University of Ottawa's Amir Attaran says Canada has the capacity to manufacture vaccines in the country, and claims to the contrary are false.
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Why do we need it?
Who knows – we dont – they do for control
@andycavaliero nice, prove it.
Because morons keep partying and ruining it for everyone, that’s why.
@Alacritous “See?” Nope I don’t see your reply for ‘Why do we need it?’
@andycavaliero Its not go back to school
He is wrong? How dare you!
“How dare you” staring angrily with a Gunta Bumberg face
Well to all of you who voted for Trudeau how do you like that fool now?
Trudeau won the election the same way Biden did
Doesn’t matter who is in office there all fucked
They’re the same idiots that think the lockdowns and masks are actually keeping them safe. Of course they still love him.
The prime Minister is wrong? Oh dear, I wonder what else he’s wrong about?
making straws “Illegal” but making joints legal
@Austin Knoll Are you high right now?
The reason he wont admit we can produce it here is because the longer he can keep the covid virus going the longer he can scare Canadians into giving him full control over Canada without any repercussions and he can do and has been doing what ever he wants when he wants, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see whats really going on and how the government are using covid for a control handle….
Why do you morons all seem to think that Trudeau waited through the first 4 years of his government when he had a majority and could have done ANYTHING he wanted unopposed until he had a minority government before he decided to destroy democracy in Canada?
Because it’s nonsense, and our country is broke.
Not as broke as America lol
@Game Winner Ontario has a higher debt than California. California has a higher population than Canada.
@Chad Racine source?
Where exactly will they be manufactured?
Did you not watch the video?
I’m asking: given that they won’t manufacture them in Canada, where will they manufacture them? Where in the video do they answer this?
@ILL BILL NECRO Did you watch the video? The only thing we know is where they will not be manufactured!
@Listen and believe, no I will not! Not manufacured at all hey. Should you tell the world or should I?
Will be cheaper to get the vaccines from China from the same factory where they grow the garlic that everybody loves.
Yeah, the guy selling the bats on a stick can make it on his break.
I`ll wait on this until it`s 98-99% proven.
It has aborted fetal tissue in it.
Are you sure you want to be a part of this?
Wait till it’s 100%
@Eric Dubois
That’s the m-RNA vaccines and fetal stem cells don’t come from aborted fetuses (seriously, some people’s kids). They come from 4-5 day blastocysts (they can’t even implant into a uterus at this stage) and generally are the result of IVF. Those were donated by loving parents who struggled to conceive and, with assistance from science, managed to complete their families. Rather than leave those embryos (of which 50%-70% would not be viable and wouldn’t implant if they tried) in a suspended frozen state, they donate them back to science to be used in research that saves even more lives. In other words, their donations are very selfless and prolife. The non-thinking (there is no brain), non-feeling (there is no brain or nervous system), never implanted (not a part of anyone’s body) bundle of cells is not an aborted fetus.
@Shie H. you are nothing but a bundle of cells so why dont you just hop in a wood chipper?
@old one based
They’re probably made by Chinese funded Laboratories.
It’s always China fault they ruin our life
If it is, so what?
@lin phou Sorry but I can’t tell if you are being sarcastic to China-haters or being serious
@Kaze Xo ye
@Kaze Xo Not to be trusted is what
10!000 COVID deaths out of 37.59 MILLION! do the MATH. What percentage

0.02% of our population
And many of the 0.02 were allready at deaths door, and would have died in 2020 regardless.
I hope you get covid
Casue we have hard-on’s for never ending lockdowns.
Because everyone knows that just like budgets, vaccines take care of themselves
Trudeau’s COVID response is worse than Trump’s response. It really is.
ROFL need to yet
Because they’re waiting for Biden’s first term to start so the Dems will appear as if they’re saviors.
Will someone phone Trudeau please !