Supporters of President Donald Trump gathered in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, as part of a "Stop the Steal" protest. CNN's Donie O'Sullivan talks to them about why they believe the election was stolen. #CNN #News #DonieOSullivan
These Trump supporters think the election was stolen. We ask them why

The irony of that Trump lady saying “Question everything”
@Rino Ponce Well, presuming you’ve researched your numbers accurately, #1) I’d say because more people voted this time. Maybe clearer minds prevailed, seeing the urgency of getting the corrupt, unfit lunatic OUT of office. #2) We had more mail-in votes due to the pandemic. Since more democrats tend to take the virus more seriously, as opposed to many republicans who follow Trumps irresponsible bad example, logically more mail-in ballots supported Biden. CNN never claimed “everybody was dying from the virus”. And “So many mailmen throwing away the ballots’? Really?Where did you get that information? And you know the political affiliation of postal workers? #3) Probably because a larger percentage of the voters who voted at the polls were republicans. Presumably those votes are counted before all the mail-in ballots. You stated that Trump had at first been winning by a “large margin”. How do you define a large margin? I don’t think it was all that large. #4) Don:t understand your question. “Close states”? #5) Dead people do not vote. #6) I do not know about underage people voting. Where did you get this information? Is it fact or speculation? (or social media gossip?) And if this was ascertained, in what numbers? And for which candidate? #7) This is a silly question. Why do you think Biden needed to “tell America to count all legal votes”? That is kind of a given. Just because Trump in his paranoia and hysteria was demanding that America “Count all the legal votes”, does not mean Biden should do the same. Because IT IS NOT NECESSARY. That is what happens in an election – they COUNT THE LEGAL VOTES. Trump was bellowing for his followers to both “count all votes” AND then to “stop the count”. Regardless of the clear legal guidelines of the process. There was no evidence of voting fraud happening at all. Looks like Trump was starting to unravel a bit mentally, doesn’t it? And #8) Hopefully I didn’t get your questions out of order here. Why does Trump have 3x more followers on social media?……I’m not even sure what your question is implying. That social media popularity is a defining criterium for political leadership?? I have some doubts there. But, assuming you’re right about that, I’d say because that is the primary, unconventional way Trump chose to “communicate” with the American people. It says nothing about his ability to run a country. Actually, it has made him look more UNfit for that job, if anything; as he is often extremely impulsive, inaccurate (ie he lies on Twitter as much as he lies and obfuscates in person), and is often belligerent and hostile, and in a word, juvenile. So think about these things a bit…. Trump is a very bad loser and has been a very negative and deviding force in this country. And having social media “popularity” – just like having lots of money – does not qualify one to be a great leader.
@Cathy Lindeboom What are your thoughts on the Biden celebrations? See below. Masks “optional” social distancing not present.
@JuggaloSupreme Nope, but keep telling yourself that.
*”’ObamaWillSurely Return…NotAsUSpresident!!”’*
((The 4 corners of this earth, have been warned in 51 languages for 11 yrs. long!))
~~> Pls. Scroll down 2/3 of the way until you see [Face of Obama, the ”LittleHorn”]
Prophecy 115 – Beware Of The Totalitarian Dictatorship Coming To America And The World!
Received Sept. 30, 2009
Click & Scroll down 2/3 of the way until you see [A Picture of Obama, the ”Little-horn]’
References: Daniel Ch. 7, 8 Rev. 12:3, Rev. 13:1-11, Rev. 17:3-16, | 2 Thes. 2:7, 3-10
Repent and Seek your Eternal Salvation while YAHUVEH GOD can be found.!!!
((The narrow door is closing!!!)
Obama’s face
Scroll down 2/3 of the Prophecy/WORD of GOD!! (you are now warned!!!)
@S S Um, he wasn’t guilty, they ruled that there was inadequate evidence my friend
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.”
― Albert Einstein
5:10 “Question Everything” feel free to add more question.
1. How did Sleepy Joe get 6 million more votes than Obama in 2008? When Obama won in a landslide.
2. How did we have 20 million more votes this year than in 2016? Considering when we are in a pandemic? Where CNN claims everyone is dying from coronavirus? Also considered there are so many mailman throwing away ballots?
3. How likely is it since during Election Day Trump was winning by large margin in PA, MI, WI, GA and now are losing in all of them?
4. How is after Election Day Trump has not won any of the close states that’s including Arizona and Nevada?
5. The dead people voting True or False?
6. Underage people voting True or False?
7. How is Trump losing when you consider Trump has 3 or more times more followers in Social Media than Joe Biden?
8. Why doesn’t Biden want to tell America to count all legal votes?
”’No stones will be unturned!!” -~> View & pass on!!!
*Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive*
*VOTER FRAUD organization” in history.* 1,500,481 views Oct 24, 2020 (0.24 min)
@O G It was too obvious that Putin gave Trump the White House win considering how much misinformation they spewed over social media platforms to rank him up.
Stupid people make stupid people famous.
It’s futile to explain things to people who are closed-minded.
“It’s easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled “Mark Twain
BAM!!! spot on
What a great quote!
@K9 obviously you have accepted that, good for you.
She said “question everything”, but she’s not questioning the “proof” provided by random videos on the internet
@SirTurtle TheThird Absolutely, but first I need you to provide factual evidence to refute me. Thank you
@Stephens Odyssey Lawsuits Attacking Election Results Require Evidence. Trump Has None. Case Dismissed.
@Rino Ponce Okay, you think my answers are biased. Refute my answers using data. I’d love to have an actual civil discussion over this. Joe Biden has said count all the ballots on multiple occasions. Including his speeches on the election week.
@Tony Reinke I have. I’ve said that even Fox News has verified that there were Republican poll watchers viewing the counting process. But so be it:
Claim: “They don’t want us to have any observers, although we won a court case. The judge said you have to have observers.”
“Democrats have gone to the State Supreme Court to try and ban our election observers, and very strongly. Now, we won the case, but they’re going forward. They don’t want anybody in there.”
Rating: False
Referring to the vote-counting going on in Pennsylvania, Mr. Trump is incorrect about the position of Philadelphia officials in a dispute over poll watchers at the Philadelphia Convention Center, where ballots are being tallied.
At issue in the dispute is how far poll watchers are from the tables where officials are working, not whether observers are allowed. The Trump campaign argued observers were too far away, and a judge on the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court ruled Thursday that they must be allowed within 6 feet of all ballot canvassing.
Philadelphia officials appealed the order to the state’s supreme court, warning the lower court’s ruling was wrong and “jeopardizes both the safety of the city defendants’ canvass, plus the privacy of voters.”
The city also said the evidence presented “makes clear that candidate and party representatives can observe every portion of the precanvassing and canvassing process.”
Mr. Trump’s own lawyers admitted there are representatives from the campaign in the convention center where ballots are being processed, according to CNN. During a hearing in a separate case filed in federal court, Jerome Marcus, a lawyer for the campaign, told Judge Paul Diamond “there’s a non-zero number of people in the room.”
For some more information on the rules that poll workers have to follow:
For even more info, specifically pertaining to Pennsylvania:
To further refute the idea that there is fraud:
@Tony Reinke Your turn
When people start rioting and killing each other over these false allegations, Trumpf should be held accountable for that.
I agree 100 %
I’ve said it before, Charles Manson was sent to life in prison for less than what trump has done in these 4 years.
He should already be held accountable for how many have died from covid in the states …
it’s the Democrats rioting. Not Trump people. Biden should be help accountable for the fake votes
@Adyel70 I am sorry but neither you hate the president or not is irrelevant. You should care about your right to a fare and free election. Otherwise if we fail to conceive a threat to it we will become just as bad as Venezuela and other dictatorships… here is some stats Proving voter fraud in Penn.
That last guy had the best, and well formulated argument….
“Nah that’s….nah….”
Well met, sir.
The guy saying, oh They can’t fool me. “I research my information thoroughly “. Priceless!
I’ve been told that several times…Ben Ginsburg noted election attorney for 3 R president states no widespread fraud.
David Becker another notable elections attorney stated the same thing.
Former Solicitor General and Constitutional Law Professor was interviewed a day or so ago. Breaks down the faulty election fraud claim, Bill Barr and points out that 60% of all contributions to fund lawsuits goes to paying off campaign debts.. Very fine print on the donation site..Typical R maneuver.
Says the guy who believed the Russia hoax, I’m sure you had all the facts! Sad.
@rob s better luck in the next 4 year LOL sore losers
Who Really Controls the USA?
Do you think it is . . .
“The Evil One controls the whole world.”—1 John 5:19.
“The Son of God came . . . to destroy the devil’s work.”—1 John 3:8, New Century Version.
Logical explanations for the world’s problems.—Revelation 12:12.
Reason to believe that our world will change for the better.—1 John 2:17.
Satan controlling the world’s politics, military, religions, and people
Yes, for at least three reasons:
Satan’s rulership is doomed. Jehovah is determined to bring Satan’s control over mankind to an end. He promises to “bring to nothing . . . the Devil” and undo all the damage that Satan has caused.—Hebrews 2:14, New World Translation.
God has chosen Jesus Christ to rule the world. Jesus is the complete opposite of this world’s present cruel, selfish ruler. Concerning Jesus’ kingship, God promises: “He will have pity on the lowly and the poor . . . From oppression and from violence he will rescue them.”—Psalm 72:13, 14.
God cannot lie. The Bible plainly states: “It is impossible for God to lie.” (Hebrews 6:18) When Jehovah promises to do something, it is as good as done! (Isaiah 55:10, 11) “The ruler of this world will be cast out.”—John 12:31.
A happy family enjoying time outdoors together
What will the world be like after its ruler is removed?
The Bible answers that question at PSALM 37:10, 11 and REVELATION 21:3, 4.
Here is Stats proving to you that the Pennsylvania election process is flawed get out of your CNN bubble and do your research and u will see there is validity to trumps claims
“I’ve seen em on tik tok, I’ve seen em on facebook, I’ve seen em on Fox News.”
You know what buddy, that makes a lot of sense. You make a lot of sense to me.
Yea moron because someone couldn’t happen to catch someone cheating , by recording it on their cell phone and upload it to Facebook , YouTube , Instagram , or tic tok only people who make fake videos can upload to those platforms and people who don’t lie are able to put it videos on platforms like Cnn
Maybe this will make more sense
Duh he’s thier cult leader. They believe everything he says
Says the one that’s posting on CNN with a dem. view. Look you need to stop wasting ur time on here and posting something you know nothing about. I encourage you to get out of your safe space and go check other news channels for your info… here is some Stats that show voter fraud in Pennsylvania
@P Hollywood …….Joined May 9, 2020. Russian bot
@Marc Lucido Go live in Russia.
@mtlartist ……Joined May 20, 2007.. So much access to information, yet so ignorant.
Here is the proof of voter fraud
“The election was stolen.”
“Where’s the proof?”
“We have proof.”
“Where is it?”
“I’ll get it to you.”
“How soon?”
@toptenguy1 Lol…not gonna happen he’s out and it seems you are emotional about it….He has no evidence and you conspiracy theorist need to get a grip and move on….Find another false prophet to worship….
When that woman said, “We’re like a giant science experiment for social media”, I realized that’s the first true and coherent thing I’ve ever heard a Trumpist say.
@J Naylor Lots of evidence. Unclear if it will be enough, but stop lying to yourself.
@toptenguy1 doubt it
@Joy Division well, actually, tRump is the geriatric fraud…
A true king doesnt need to remind his subjects of his title -Tywin Lannister
5:07 lmfao the irony. Let me translate: “I question everything that doesnt support my already bias beliefs.
This is bias?
Atleast she questions,you libtard cant do even that
“Where are all the Trump Ballots that were mailed in?…”
“Trump was telling everyone NOT to mail it in…”
Spot on, my dude
“So you use the information from elected officials”
…and she uses the misinformation from a random video which inadvertently proved what the officials claimed if she actually paid attention. But this shouldn’t be a surprise since these same people will literally drink bleach after listening to a medical expert telling them not to.
@Anthony S2K04
It’s a cult and millions of Trump supporters will need to be deprogrammed. But seriously, everyone is vulnerable because social media keeps you engaged by manipulation, reconfirming your individual bias. Trump, Alex Jones, etc took advantage of that vulnerability and used it to their advantage. Sean Hannity has 40 million reasons to lie to Fox News viewers every night. Now it’s just a cesspool of conspiracy theorists and we are seeing the rise of authoritarian political figures around the world. That’s what happens when you have zero regulation…it becomes the wild west. Watch the Social Dilemma documentary if you haven’t yet. Basically, everyone has their own Truman Show.
@Johan Nilsson
The whole thing is based on the ‘feeling’ that things don’t work out for them and the system (and the people working for and representing it) must be at fault.
And they are correct in their feeling.. I mean they need 3 jobs, they get crappy pay, no proper healthcare.. it adds up. They recognize that.
But their analysis lacks (doh) which means their conclusion is wrong.
The system really is at fault, but the flaw that leads to this is not leftists, foreigners or muslims.. it’s more complicated than that.
Which is why the solution (kicking the kid out with the bathing water) will not solve the problem.
Have fun:
Like the people’s around the world is saying the most Americans people’s whom they’re is Still with Donald Trump right now they’re don’t having enough Educations and I’m thinking that they’re Wright about that some of them didn’t having G.e.d or high School graduation the most of them anyway
@Jangus Roundstone it is because all those people’s they’re very Stupid and don’t having enough Educations
“It’s easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled “Mark Twain
@Pinto Beans Trump has more support among the elderly and the military , most of them have no other option but to vote by mail and most of the democrats are young and live in cities within walking distance from the polls , so they have less reason to vote by mail !
@zozohoney79 Mail in voting is more subject to fraud. Its a fact. Where have you been?
The Emperor’s New Clothes
Here is proof of voter fraud
@MrMiddenfacemcnulty just some it!
““I love the poorly educated”
Donald Trump
Fight hate with love
This sentence is out of context. He was the only president who cared about the middle class. Clearly, America needs to experience communism! Maybe than Democrats supporters will learn the lesson and from the bottom of my heart, I wish them to learn it the hard way. I am from Eastern Europe and I see where it is going. Too bad President Trump lost the election.
@ulsy27 TAKE THAT 12INCH L…
“My buddy Steve Brannon” … who is going to jail for stealing millions from people like her. You can’t make this up.
That lady screams stupidity.
When Steve Bannon is your news source, you have basically fed into the propaganda. My favorite quote is, “Question everything?” The video showing the person lighting the ballots on fire looks completely made up. Why would anyone video themselves lighting ballots on fire? Apparently, they have decided not to question anything that comes out of this regime
@Knock Out Yes that lady did literally scream a bunch of stupidity.
…and who just suggested that Fauci should be beheaded for “treason”…yeah great buddy you got there Karen
Who’s this Trump guy they’re talking about? Never heard of him.
“the evidence is all over the internet”
The Maga cult.
Why didn’t you take that evidence go to court and help trump should be the follow up question? This idiots would bail when asked to do hard work.
Whoa, whoa, are we just not gona take what that first guy saw on tik tok seriously?!
“Question everything.”
I’m fine with that, so long as these people accept others questioning them.