1. @Shelby Lee Keep buying what they’re selling. How to tell someone you’re a racist without saying you’re a racist.

      See your first comment.

  1. This coming up election is not about politics it is about being aware and saving the Democracy !!!

    1. If a democracy ever gets to the point where it needs to be saved, voting usually isn’t enough.

    2. @JasonDrvmz I know exactly what it is. And any of the various combinations of descriptors are ALL forms of democracy. A constitutional republic is a representative democracy. Google really is your friend and learning isn’t painful, I promise.

  2. The fact that our citizens can say they are ” burned out” on politics really tells us how uninformed our country is. Politics isn’t something you do once every 4 years and then you get to ignore it until it comes around again. You need to follow it, research candidates, follow laws that your local politicians are passing. When people ignore politics bad things happen. This just shows we failed in educating our people and they have no media literacy or critical thinking.

    1. It’s interesting, as I’ve been watching several young Russian video makers, one in particular, 1420, does street interviews. Many, many Russians say they are pathetic, or apolitical. In part, its because it’s dangerous to talk politics, but also, people gave up, which is the same as burnt out…If you are apolitical, apathetic, or burnt out, all it means is you’ve decided to let someone else make the choices for you, it does not absolve you of responsibility for what they do in your name, and you still have to live with the consequences of someone else’s choices. Americans are starting to sound like the Russians, and if they act like them, we may end up with the same kind of regime.

    2. I’m burned out as a centrist whom agrees on both the right & left on many different things. It can be really exhausting depending on who you’re around lol

      I just hope that Russia’s IRA is too busy managing public opinion of their invasion of Ukraine, and they don’t have the resources to find their way into another social media campaign of influencing American politics.

      They already did it once, and I can’t believe how many people still have no idea what I’m even talking about. I can’t believe how little education we received about it, how little it was talked about. Republicans only cared about “NO COLLUSION”, Dems seemingly wanted to just charge him with something lol any crime. And all just ignored the ready of the Mueller Report ~*

      Please. Read it if you haven’t. Just the first 15 pages and you’ll see.

  3. “Democracy is the belief that the people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard” … H. L. Mencken

  4. Time for change time for new people if you can’t do the right thing then you must be replaced with every new election just keep them new get rid of all of the old and bring in all fresh new Young spirited people to make a real change. Changes only come with fresh young new ideas never the same old thoughts old bad behaviors let’s make a change for the better good 💯‼️

  5. CNN: “53% are burned out on politics”, and then he looks confused and surprised…
    Really, given the political climate over the last 5 years, what did you expect????

    1. @Anton Brakhage name a single achievement by Joe Biden….People way smarter than you have tried to i’m sure I just haven’t heard one yet and trust me I’ve been looking

    2. @Anton Brakhage Yep and all we got to show for it is shortages on food, fuel, and formula but look on the bright side plenty fentanyl though

  6. I sometimes tell my younger friends they should vote because of military veterans. Many of whom gave their lives for “politics”. You sometimes see a glimmer in them. For a second.

  7. The media is causing political burnout. They need to turn down the volume. If they actually did journalism and reported facts without their spin (conservative and liberal alike) people might be more open to discussing real issues.

    1. @bip slone Fuel/energy prices and inflation would be a nice start lol. But instead they are focused on what sex/gender, skin color and political affiliation a person is and offering nothing but dividing content. Applies to both sides

  8. C,mon man , without inflation, the worlds tires would be flat , where’s my ice cream , dammit !!!

  9. I’m an American who has lived most of my life (25+ years) overseas. Every country has its political debates (as they should) and every country I’ve been to has a mixed bag of good and bad policies. More times than not, these countries thrive or dive despite policies not because of them. People and businesses are quite adept at finding work arounds when some policy becomes outdated (or was flawed to begin with). America has a vibrant mix of industries (we are not beholden to one, like oil), we have great universities, we have institutions who are often the world standard and we have a democratic process that allows us to make adjustments as we continue to grow. People can make their voices heard (our constitutional right) and this feedback loop informs our politicians and our voters. We are not perfect but we have a lot of good things going for us. I’m in week nine of a lockdown in a country that has no such feedback loop and where it requires a VPN to access media content (including YouTube) that is not government propaganda. America, you can and will survive poor policies. Dumb ideas will always be there for debate (don’t let your news outlet convince you that every dumb idea is an existential threat). Make your voice heard & exercise your right to vote so the feedback loop functions and appreciate what you have. Living away from my dear country for so long makes me shake my head when I see some of the silly infighting and it also makes me grateful that my kids will enjoy the freedoms that so many others wish to have.

    1. I don’t think that’ll happen. Sorry to inform you. It really is that bad here. Most older people that I’ve spoken with agree. Admire your optimism though.

    2. I’m also an ex-pat, retired career US Army soldier. Looking in from over here it just looks like a perverted and endless South Park episode. Electing Democrat or Republican will not stop violent crime nor inspire responsible living. But it does offer a good excuse to live miserably.

  10. Term Limits, cut the budget! Cut pay for house and senate by 50%, cut off the free health care they get and make them pay for it like we have too. It’s time to get this nation back in check with the spending ourselves broke.

  11. The public is simply tired of the same pool of choices … it’s more like a puddle.
    We always pick from old rich dudes that won’t represent the true people… on “ both sides”
    Maybe if we had candidates that were relatable… and had a PLAN …. We would be more behind it.
    All the hype is just overwhelming and sometimes the bs runs over the real issues….

  12. If only we could take a “shot across the bow” at sleazy legacy media manipulators & the corrupt institutional failures.

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