‘Think about who you’re singling out’: Brampton MPP Gurratan Singh on high cases in the city

Brampton East MPP Gurratan Singh says his community needs more support amid a high COVID-19 test positivity rate.

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'Think about who you're singling out': Brampton MPP Gurratan Singh on high cases in the city


  1. I live in Brampton (sadly) & I can say the MOST PPL in Brampton do not wear a mask or wear them right. I see it daily & so does my wife, she’s COVID-19 compliance staff & she comes home with a “horse” voice every single day.

    1. I have no idea what part of Brampton you are in. When I walk around in North and downtown Brampton…every person has a mask. Businesses are closed and managing how many ppl come in…

  2. What a clown this MPP is. Its all the immigrants who can’t help but get together and spread covid. Call it what it is. Quit asking for money and making excuses about gov’t. Get your act together and cease the 50 ppl weddings like the rest of Canada has had to do. Talking about keeping our economy alive… what a joke!!

  3. Excellent interview from Singh. Listen to the health experts, we need funding for healthcare and financial support so essential workers can survive while they’re sick.

  4. REALYY? How many essential workers live in Brampton/ population numbers? And how many work in Brampton? 🙂 The host is completely correct in questioning this

  5. you don’t need more money for investigations, you need to provide leadership and get ppl to FOLLOW the rules. no one wants you to fail

  6. they just opened a new hospital in brampton and you theres others in the surrounding communities. That is complete BS. The idea is to NOT get sick, not to keep building hospitals. Its 266 km2 and has 2 hospitals already. There IS no more money. We are in DEBT. Why don;t you try following the rules and encouraging others to as well, instead of just asking for more hand outs from the feds all the time?

    1. @Mitch Gent they just opened a new location. I’m surprised they got THAT much done. But you can’t really on this for covid. You just have to follow the guidelines and not get sick for a year. And businesses should be following them, too. It should be mandatory for workers, no ifs, ands or butts about it

  7. Then stop gathering in warehouse parking lots without mask,weddings, places of pray,house celebration and the airport needs to be closed. What does Brampton and Surrey have in common???????????

    1. More or less. They are almost finishing the new hospital built in Brampton, so there would be 2. Not sure on the progress of it.

    2. @Dan Johnston Brampton does not have a big, relatively new hospital. The newest hospital built in the city was built in 2007 and is operating over its budget and capacity. There is a new trauma centre, however it does not operate as a hospital. Only a trauma centre.

    3. Ye their new one is being finished up, the province said they would build a third one their

  8. Listen to the interview. Typical leftist bullcrap. One blame the conservatives. Two.. We want money.3. Blame it on racism.

  9. Stop making excuses Singh you know as well as everyone else that its larger gatherings that temples and overload of immigrants, same as Malton. The majority are immigrants. Plus multiple families living in the same home. Singh is your typical liberal only he is a NDP
    SAME lies never the real truth.

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