This bladed missile is believed to be behind Al Qaeda leaders’ killing

CNN's Tom Foreman explains the tech behind the Hellfire R9X missile, nicknamed the "Flying Ginsu," a secretive weapon that is believed to use kinetic energy and metal blades to eliminate a target with minimal collateral damage. #CNN #News

This bladed missile is believed to be behind Al Qaeda leaders' killing


  1. And that’s how it’s done Orcs… As you can see it’s actually possible to destroy what you intend to without leveling a whole city.

    1. @Brian T Who’s talking about killing a single person? I said “destroy an intended target”. Russian military doesn’t always target multiple units. In fact they themselves brag about how precise their attacks are, except it somehow doesn’t translate into the civilian casualty numbers or the outlook of the cities once Russia is done “clearing” them… Grozny, Aleppo, Mariupol…

    2. @TomasZ didn’t this same missiles kill a family of 9 in afghanistan early this year..??how many american drone strikes have gone wrong in iraq,afghanistan and somalia..??please don’t let your emotions make your brains dull

    3. @Brian T Actually no, that was on 29th of August, still during the airlift and just a few days after ISISK suicide-bombing killed 180+ and wounded 180 more at the airport including 13 US servicemen. After something like that you can’t help but get a little bit trigger happy and there were potentially hundreds more lives at stake so the US acted to prevent such disaster from happening again. The car they targeted was visiting a alleged IS safe-house. The strike was precise, the intell was wrong.

    1. @not today satan I don’t think we had the guidance technology to hit such a small target accurately before.

  2. Blast area of a standard explosive is calculated relative to the mass of the payload.
    Classic e = mc2. Where the e varies based on the potential energy of the particular matter used in the war head.

    This Ginsu missile sounds like it utilizes the same concept that you see behind supersonic jets. That cone that you see? Essentially it’s just directed in front of the device, instead of behind.

    An “Air Missile” if you will.

    1. e=mc2 has nothing to do with this. You don’t understand what e=mc2 means. Go do some research on that first.

    2. @Cristian Armaselu – So I can drink whiskey? I hope you calculated bail money in your equation …

  3. If there’s any justice, he was alive for a few seconds as his body parts slid in multiple directions.

    1. @Luke Murray But these are the same who suffered the same fate when he was in on 9-11. It’s only fair for him to suffer the same fate.

    1. @Colin McDonald i mainly breathe from my nose but i must confess i do indeed breathe through my mouth during hot showers

  4. This is a result of many people working tirelessly with a single purpose in mind. Thank you all. Never forget 9-11.

  5. This how precise Western munitions is. Unlike Russia he will drop cluster bomb, dumb bombs, ka52 spraying rocket everywhere, lands cruise missile to residential buildings lol.

  6. In China, (1) the state can force Chinese nationals at home and abroad to carry out military activities in their respective countries (National Defense Mobilization Law, effective in 2010); (2) the state can force Chinese nationals at home and abroad to do spy activities in their respective countries. (National Intelligence Law, effective 2017). Chinese citizens who do not follow the instructions and orders of the Chinese government will be arrested and have no option to decline.
    Together, these two laws create the most dangerous security situation for every country.
    There are at any time 25,000 Chinese professional spies in Japan. 🇯🇵🇺🇦🇹🇼🇺🇸🇯🇵

  7. It’s been a long time coming when you live your life destroying others be warned the sort of Justice swings both ways🤔

  8. Wait for the one with Nerf swords for when you want to send a warning but don’t want to kill anyone from halfway around the world.

    From a collaboration between the CIA and Toys R Us.

  9. “The DoD doesn’t want to talk about it due to the secretive nature of the program but we’ll talk about it because like Geraldo we don’t give a damn about secrecy or OPSEC.”

  10. WOW…I sure Feel for that Human Operator guiding through the missle’s lens. Seeing it all go down, right, and right before his eyes! Whewww…tuff thing to have in memory, man! (Just guessing, no expert here )))

    1. Lol nooo he will sleep fine. 1 the missle flys in to quick for the operator to see any detail. And as a vet, doing your job taking out an adversary that targeted the innocent as a terror strategy, lol ya he will sleep just fine once he comes down from the adrenalin. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

  11. There was something about this missile going around a few years ago and everybody thought it was a meme/joke. Including me.

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