing them to fall unconscious during the day. The condition damages mental function and memory, and can lead to hallucinations and mental illness.
Cataplexy causes a person to lose consciousness when they are experiencing heightened emotion, including when they are laughing.
The Pandemrix vaccine was manufactured by pharmaceuticals giant Glaxo Smith Kline, which refused to supply governments unless it was indemnified against any claim for damage caused. The company will pay the bill, and claim the money back from the government.
“There’s no doubt in my mind whatsoever that Pandemrix increased the occurrence of narcolepsy onset in children in some countries – and probably in most countries,” Emmanuelle Mignot, a specialist in sleep disorder at Stanford University in the United States told Reuters.
Mignot has been paid by GSK to research the effects of the drug.
Among those affected are NHS medical staff, many of whom are now unable to do their jobs because of the symptoms brought on by the vaccine. They will be suing the government for millions in lost earnings.
Note how Covid-19 will be offered to front line workers and NHS staff first…
However, the vast majority of patients affected – around 80% – are children.
Among them is Josh Hadfield, 8, from Somerset, who is on anti-narcolepsy drugs costing £15,000 a year to help him stay awake during the school day.
“If you make him laugh, he collapses. His memory is shot. There is no cure. He says he wishes he hadn’t been born. I feel incredibly guilty about letting him have the vaccine,” said his mother Caroline Hadfield, 43.
Despite a 2011 warning from the European Medicines Agency against using the vaccine on those under 20 and a study indicating a 13-fold heightened risk of narcolepsy in vaccinated children, GSK has refused to acknowledge a link.
“Further research is needed to confirm what role the vaccine may have played in the development of narcolepsy in those affected,” the company said in a statement.
@William Wallace so you believe Rudy? Who’s spray on hair was dripping off his head as he talked today? That’s your credible source?

@A J You’re behind, this is all new.
@Ian Burt Look it up if you really want to see it. Look at the new court filings. Did you even watch the press conference??
@A J So, since he’s an old sweaty Italian, he’s lying? haha!! You’re in for a loonnnng rest of the process.
Apparently the billions of people across the planet doing it and not getting sick and dying isn’t enough proof for here lol
I was on a ship, in my own cabin, but the crew stopped me when I put a hole in the hull of my room cause they hate freedom
When making and scoring political points matters more than owning the problem.
One editorial note: “Sickens and Kills” her constituents… Will these folks, elected leaders” be seen as criminally liable a year from now???
DEMOCRATS fail to realise that ISLAM is ANTI-HUMAN RIGHTS:sura 5:14 has ALLAH curse CHRISTIANS “till the DAY of RESURRECTION” and sura 5:64 Allah curses JEWS “till the DAY of RESURRECTION”,and sura 9:111 says he who DIES while KILLING for ALLAH goes to PARADISE
She’s one Noem I wouldn’t want in my garden.
Probably because you’re gay.
@George Washington Yes, after all it is just natural selection at work; – – – the culling of the mentally defective from the South Dakota cohort.
HaHaHa! That’s right, she’s not a garden-variety Gnome!
(shrug) Sounds like a Red State problem to me. Oh well, no bailouts!
Yup, they won’t need a bailout cause they aren’t pussies, but I agree with the no bailouts sentiment!
@Hunter Biden – awesome, then they can return money that went to their state from the first COVID relief Bill!
@Hunter Biden Red states get _tons_ from the tax payers. They are in general the least productive economies, especially the smaller Republican states, so they get their federal help paid for by the more Democratic states.
@Pontus Ekholm per capita the red states are highly productive. the liberal dumps are the only ones being burned down and even talking about bailouts. No red state needs anything. Blue states are going to suffer with what they elected.
@Hunter Biden No, per capita the Republican states are still less pruductive. The top 10 states by GDP per capita is New York, Massachusetts, Washington, Connecticut, Delaware, California, Maryland, North Dakota, New Jersey, and Illinois which is 9 blue states and 1 red state. The 10 least productive are Mississippi, West Virginia, Arkansas, Idaho, Alabama, Kentucky, South Carolina, Oklahama, Montana, and New Mexico which are 1 blue state and 9 red states.
If DC was a state it would be by far the most productive one per capita.
Donald Trump and the Republicans (that includes this phony governor) are worse than Richard Nixon, because they’re robbing the lives of innocent people by sacrificing them to the coronavirus pandemic in more ways than one as if that’s the best way for them to become rich! If only we had an enormous blue wave surrounding our country, we would clean up all of the messes that Donald Trump and the Republicans made, because they’ve proven to the world that they don’t care about anyone or anything else but money and power as well as themselves! 1
How someone can blame republican governors when they have significantly lower per capita death rates than their democrat counterparts is a wild take.
How is this Trumps fault when she made up her own mind. And no scientist has said if you wear a mask it would stop the virus. The truth is scientist don’t have enough data to know. And Trump does not make it political biden is the constantly bringing it up every time
“The secret of freedom is educating the people, whereas the secret of tyranny is keeping them ignorant.” ~Robespierre
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities” ~ Voltaire
“Want of care does us more damage than want of knowledge.” ~ Ben Franklin, from Poor Richard’s Almanack
Those who confuse a grievous public health issue with “essential” liberty to kill and harm their fellow citizens–as well as their nation–sorely lack both care and knowledge. They are also sorely lacking in common sense, something else about which Mr. Franklin was quite keen. Mr. Franklin was also one our nation’s first scientists–yet these modern-day knuckleheads who ought know better refute science! Were he alive today, he would be rather dismayed, disgruntled, and disgusted with the current President and his followers, that much is crystal clear.
sadly, 40% of Americans would do whatever it takes to end democracy as we know it and that means they want more Trump.
@april turk ~ The Molotov cocktail recipe:
Mix in equal parts of mental illness, willful ignorance, and 24/7 Reich-wing media / Russian propaganda programming, stir well, and you have the Republican cult. Then, grab a stiff drink–you’ll need it.
If the people of SD don’t care if she kills them. They voted for her so Why should anyone care
All you front liners in the Dorkota’s they don’t care if they get the virus, cone to CA we’re trying to keep the virus from spreading but we won’t ignore your heroic effort, we’ll appreciate you.
Yes, after all it is just natural selection at work; – – – the culling of the mentally defective from the South Dakota cohort.
Trick Simpson that’s true it’s a damn shame we have to suffer because other people want to be stupid and believe their civil rights are at stake if they have to wear mask..smh
@Swoon 92 even telling them if you don’t like wearing a mask now you’re sure as hell gonna hate it even more when you’re on a ventilator.
She’s not killing them. People are free to wear masks whenever/wherever they choose.
This is the propaganda arm of fascism people. Wake up
When politics is not about helping people it’s about greed.
@Gypsy Gypsy Are you a sheeple? Are you into being controlled? Please keep your distance from me, I’d hate to think your stupidity is catching. You actually buy into this BS of a scamdemic to control you.
@Ura Korish No… Fascism!!!!!!!!!!!
@savannah505 I am so sick of you telling people not to buy into this “scamdemic”. Evidently you haven’t lost anyone to it. I did. So why not stop spreading your own BS.
@Gypsy Gypsy Yes i im but there is a chance that others are not wearing mask and speak next to me and make me sick getting spit particals on my skin and eyes.
Wonder how this harridan would feel if she had to have surgery and the OR team chose NOT to wear masks!
@Mary Monroy “And tell they”?
@Kimberly McLane Doctors wear face Shields and they primarily protect the wearer ! If doctors don’t protect themselves from diseases they won’t be allowed to help or kill any patients ! Besides the patients sign the waver if they get injured or die there is nothing they or their families can do about it !
@Mary Monroy Crawl back in your hole and cover up if you’re so afraid of this. You’re just another weak little person who can’t handle life and the truth of this scamdemic to control you.
Wouldn’t matter if the team were all infected with A virus…..Think A mask will stop something one can only view under A microscope….Makes me wonder just how far something that small could actually float in the air…,Oh right,social distanceing, means your safe at six feet…,seems something that small and light would practically float forever.but that’s why we leave the science to the umm,….hmmmmm….wait,doctors say masks don’t stop viruses…..well ,not the ones on t.v… now I’m really confused,maybe it’s from breathing the carbon monoxide in this mask…..
@savannah505 Scamdemic… you people will believe anything from the internet!
What’s really sad is they will vote her back into office, when shes up for re-election
free to die, also free to stay away from other states.
Personally I’d be pissed if I died
Lol damn ironic
She’s happy that people are dieing. She’s is a witch.
Stupid Governors like her must really be secret fans of Stephen King’s The Stand since they are actively staging their own versions of it.