1. “That’s not my safe. I’ve never even heard of safes. If I did have a safe, it would have been the best safe ever, believe me. Many people say I’m being treated so unfairly. Person Woman Man Camera TV.”

    1. @B. A. Richardson actually he was really making a difference and that’s what the establishment hated he went against the status quo. And now he’s the most prosecuted president in history You don’t think it’s because he was an outsider umm 🤔🤔

    2. @SHINE – on -TV tell me why “all the best people” have to ask trump for a preemptive pardon. They know that they are doing something wrong, perhaps….

  2. I just wish he was still on twitter so that we could have received a running commentary on the raids. He might have even helped the agents with those tweets

    1. @Double Doc Can you say search warrant? Can you say a search warrant given by a Federal judge? Signed off by the DOJ?

    2. Harikrishnan Ramachandran, he did help the prosecution just with the typed statement he released. He said they opened “his safe.” DOJ would have to prove intent and possession. He handed them possession if anything illegal or of interest was in that safe. In other words, he cannot now claim the safe belongs to his kids or something. He is a lawyers worst nightmare to defend.

    3. Help them do what? He can declassify anything they find. This is just to try and hurt him on a another run for president.

  3. My school “broke into” my locker and found marijuana, and even though I tried to say it wasn’t weed, they didn’t believe me, it’s like they wanted to give me a week suspension because they feared me or maybe they were jealous that weed made me smarter than all the teachers. It was a set up I tell you, I was framed! Yes it was my weed, but that doesn’t give anyone the right to call me out on it!

    1. @Ryan lex Well he committed crimes so… how does that have anything to do with dems? Are you pro-criminal?

    1. @Michelle Frost democrats think they can stop recession from coming even if Trump isn’t running in 2024 😂

    2. @Ryan lex I meant the fringe sub party but I got ya. You did a good job either party is worth much but we still side with one like a bad football team.

  4. reporters: “when questioned about the raid, he had this to say”

    Trump: “I’ve never even seen that safe they found before. This isn’t even my house”

  5. It was a beautiful raid. A big, tremendous raid. Some people said it was the best raid they had ever seen. Lots of people said that….. A friend of mine said I am the most raided President ever… Trump told the FBI agents “ we love you, you are very special people, but it’s time to go home now, we need to keep the peace..”

    1. Just love it…where are all the satirical comics ..they should be ripping the insides out of this situation. Where are the Pythonesque comics…this is such a rich vein of material.

  6. “we got him this time” 2016 “we got him this time” 2017 “we got him this time” 2018 “we got him this time” 2019 “we got him this time” 2020 “we got him this time” 2021 “we got him this time” 2022 “we got him this time”

  7. The last two people found guilty of this. Was sentenced to a misdemeanor a fine and 3 years probation. So even if you found guilty it’s not a federal crime. He will run in 2024.

    1. He may very well, and hopefully imo, lose the ability to run again because of this. And please, who was recently found guilty on charges that only the president would be able to incur. Thats nonsense

  8. I read that as “They even broke my safe” and then I read it properly and part of me was like.. Please go back and break his safe. 😀

  9. She basically said a whole lot of nothing. Doesn’t even know how to explain this. She went round and round with no valid statement. Bunch of clowns

  10. I love how Chief Crazy Orange aka BunkerBoy-diaperrants does a goodly amount of the prosecutions work in putting together the case against him… Ya gotta love it! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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