Jordan and Andre Anchondo died shielding their infant son from gunfire inside the El Paso Walmart where 20 people were killed in a mass shooting. CNN's Anderson Cooper speaks to their family. #CNN #News
They died shielding their infant son from gunfire

Now that’s a real mother



Both parents died not just the mom
@TesticleNightMare You’re sick. Your choice of screen name, you’re hiding so no one knows the real monster. You’re a monster. People are dead. But because of your cult, you come here with more evil.
I sincerely hope you have no weapons. Get help. This must stop. We will stop you. All of you. In Jesus’ name.
@Grell Sutcliff… are the typical white racist who is part of the problem of today society you know damn well that it was the father who was the real hero. not only he protected his wife but he protected his kid
I’m crying, it’s so cruel
TesticleNightMare you are consumed with evil. Have you been possessed by the devil? Seek God because these words can only come from evil
that was a real hero she was a real super mom

@Mockery Channel – Don’t cut yourself there, Edgelord.
Both parents died
@Jules Nagbunga You would like to think so, anyway. But unfortunately, not all parents possess this innate courage-believe it or not. Luckily, this little guy’s mom did.
I wonder where is proud Texan Ted Cruz, one of the top politicians bribed by the NRA…
@Wizarding tricks I can tell that your father didn’t beat you hard enough.
@Storm Tellier you and people like you cause the people death.
@Wizarding tricks No, sir. Gun control is going to make the difference. Never in America we had so many mass shootings. It is a lot worst now. There is no reason to sell semi automatic guns to the public. They are made for war zones, not for the normal citizen. Mass shootings in countries that have better gun control laws are rare. Stop denying it and face the problem head on.
The definition of a mother… what a beautiful woman.
the father tried to shield the wife and child also, don’t forget. Both parents are heroes.
@G Holmes
I do not know why you said that but your comment is showing a callus heart.
@Sonia C Feminists can’t accept the accomplishments of men
I was the HISPANIC father who was the real hero. but we are not going to mention him because he is HISPANIC.
It’s ashame because he was the target an didn’t know it. So sad
Her baby is so lucky to have a mama like that. Rest in peace
@Mind Freshener spent the last ten years bashing Obama creating conspiracy followers and following Alex Jones…. So I’m guilty. I soaked it all up till some of my friends became convinced the earth was flat.. Then I had to let go. Ive been around and back a few times In the air. Next I’m going to do it by boat. So I’m not some liberal bandwagoner. Its so sad to watch all of you devolve into this mess. Divided we fall. What’s the first line again?
That’s what mothers do. Anyone with mothering instincts, will shield an child, be it hers or someone else.
As the army guy, who grabbed the children, who were seperated from their parents, said “he is a father as well, and would hope another person would do the same, if his kid(s) were detached from him or mom, in such a situation.
@blessed14real yeah because all you have is your mother once when she leave this earth there’s nobody that will stand tall with you like she stood tall with you
dad was the real hero
@Epic GamerZ…you are the typical white racist who is part of the problem of today society you know damn well that it was the father who was the real hero. not only he protected his wife but he protected his kid
I would like to thank you for at least specifying “racist” and “extremist” in this post. Because generalizing and grouping all right-wing would be wrong. But I do disagree that it is the “biggest” threat. I think that it is our countries division. Every beautiful American should be working towards love and unity instead of constantly tearing the opposite side down..
NATIVE LATINOS Fook TRUMP no, its still ethnic gang violence. Sorry, but nice try, liar
Youtube is shadow-banning skeptical comments about these shootings, such as if you question whether this was a false flag staged for political maneuvering points; meaning if you post a non-useful-idiot comment, chances are, only you can see that comment (unless it’s a reply it seems). This is some sneaky subversive shite indicative of a totalitarian attempt to control our opinions for their interests. This is why virtually all of these comments are of sheeple who’ve bought into the party line, and the party line right now is guns bad, white people bad, be scared, government fix this.
They’re manipulating us under the deceptive pretext of virtue, and they’re all in on it systemically, that is Trump, the mainstream media, the Zionist/Jew occupied government, ect. People need to understand that the US government is not in control of US sovereignty, nor is the media, but rather alien Israeli/Zionist agents of chaos exploiting citizens for their ethnic and corporate interests are, paying off or blackmailing US politicians to promote their agendas, pushing destructive policies like logistically and socially degenerative mass 3rd world immigration that will lead to even more ethnic conflicts like this alleged El Paso shooting.
The government and media being coopted by Israel explains why there’re constant character attacks on white people for statistically relatively rare crimes, outright staged by them at least in some cases to justify further gun bans and white demonization, deemed a terrorist danger despite paling in comparison to the violence of other ethnic groups. Meanwhile, negros shooting negros in the ghetto daily get nowhere near the same hoopla from the government and media.
Candy West —taltal lied, there’s NO official info on Dayton shooter Betts. Tantalizer got it from a twitter
@An Hero Of Men the biggest threat is you and people who think like you. Your president, not mine.
Prayers to their family
It’s the very least you can do.
At this point, enough with the thoughts and prayers. Thoughts and prayers don’t stop bullets.
This child has to grow up without a mother.
Because of a terrorist attack.
ybk lamar Racism is NOT mental illness
Jason G nevertheless in America terrorism is implemented by white christian folks.
Terrorism is terrorism and America is full of hime grown terrorists hurting their OWN fellow Americans.
Beats horror overseas!
Shame on you defending and minimizing their atrocities.
@George joy Mass schooling shootings and ones like this is!! Experts will tell you.
@basher basher you said it so good. He is not Muslim he’s not one of those Bad Illegally, and he is not Black, He is a White RACIST hateful Heartless soulless shameless Republican TERRORIST, and was taken alive after committing a Massacre
@LOGIC… are the typical white racist who is part of the problem of today society you know damn well that it was the father who was the real hero. not only he protected his wife but he protected his kid
I remember when sandy hook happened….Obama was going to sign gun control bills but the corrupt Republicans blocked the bill.
Herr Drumpf gun control only takes rights away from law abiding citizens. It does nothing to people who break the law
Both tRump and Moscow Mitch are not serving the American people and need to be impeached!!!
@Bryan Halstead because recucks lie.
there are no words that can explain such loss. This couple died protecting their baby. My prayers go to the families who have lost loved ones. Shame on anyone who are trying to divert attention with pathetic stories of alleged fractures sustained, I say ” Nyet davariche, nyet.”
The world is a better place.
@Mockery Channel brave words hiding behind a keyboard go suck on lead.
@Mockery Channel are you a closet fucktard? Summat very obviously got under your skin.
Go play with the traffic feckulent kkk.
I wonder how these domestic terrorists manage to live and be treated humanely after murdering dozens of people when some people don’t survive a traffic stop…
@Pinkie Bell Your projecting meaning you hold racist views
@Pinkie Bell He isnt saying all black people ALL brown you THINK that and thats why you say there is a problem funny its inside you other people dont think this way!
@A *Wal your right they are NOT but the one’s that are RACIST pigs all stick together. I have friends i grew up with that have RACIST family members but that didnt chance our friendship. They might not be same color i am but they will always be my brothers and sisters. But we not talking about all whites here we are talking about RACIST white PPL. Hell you dont think for a minute your safe just cause your White u can have a black husband or wife in the biggots eyes you will forever be a N×××er lover .
Fox News , once again, disabled their comments section. Shows how extremely embarrassed they are of their viewers.
Fox news didn’t spend the last three years spreading lies and making divisions between the people.
That all cnn.
cause we have democrat trolls in the comment section all the time pretending to be racist republicans
They’re hiding the cowards!
Youtube is shadow-banning skeptical comments about these shootings, such as if you question whether this was a false flag staged for political maneuvering points; meaning if you post a non-useful-idiot comment, chances are, only you can see that comment (unless it’s a reply it seems). This is some sneaky subversive shite indicative of a totalitarian attempt to control our opinions for their interests. This is why virtually all of these comments are of sheeple who’ve bought into the party line, and the party line right now is guns bad, white people bad, be scared, government fix this.
They’re manipulating us under the deceptive pretext of virtue, and they’re all in on it systemically, that is Trump, the mainstream media, the Zionist/Jew occupied government, ect. People need to understand that the US government is not in control of US sovereignty, nor is the media, but rather alien Israeli/Zionist agents of chaos exploiting citizens for their ethnic and corporate interests are, paying off or blackmailing US politicians to promote their agendas, pushing destructive policies like logistically and socially degenerative mass 3rd world immigration that will lead to even more ethnic conflicts like this alleged El Paso shooting.
The government and media being coopted by Israel explains why there’re constant character attacks on white people for statistically relatively rare crimes, outright staged by them at least in some cases to justify further gun bans and white demonization, deemed a terrorist danger despite paling in comparison to the violence of other ethnic groups. Meanwhile, negros shooting negros in the ghetto daily get nowhere near the same hoopla from the government and media.
the USA is now unstable in the eyes of world travelers and tourists, a KILL ZONE. NOT Great for the Melting pot and freedom shining Beacon on the hill ..
Octavian Popescu so fun control does what? If a maniac wants to kill people he can just buy a dump truck and plow people over. Gun control doesn’t work for maniacs who want to kill.
Snowy Long your country has no issues. Idiot.
Ralph Goober most by handguns not these rifles these lefties want to confiscate.
@Earthen Brown Yeah, 1 mass shooting every 3 to 4 years in France vs 1 (or more) per day in the US. Way to make the OP’s point for them lol.
Bob W yeah one attack killing over 100… great gun control works. You lefties will never get our guns. So sad for you. Repeal the second amendment if you can but I think you’ll have a problem with that.
Horrible, horrible, horrible. May they rest in peace (as well as all the victims of gun violence both recent and past)…
My deepest condolences and prayers to their families , rest in peace forever Amen.
@Michael C God bless and be with USA
and President Trump forever Amen.
@G Holmes You killed IS born citizens. Your cancer will end soon.
I didn’t kill anyone Laura…. yet..@Laura R Barrow
This is so sad…a young family taken too soon. May god bless this family.
That the same “god” that did nothing to stop this? Is your “god” not all powerful? If so did it choose to do nothing? Or is this “god” of yours not able to stop these things? Either way that’s a pretty fucking weak “god”, why would you worship such an immoral thing? I suppose the difference between these people and your “god” is they actually did something to help, to save people – while your “god” either sat by doing nothing or, guess what, doesn’t exist. SMH.
@Ross Carlson Why do atheists go out of their way to prove that God is not real. What matters? Let people pray in peace. That’s why people label yall as evil. Be an atheist but don’t shun people who aren’t.
@Crystal Harris Wow, the arrogance – I ask questions and you make assertions, not surprising at all. I do appreciate your honesty that “god” is proven to not be real, although I’d never make that argument as it’s just as impossible to prove as one exists. And so I’m evil because I reject the assertion that “god” exists – do you believe in Thor? Ra? Hera? Vishnu? Let me guess, no – you’re an atheist about all those “gods”, right? How evil of you then, right? And to answer your question about why I care to point out the absurdity – because of the power religion has over the world, forcing it’s beliefs on others via legislation and the idea of their morality. I’m happy to let people believe whatever they want to “in peace”, the problem is that’s not what happens. How many people have died on this planet in the name of “gods”? And how many have died in the name of “not believing in some god”? (I’ll help you – 1: Billions, 2: none). Sorry that the truth of reality hurts so much – funny that you don’t refute any of what I say, you just attack and insult me, very typical of theists isn’t it?
@Ross Carlson Since you want to be technical, I never called you evil. I said that’s why people label atheists as evil. You speak of the power that religion has on the world as if it’s only been bad. Don’t be the atheist that complains about forcing beliefs on others when you’re trying to do the exact same thing. Don’t act like your comment wasn’t condescending and you were just asking questions. “That’s a fucking weak “god””. Really… Like I said, it’s fine that you don’t believe in God but no need to disrespect someone else’s beliefs then get offended when someone disrespects yours. Atheists have become the very thing they hated the Church for by forcing their non beliefs down people’s throats and shaming people who don’t think like them. Don’t complain about insults when you insulted first, Idiot.
This just tore my heart my condolences to all the victims in Texas Ohio and The Garlic Festival in Gilroy Ca.
Both parents died protecting their son. Please don’t leave the father out because he too died protecting his wife and son.
@John Patrick BULLSHIT !
@John Patrick In his manifesto and on his social media he retweeted Trump retoric and said horrible crap about immigrants and hispanics ! Stop fucking bullshitting loser !
racism is a bish. the didn’t mention the father because he was a hispanic man.