Since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, New Zealand has identified over 1,200 Covid-19 cases but suffered only one confirmed death. CNN's Ivan Watson investigates New Zealand's strategies to curb the pandemic.
#Coronavirus #CNN #News
Since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, New Zealand has identified over 1,200 Covid-19 cases but suffered only one confirmed death. CNN's Ivan Watson investigates New Zealand's strategies to curb the pandemic.
#Coronavirus #CNN #News
NZ. The mouse that roared. Well done PM Jacinda.
NZ: The Eel becomes Te Taniwha
4WD Lux Life… I see where you’re going with it, but perhaps our Maori brothers can advise if it’s accurate.
I thought a taniwha was more of a monster?
@R Wags I am Maori and a Taniwha is also a Guardian, Taniwha come in many form.
4WD Lux Life… excellent. That makes sense now.
Excuse the uneducated pakeha
When u care about ur ppl and not about $$$ !!
@Swiftspell Boohoo, speak for yourself fuckwit. At least Adern hasn’t got a hard on for, and writes love letters to Kim Jong-un like comrade Trump does.
Well actually it is still about the economy. Protecting the public health during an epidemic is actually a great way to mitigate the damage done to the economy.
@Swiftspell So what would you do?
“STAY AT HOME” , don’t be naïve , don’t be careless, don’t go from six feet apart to six feet under , use common sense . “THIS GLOBAL PANDEMIC IS NOT “FAKE-NEWS” “IT IS REAL”……Full Stop
Yes I agree. Kiwis think they are different but it’s just starting. The lock down was a good move. Just it is spread by conversations and it will still keep going on and on.
She must be a Mom for sure
! She’s holding ish down, exercising eagle eye discretion and discernment all the while encouraging kids to let them know, “the Easter Bunny is still coming to town” 
@robby newsom Flemingsburg, Kentucky
robby newsom wow does Lynna know you speak like this?
@robby newsom When you have achieved nothing in your life and have no sense of self that you call upon the dead to boast about their deeds as if they were yours. I can assure you, as disappointed as we are all in you today ‘your people’ would have been more disappointed in the past.
I would love for you to be educated on NZ history and gain an understanding of how developed NZ was in the early years before too many of ‘your people’ (and I am referring to ignorant haters, not a race) came and eroded the public understanding and acceptance of history and cultures. I however will not educate you, because you are worth nothing to me. I recommend that you make yourself worth something and learn before you spout such rubbish. Far better use of your time than being pitiful.
@robby newsom ok boomer.
@Julie Bennett Put a cork in it. You have no clue about my people or their history, you do take full advantage of all they created though. Before my people arrived in New Zealand there were some mud and straw huts and people with cultures that would never advance beyond that point, I grant you that. Denying the facts does not make them less factual. So keep your lies to yourself, if you can’t state the facts and embrace the truth, you should feel sorry for yourself. So for now we protect you, in time you will open your door to the lesser cultures and you will get what you seem to desire and my words will not seem so much like rubbish when your face is covered and your tongue is silenced. Never forget its not on the graves of our ancestors alone that we lay our claim, its on the present and the future generations of our people that we say, New Zealand is our land, Australia is our land, America and Europe is our land, we have no desire to share it, we are only waiting on the right leader to lay our final claim. So next time you want to spout Rubbish, spout it with someone who is down near your level
New Zealand has a normal person as their leader, even with a simple message for the kids of the country. Everywhere else has egotistical maniacs at the wheel of the bus …….. headed for the sea
@musicmad67 And listening to her speak at press conferences daily makes me feel much more comfortable and reassured than I would without such great leadership. As someone who is living alone during lockdown, I am very grateful to feel so supported.
Jacinda is an idiot politically none the less.
@Joey Potter Happy Easter to you…kia kaha!!
The reason why only 1 has died is because unlike most countries NZ is not lying about the real death toll.
@Rush P. Obama the foreign invader aka the air-strike king spread his cheeks for wall st…he’s as bad as Bush
Three of New Zealand’s top businessmen privately purchased 50 intensive care ventilators and seven planeloads of PPE to help equip N.Z. to fight Covid-19.
By caring about their people above money, that’s how
@Thomas Holtby You’re right – our location and population means that these measures may well work for us. The same measures may not work for other countries. So while it’s great to see a positive news story about NZ, pushing our approach may not be appropriate for all countries.
@UbiquitousChe a lot of people will have been hurt by this lockdown. How do you think young graduates without the work they expected are going to feel in six months time. The economic price of these decisions will come home to haunt Ardern.
@HappyGilmore I do agree with the 4 week lock-down period, but don’t underestimate the hidden cost of being too long in lock-down and level 3 as it will result in more suicides, crime , domestic violence, drug / alcohol abuse , mental health and social economic issues… The idea of the lock-down was to reduce transmission and contain the virus, in turn allowing time for the health care system to get prepared for any substantial outbreak after the lock-down…
Trying to stamp out the virus completely (if that’s at all possible) could take many months and would require extreme measures that could well have a worse outcome for the majority of the population than a carefully managed but swift approach that allows people to get back to work…
Most businesses will survive if given the freedom to operate and will find a way to mitigate / manage risk therefore keeping their employees in their jobs , shutting them down for too long pretty much eliminates any chance of that happening…
@Jasper Horace So what should she have done? No lock down because ‘young graduates’ may not have work they expected in six months time…but many thousands of people sick and dying from Covid 19? Tell us what YOU would have done better. And how would YOU have saved EVERY person/business from suffering ANY fallout from what was a very necessary decision. Although we own a company that will more than likely fail due to alert level four, which in turn will see us bankrupt, it is what it is. For us, people come before profit. It’s a pity people like yourself care more about the ‘economic price’ than keeping your fellow kiwis alive and well.
Everyone knows how they did it. They elected a leader who is actually leading and not corrupted. She is not greedy and believes in science. She is educated and not a religious zealot. THATS HOW THEY DID IT.
Nice post!
@Jeffrey English I read a book called “Lies My History Teacher Told Me” about what is taught in US high schools and it was alarming to say the least! I’m a Kiwi who has spent some time working in the US and have many close friends over there. Hoping that this doesn’t spiral too far out of control, I’m watching with much concern and feeling very grateful to be here.
But she’s a self confirmed commie socialist?
Damon Mudgway ahhh! There you are troll! And name calling just like your juvenile dear leader Trump. And calling someone a commie of all things projecting like your dear leader who is an actual communist and Putin’s puppet. Very good. If you’re so afraid that socialism is communism (it isn’t. This country has been a socialist democracy since FDR) then you should really enjoy watching Trump turn this country over to Putin and make it a real communist country. You’re so uneducated and stupid it proves my point thoroughly. Good for you troll, and thanks. I didn’t think any of you morons would step up and put their foot in their mouth. Tomorrow you’ll say it never happened.
Damon Mudgway lets play the game the way Trump and you play. Nice name Mudway. Is that a reference that you’re a poopy anus!!!! Take your butt off the playground and don’t leave a trail. Troll 0 Jeff 2.
As a New Zealander (who did not vote for her) I am very impressed at how she has managed this country in times of crisis. Her best attribute is that she knows what she does not know, and listens to experts. Our health system, and it’s managers are doing a stellar job. Our country has universal healthcare, which is coping very well with this potential emergency. We have less than 20 people hospitalized with Covid 19 out of a population of 4.8 million, and none of these people will have a massive bill to pay when they leave hospital.
We are in for some tough times as we rebuild our economy after these extensive measures, but if we can tackle that how we have tackled this, then it’s a battle we are ready to fight as well.
@Ned Kelly not surprised by the comment with that name!Speaking of deportation…
@Ned Kelly and by the way the government decides when, not the COUNTRY!
@paul templeton actually that’s a really good point. The Opposition-led select committee established to provide that check and balance on the Govt while Parliament’s closed reflects just how strong and robust our public institutions are.
@Joey Potter yes as with all Govts we’ve had, there’s been some Ministers who’ve managed their portfolios exceptionally well, others not so great. One thing about a crisis, it reveals whose made of the right leadership material.
@keith wilson you and your family stay safe too.
Her response and that of the NZ Government is entirely appropriate. She makes me proud to be a Kiwi.
She’s a crypto jew that wants to lead you into communism you fool.
Joanne, I’m a kiwi and NZ is the guinea pig in a much bigger game. Wake up.
keith wilson you’ve actually got 11 likes and counting. I’ll even give you another one.
One of the things that is a stark contrast in leadership between NZ and the US, is the PM Ardern’s press conferences are solely focused on ridding the country of the virus. Like Donald Trump she is up for re-election this year but in NONE of her press conferences that I have watched has she even come close to using it as a platform to toot her own horn. She has been strictly about the business of protecting New Zealanders.
@EnZed There is an interview online of a NZ person recovering after a time in hospital. There was one more death yesterday at a local hospital.
@Jo Dunn Right? There was an interview she did about harrassment against women in the workplace. She quickly mentioned that she’d dealt with it in her life too. The interviewer kept trying to focus on that part which Jacinda outright refused to entertain and continued talking about ALL women in general, not individuals.
@Damon Mudgway What’s the fucking point of asking questions and coming to your own conclusions? That’s just you still questioning everything even when it’s tattooed to your forehead!
@1Neuseelander ICU patients? LINKS PLEASE
No there is only one death in NZ and she had a serious pulmonary lung disease
The PM is the definition of leadership! She took the virus seriously and didn’t compare its to the flu like the orange clown Trump did. That’s the difference!
This is working because for the most part we 1) are willing to sacrifice personal freedoms for the greater good and 2) dont believe that this is some grand plan by the government to assert dominance and control our lives.
I couldn’t imagine the government being able to quickly organise a conspiracy amongst all this, or that everyone in government’s Mum wouldn’t give them a strong word and no tea if they started trying. We all know eachother, no one would get away with it. We are the first to protest for fairness.
But they just did assert dominance and control over our lives. Literally.
iluvugoldenblue the second death was an elderly rest home resident with underlying conditions who was a ‘probable’, not confirmed case of Covid19. They did not test the majority of the residents because of the invasive nature of the test. The briefing said as much.
@Damon Mudgway I like to think that the whole country came together and understands the importance to protect eachother. Everyone I know was fully prepared to go into self-isolation, some already did, but having the whole country agree and support eachother is wonderful. Arden just got us organised: He Waka eke noa. We are all in this together heading towards the same goal.
Julie Bennett search Event 201, then Agenda 21, then search up Dr Bruce Lipton just for states. To be fair, Agenda 21 is socialism driven. And I concede I’m not a socialist, so the Agenda goes against my views. Many would be happy with the ideals behind globalisation, while others see it as a step too far.
KIA KAHA AOTEAROA! Cheers to our Essential Workers Still hardout Mahi. Stay Calm, Be Kind…Stay at home! We GOT this! – (Churton Park, Wellington)
My family and I have been in government quarantine in New Zealandd for 14 days after returning home from Australia for the first time in 10 years. We have been cleared of COVID-19 and are allowed to leave tomorrow. The medical staff, cleaners, security staff etc are absolutely amazing and should be applauded. The NZ Police Force even delivered a bag of toys and books for my 7 year old son. They are all extremely professional and treating everyone with compassion and kindness. Taking after Jacinda Adern’s model. I really hope that these people are recognised once all of this is over.
Wish the cops were as humane where I am.5% are.The rest?Yeah well.Not quite like the yanks , yet!
Welcome home!

Wow, quarantined for potentially having a Flu virus. Well done for getting through it.
@act67 Thanks! We had planned the move back to NZ back in October. What wonderful timing we had LOL.
She has managed to bring our country together with compassion, kindness and complete focus on the task at hand. We are so lucky to have her as our leader. Kia kaha New Zealand
Not only that once John Key said Good job National changed their tune.
Mr Anthony yeah its great to see the opposition come on board and be supportive. Kudos them. It’s not about politics right
We’re entering day 16 of lockdown in New Zealand and I haven’t killed my family over a game of monopoly yet
Haha love it but yes fellow kiwi I know how you feel. just remember us kiwis are going to come out of this even stronger than before.
Give it time
Wow. I am beyond humbled that good humans still exist and not greed driven. The Prime Minister was putting people first and not $$! She is my hero. I wished the globe has her mindset. May God protect her, she is a treasure and has a loving heart.
I can tell you in the city I live in everyone has locked down. The only time I ever see people when I go to work or when coming home are people going for a walk or run. My sisters live in Wellington and they said it’s like a ghost town there too but they feel safe. Aunt Cindy’s response to the pandemic has been amazing. When she held the press conference telling everyone that we were moving from Level 3 to Level 4 of the lock down, I was in the office with two of my colleagues watching on Facebook. There’s normally people coming in and out of the office but most just didn’t show up for work that day or were told to stay home. My main concern was whether people would be disciplined enough to stay put. I work for local government so am classed as an essential worker, helping respond to the thousands of welfare requests from all over the country. We currently have teams that deliver tech to our remote workers and once they’ve done that, they can’t come back to the building because their bubble is too big so after they’re done with that, they have to stay home for the rest of the lock down. I really feel for people in other countries, especially the U.S. Trump has been irresponsible in terms of the pandemic and all those poor people dying alone, it’s really heart-breaking watching it on TV. There are people here in NZ who feel Jacinda’s response was too slow and think she’s useless but they are saying this within the safety of their own home, COVID free, healthy and hopefully happy. She has done an incredible job and that’s all I can say about that.
Bexy your doing a great job to, to many people
Complaining that they are waiting to long to have their calls answered. Everyone needs to stop and remember that they wouldn’t want there needs dismissed and brushed aside so that the call waiting times are reduced, and you cannot train up the numbers of additional staff needed for such unprecedented numbers of calls in 48 hours during a lockdown – be patient NZers, and treat the people on the phones with respect, they care, they want to do their best for you, but, it takes time, so your wait will be worth it in the end!
One thing this segment missed out, is that she has done all of this while just having her first child. Amazing women