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As COVID-19 rampages throughout Canada, CTVNews.ca's Rachel Aiello and Nanos Research's Nik Nanos take a look at how Canadians feel about the provincial response.
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Windsor, Leamington hospitals are completely empty, they are only “Covifying” 98 year olds in ICU units. They have their staff parking in the patients areas to make it look busy lol
Proof ? Or just rumours
Did you visit their ICU?
That is an anecdote that one should be skeptical of. We have no way of verifying what you are claiming.
@Amelia Bedelia just like we have no way to verify that they are full.
Politicians never learn.
What about the general public and businesses?
@Max Weinbach — most folks have about a two week memory. If they hold a grudge after that, it becomes part of who they are _as a person_
Doctors! Grow up and start treating infections with known therapeutics!
Stop with the party line nonsense and honour your oaths to ‘do no harm.’ If you can stop cases from becoming acute using proven drug therapies you KNOW ABOUT, and refuse to do so…You’re violating your oath.
Please tell me more about these “known therapeutics”, what’s the mechanism of action, can you cite the studies that show efficacy Biff MD?
@Shawn Dowdall ya you proved your ignorance lmao
@TB Gaming lol my point was there is no conspiracy and you provided me right. Carry on
lol what about the proof i provided you didnt look at all
Anyone besides Shawn, (who I’m guessing was a schoolyard bully) is welcome to look up the research, experience, and commentary of the doctors cited above. Science and opposing viewpoints don’t simply disappear when someone uses text to imply someone is ignorant. Do your homework folks. There are answers that differ from the Liberal/lockdown party line…
Take it out on him? He’s taken his mid life crisis out on Ontario .
Ford’s Deco Labels company is making big money through the lockdowns. Of course he wants them to continue, he wants those social distancing labels to be plastered everywhere! In our own homes next.
@TurtleHatching false
oh yeah, because this is just an Ontario problem….never mind the whole WORLD that is dealing with the same!
@LaLa Land And there are many corrupt politicians! Just listen to the news elsewhere.
@TurtleHatching can’t argue with that…
April 15 ’21..it’s egsactly what it is ..it’s you there who needs your carriers..it has nothing to do with genuine concern ….for the period of crisis …
lockdowns dont really affect me personally but small businesses will go out of business soon
maybe the point
Cases rising. Deaths plummeting
Not true
Premiers are fools. Declaring another Lockdown is just guaranteeing more riots
Lol what’s the point of rioting while breaking the curfew when you could just be quietly gathering somewhere out of everyone’s way? I mean how dumb are you idiots? Like is intelligence hard to come by over in craptario these days?
Time to put in new premiers as they can’t seem to manage much of anything these days.
simple solution open up the country-obviously lockdowns arent working
These aren’t actual lockdowns, that’s why they aren’t working.
When will Canada approve therapeutics to stop it getting serious as numbers increase. IVERMETIN PLEASE.
Oo hi cherry cheesecake

“frustrations”? Do you mean holding our public officials accountable for their bungling of a national crisis?
He always has a look on his face like he dropped his sandwich.
This is war on humanity.
End the Lockdowns Protests!!

Every Saturday at Queens Park
They had a year to build more ICU beds if there’s such a need. Why don’t we have two more hospitals? Lol even if you took covid at face value nothing adds up.
this is why i voted PPC back in 2019 maxime is the only person who says this crap doesn’t work