This could be the most consequential day for Trump’s presidency | Anderson Cooper

CNN's Anderson Cooper takes a closer look at US diplomat Bill Taylor's testimony in which he says that he had been told President Donald Trump would withhold military aid to Ukraine until it declared investigations would be launched that could help his reelection chances.

#AndersonCooper #CNN #NEWS

This could be the most consequential day for Trump's presidency | Anderson Cooper


    1. @Mike Smith I used to feel sorry for your types. Desperate nobodys living some sort of fantasy trump sells you.
      Now I think you’re just pathetic. Theres a dash of despiction in there now too.
      I was in Indiana recently. On of trumps rabid junkies got physically shaken when he found out I thought trump was crazy. This guy had to sit down he got himself so frothed up. I imagined that must be what one of those pathetic rallies must be like times 50 or 60.
      This moron cult member still, after that reaction, was thinking he was still a hopeful in my company.
      At least it saved me from the “we’ll be in contact” reply.

    2. I trust the one brave enough to serve. Taylor didn’t have his daddy bribe a doctor to say he had “bone spurs”

    3. @Davey Badman why not? Am I intruding on their safe little space pointing out they can’t read or write yet are allowed to vote? Ridiculous I say. And that’s a small fact compared to what Trump has done to the world and how the U.S stand among other nations.

    4. @Mockery Channel Are we to take it that you spread yours but not for any random man?..A bit more that it ? got it👍

    1. If the House  sends  unfounded , baseless ,incomplete articles of impeachment   to the Senate  unsubstantiated and with out evidence  the Senate   can  and will  refuse to entertain  the articles  and dismiss it with out a trial  and the SCOTUS  would agree if the Dims  sue ?? It’s an abuse of power ??
      Consequently  the dims have only one  avenue  out side of Civil War  and that is to try and Destroy POTUS  in their  press  which they own ???
      The problem is that the DIMS  will make so many enemies with this approach  that  no amount of apology  will  sustain , they run the risk of  Assisted Suicide ??

    1. ​@John Patrick, Hey pigfucker,
      Your father fucked one too.
      (Doubt your English is good enough to understand that.)

    1. Michael that was a typical democrat response to a logical question. I will ask his question again..REMEMBER MUELLER? What happened?   And so it goes again….

    1. @yoshidawg50 well he’s in for a gigantic let down. More people are disliking him by the minute. Hope he’s packing his bag with burgers to the nearest exit.

  1. I might not be able to say “quid pro quo” quickly three times in a row, but legend says if we all say “Trumpelstiltskin” three times, he gets banished back to the underworld where he uses a spinning wheel to spin evidence into pure bullshit. Keep spinning, troll 😂

    1. If the House  sends  unfounded , baseless ,incomplete articles of impeachment   to the Senate  unsubstantiated and with out evidence  the Senate   can  and will  refuse to entertain  the articles  and dismiss it with out a trial  and the SCOTUS  would agree if the Dims  sue ?? It’s an abuse of power ??
      Consequently  the dims have only one  avenue  out side of Civil War  and that is to try and Destroy POTUS  in their  press  which they own ???
      The problem is that the DIMS  will make so many enemies with this approach  that  no amount of apology  will  sustain , they run the risk of  Assisted Suicide ??

    2. Say it again sammy boy cause The Golden Boys wise guys are gonna whack whoever’s is stupid enough to run against the president

    1. Clarence Thomas ?????
      You just might be stupid ???Check the mirror ??
      If the House  sends  unfounded , baseless ,incomplete articles of impeachment   to the Senate  unsubstantiated and with out evidence  the Senate   can  and will  refuse to entertain  the articles  and dismiss it with out a trial  and the SCOTUS  would agree if the Dims  sue ?? It’s an abuse of power ??
      Consequently  the dims have only one  avenue  out side of Civil War  and that is to try and Destroy POTUS  in their  press  which they own ???
      The problem is that the DIMS  will make so many enemies with this approach  that  no amount of apology  will  sustain , they run the risk of  Assisted Suicide ??

    1. wili h grolsch yes, it won’t take the republicans long to start smearing him. I hope people can see through their lies and excuses.

    2. @Linda Houston -That’s all they do is ignore or attack. That’s all they got in their playbook. Fortunately now 55% favor impeachment, showing there’s no way Trump can win unless massive voter fraud/suppression.

  2. “it’s not a travel ban… It’s not a ban”
    Two hours later: “it’s a travel ban”
    Pfft whatever, orange liar

    1. If the House  sends  unfounded , baseless ,incomplete articles of impeachment   to the Senate  unsubstantiated and with out evidence  the Senate   can  and will  refuse to entertain  the articles  and dismiss it with out a trial  and the SCOTUS  would agree if the Dims  sue ?? It’s an abuse of power ??
      Consequently  the dims have only one  avenue  out side of Civil War  and that is to try and Destroy POTUS  in their  press  which they own ???
      The problem is that the DIMS  will make so many enemies with this approach  that  no amount of apology  will  sustain , they run the risk of  Assisted Suicide ??
      Who destroyed the Democratic  party  ?? Obama or Nancy   ?????

    1. Golden  that doesn’t even make sense.Bush did nothing wrong and Trump did nothing wrong. Oh …wait…all you watch is the main stream left wing media..oh wow…that means Trump is baaaaad LOL

    2. William either that or one more confused millenial….they are all over the place when they are not hiding in their safe places..TRUMP 2020

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