Premier Doug Ford says we 'can't let our guard down' as variant cases continue to rise across Ontario.
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More waves then a Bluejays game we can’t go too…
Third waves is usually the finally one… dig deep inshallah you stay free
At this point, there could be 5000 waves, no one cares now!
Youre bang on correct….same as Hokanson
Wait a minute… I’m going to get upset with wave number 397
If no one cared we would all stop obeying the goofy rules. All businesses have to stay open.
Agreed. We don’t care about this anymore.
Time to move it along
Let’s start by ripping off all the stupid posters and arrows on the floors , I’m sick of them, they need to go in a metal barrel and lit on fire
Lets all start Organizing!? Call your local leaders and start from there. Lets rally together and boot Justin and Ford. No Snap election, Lets choose someone smarter than Otoole to represent the conservative party. Then we can start rebuilding after this political failure.
Eff that. Boogie down. Now.
@J A F A S ford is ford! Try greens
@Big Musk who?
@Big Musk or Pierre Poilievre
Derek Sloan!!!
Doug Ford is done in politics. Pos.
@Charles Murray I called this the same day all the signage showed up , I knew it
@monica delisle yes. Yes you are
@Carsickness86the words necessary and lockdown should never be in the same sentence
@Primmakin Sofis well said!
@Shadow Knows are you serious? No, Rob Ford was awesome, Doug Ford is a dictator
everyone should get ford some crayons for his coloured zones
Insult to crayon eaters everywhere, they need those for important things.
Zones of Colour
This is the song that never ends …
Yes it goes on and on my friend…
Just when you think it’s over..
@Brandon Wadsworth Well we – started singing it – not knowing what it was…
lol i remember that as well xD
He’s convinced himself that he’s a hero when he’s really a zero.
He’s still living in the shadow of his brother.
@Primmakin Sofis Both are in the shadows IMO!
Ford has the intellect of a doorknob.
That is terribly unfair — to doorknobs.
Everyone gives knobs a turn lol well we gave him his turn now we get him out
I once legit voted for a Blue Berry Muffin.
@TheInterWebs That Muffin is smarter than Ford.
Third wave, fourth wave, fifth wave and on and on and………..
So True, this is a disgrace and the blood of all the suicide victims from this is on the hands of these paid doctors and politician morons
And so the lockup will continue…….
Nuremberg 2.0 gets closer and closer.
Quick drops. Sudden stops.
We can only hope!!
one can only hope these vile humans get put on trial for crimes against humanity.
Ok Qaren.
More Waves than a Beach. Learn how live with it. 99% Don’t die from it.
How many have serious, long term Covid with often debilitating effects?
Check it out. It’s much scarier than dying.
@shizuokaBLUES your right, just like pneumonia.
@shizuokaBLUES How many?
@Teheru 17 nice. doesn’t like the message and the ideas it conveys, so instead of discussing it or …(gasp)…wanting to learn about someone’s perspective , lashes out. I am guessing that empathy isn’t something you value yet.
@shizuokaBLUES we all gotta die of something! Or do you think we’ll all live forever if we only avoid the ‘rona?
“Don’t ever trust the government”
– Doug Ford
just as bad as the PM saying he hated government and wanted nothing to do with it.
More waves, more variants, more power – can’t let this power trip end now, can we?
Totally disgusting. Government are a joke. Sad thing is we do nothing about it
@PooSucka69 wear a mask
@Q M vote ford?
@Rodrigo Rod since you like giving orders how bout you go take one up the.

@2Tone 331Vicky what’s so wrong about wearing a mask
I think everyone intelligent is over this. Doug and his chief medical officer however ……..
Why not talk to some Doctors that are not on the payroll Doug?
You know this isn’t as big as a deal as it is when THEY are trying to SELL IT TO YOU like a classless used car salesman.
Let’s all get sick at this point I don’t care anymore my mental state can’t take much more of this.
No one believes you anymore.
Is there anyone who takes this serious anymore haha?
Can’t let our guard down, the 50th wave is on its way soon.

it’s coming in hot with rocket launchers and raptors