‘This Disease Can Progress And Decline At Any Moment,’ Says Doctor | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Doctors Kavita Patel and Amesh Adalja join Morning Joe to discuss the president's return to the White House and what his overall health picture may be given the conflicting details offered from the White House. Aired on 10/06/2020.
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'This Disease Can Progress And Decline At Any Moment,' Says Doctor | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @Dave Trump involved with child trafficking and corruption
      Trump involved with child trafficking 🤮🤮
      Trump walks into Miss Teen “girls 14 to 19 years of age” dressing room while many are partly nude or nude, says its one of the benefits of owning it!
      Fixed your lie for you with truth!

    2. @Nota Bene Thank you. You worked on this. Can you make it an editorial/commentary for the New York Times? More people should see this – honestly. Great work.

  1. Trump is taking the drug Dexamethasone and steroids among others.

    This leads to feelings of aggression and grandiose delusion. He’s LESS fit to serve than EVER before! He’s outright dangerous!

    1. @Blitz Roehre:
      Take a look at the William H YouTube account. He’s far more dangerous than the average troll.

    1. @Robert Telles the ad was filmed after his arrival, he restaged his arrival. The cnn talking mouths were blown away. They couldn’t figure out why he was filming his rearrival. Yep, the great minds at cnn were too stupid to figure out he was filming a campaign ad.

  2. The incubation period of Covid-19 is mostly 5 – 6 days, but can be as long as 10 or even 14 days. Trump was therefore very likely infected during the debate with Biden (and infectious).

    The first 5 to 6 days of symptomatic infection are often an up and down, with fever and without. The critical time (indicating where the illness is heading) is between days 7 and 10+ (as Trump’s own doctor confirmed at his first press conference). That will be the this Thursday to Sunday.

    It’s too early to know how Trump’s illness will develop and end.

    1. @Brett Nine That’s the scary part. Should he -and it’s still possible- remain in the WH, than it could well be the end of democracy as we know it. That would be crushing to other (frail) democracies around the globe facing China and Russia. But let’s not give in to pessimism. Chaos never endures.

    2. @eric van der schoot You are absolutely correct. A weakened US certainly sends ripples worldwide, and can undermine the stability of weaker democracies. The ramifications of a further four years of Trumpism are frightening, on a global and domestic scale. It’s in the hands of the people, now, and I still have faith in them. You are also correct when you say chaos never endures. We will see better days.

    3. The incubation period of Covid-19 is as soon as 2 days and as long as 128 days(so far that is how variable it is)

    1. Do you mean Jared Kushner was not one already? A Zombie I mean. Actually he looks more like a shop window dummy come to life.

    2. @Richard Cory why does Jared like wearing long French coats? Is it because it looks and feels like a dress. We all know Miss Lindsey Graham loves the color blue. It brings out his eyes 👗👢

    3. @L S It must correspond to some fantasy he imagines about himself. I expect he wishes he were a French Prince in the 18th century, a Captain of the Dragoons or the Guard, a romantic and beautiful figure but condemned, in the 21st, to live a life amongst the sordid realities of real estate, a prince amongst the unprincipled. Lindsey Graham would rather look good than have any principles whatsoever. I think he uses just a teensy bit too much pomade.

  3. Every republican president has given a recession but this takes the cake 🤕

    When will Americans learn…

    1. Jason Moser with that last comment you removed all doubts. You are, in fact, unable to think by yourself.
      evidence? the mere fact you just insulted a man in the most childish way possible instead of taking the higher road.
      the suit doesn’t make the man, you are living evidence.

    2. Jason Moser I’m going to live my best life no matter who is president but doesn’t stop the fact Republicans always destroy the economy

  4. There is a new cleansing product called VOTE. It’s is specifically designed to remove stubborn Orange stains..

    1. @Eastern Woods Please spread like wildfires. At this stage in the game we need to focus on getting people out to vote.

    1. @Shona Harris I love that song and the video, trump is not a Streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds!

    2. arrived shirtless on horseback in the winter snow say -10 F.. Only strong Swedes do that, if any are still alive.

  5. Do we really want someone medicated as he is, able to make decisions that affect the country? He’s dangerous enough under his previous mental condition.

    1. You mean, you liked him more with his preexisting psychiatric condition untreated, before he was pumped with steroids?
      I think I understand your point… 🤔🤪
      Whenever one thinks this circus couldn’t get much worse, Tramp trumps us.

  6. Trying desperately to prove he is not weak, even after his father is long gone. You can try to escape reality, but you cannot escape its consequences. You can see him struggling, but he’d rather die than admit he can’t cope. A fool to the very end.

    1. I am positive we are not greater today and neither is the world. Which is a corresponding effect of trump.

    2. @RS Donfighter You missed the joke– trump started his entire campaign with a negative– we had to make America great again because it wasn’t great. trump never speaks about things positively, he always whines that he is the victim and everyone is out to get him. Negative, negative, negative.

    1. Now we are all in Trump’s death camp being forced to work or starve as well as open schools. What is that I hear from the GOP Death Cult? WORK WILL MAKE YOU FREE? Or is it the echo ARBEIT MACHT DICH FREI appearing on the entrance of Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps?

  7. Lol just looking at him fake like he’s unaffected it hilarious. He can barely breathe. All for a show for his base…

    This guy is ridiculous….

    1. @J.E.H And you won’t have any part of it….Let God do his job and go pray in private, like he suggested

    2. @Leslie Propheter
      The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
      🔴God hate cowards
      God has said
      “you are all responsible”
      Your way is the way of cowards my friend you open the gate to destruction like those who went and did nothing when the Nazis came and brought death and destruction all over the world ,80 million deaths
      You go and do nothing i speak my mind
      You will not come back to earth
      You live once on this earth
      God has nothing to do with life on earth if you pray you pray for yourself he doesn’t need you or me

    3. @Leslie Propheter on this earth it’s us who have do it not God
      He gave you,legs,arms, eyes, ears and a brain and he said go and be
      If you wait for God to do something
      You can wait until you die and nothing will happend
      And by the way don’t think you are fooling somebody i know who you are, you are not as smart as you think you are.

    4. @Leslie Propheter again you are not that smart as you think you are
      I seized you up early in our conversation

    1. Let’s see you pack on a few pounds, be 74, have covid, and still climb those steps without breathing hard.

  8. Even if Trump announces his own death, don’t believe him, because he is capable of faking his death to collect the life insurance money….

  9. NEVER EVER FORGET – Trump Playbook is all too simple – “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth” – Joseph Goebbels

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