Thirty years later, the Waco raid resulted in multiple deaths and government opposition | USA TODAY

Back in 1993, law enforcement tried to serve a warrant on the Christian splinter group, whom they suspected were stockpiling weapons. The government raid in Waco ended in multiple deaths.

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The curious keep coming. They turn onto a gravel road 10 miles east of Waco and pass through a black gate leading to a rural complex where David Koresh — leader of an apocalyptic religious sect known as the Branch Davidians — and 75 followers perished in a firestorm on April 19, 1993.

That came after six Branch Davidians and four federal agents earlier died amid a flurry of gunfire in the government’s initial Feb. 28, 1993, raid on the 77-acre Mount Carmel property.

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#Waco #Texas #Raid

Thirty years later, the Waco raid resulted in multiple deaths and government opposition | USA TODAY


  1. He definitely knows how to appeal to those extremists. I remember when he called the opponent’s supporters a “basket of deplorables”.

  2. Ruby Ridge happened literally a few months before Waco, not “years before”. Ruby Ridge was August ’92, Waco was February/March/April ’93. This is why you don’t rely on mainstream media for information 🙄

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